Howard Student Will
Direct Choir at West
End Baptist Church
an a Will Send Tea
His Alma Mater
The 1 toward Bulldogs takit the road
again tils week, when they Journey
to Man vllle.
ml, where 'they meet
Maryvil e Colleg > Saturday afternoon-
Coact McLani; will pit >»la forces-
against hie aim i mater, an he la a
graduat i of M%rj vllle.
elnce Me-
bane las had charge of Howard's
football fortune*. Howard lias sched¬
uled thi Tennetsee eleven.
With the be football machine *
in m. my a se non, and the beet
spirit shown by students, the
Tenn' asee eleven will fight hard
to av
its 13-7 defeat of last
A reception for students, with the
judging of the beauties picked for the
Entre Nous feature section Is being
planned by the annual staff.
Organizations Pick Beauties
Every campus oiganlzatlon was glv-
on the privilege of' submitting one en¬
trant in the contest and the winners
ure to be selected by five prominent
Birmingham judges the night of the
reception. Nances of the beauties
were turned in to Loee Salter, editor
of the Entro Nous today, and will be
announced through the Crimson later.
The date for the reception has not
been definitely set, but will probably
be held in late November. The com¬
plete plans have not been worked out,
but the first college social of this
nature will soon be announced, giving
the details.
Seeded Players Pass First
Round Of Tournament
Victor Jones, former Howard stu¬
dent, has been added to Howard’s fac¬
ulty as instructor in History. Jones
was an A student in college and left
school in his junior year to accept a
position as instructor in English In
Mexico. After spending a year in that
country, he returned to Howard this
fall, when he was added to the fac¬
Curtis Williams, senior at Howard,
has been ape^nted director of the Bir¬
mingham West End Baptist Church
choir. Williams, during his stay at
Howard, has been prominent In this
type of work, being In the glee club,
director of the chapel choir, and lead¬
ing the singing at the college revival
held last spring. He well deserves
his appointment to choir directorship.
He will assume his new position im¬
mediately, and will have charge of
the Sunday musical program.
All favorites in the college tennis
tournament, survived the opening
rounds. Barton, Hendricks, Gay, Wil¬
liams, Moore, Andrews, Cosby and
Waldron, the seeded players, still re¬
mained In the running, through Sat¬
urday's play.
"Teedy” Waldron wae the fleet play¬
er to reach the third round, defeating
Bill DeLoach to advance.
John Barton had a tough time with
Robert "Squeechy" Hall, in his open¬
ing round. He finally -pulled the
match out of the fire, defeating him.
7-5, 7-9, 6-2. Hall Jqst kept knocking
the ball back.
Amasa Windham, and Bob Ansley,
had tought luck, dropping out in the
first rounds, but they seemed to en¬
joy the tennis, to the accompaniment
of Campbell Napier's “uke”.
Somebody left but the name of Prof.
Bailee in the entry list, and he was
not In the tournament. Prof. Bailee
is one of the most interested tennis
players on the campus and can always
he talked Into a match. He is respon¬
sible for the courts now on the cam¬
Harvey Moore had little trouble in
winning his opening match with James
Edwards 64),
Moore was seeded
number four In the tournament and
will be watched with Interest, due to
his being a football player.
Walter Smith and
seemed too lazy to play their first
round and matched for it DeLoach
won. That's one way of deciding a
tennis champion.
The single matches will continue
through this week, with the doubles
and girl's singles scheduled after
Fred Andrews is In charge of the
Howard Tennis Tournament
Officers And New
Members Elected
To Pi Kappa Theta
the grat OnHeraity of Tennessee
team tt at handed Alabama a 25-0 de¬
feat, oi ly ran tp 33 poinia against
McLane s alma mater.
. The 1 ulldogs i nter the coming fray
in the >est condition .they lave been
In all e< aeon. Simmons, the only man
not see ng service in the last game,
will be back in uniform lefore the
week ii out.
This contest will be the third
straight out-of-ti wn game. The Bull¬
dogs w II again invade Tennessee for
the th!«l time the following week
mincham - Southern Co-Eds
And Phillips Represented
At a meeting of PI Kappa Theta
Thursday. Wibur Blackmon was
elected president for the year 1931-32.
Other officers are: Braxton B. Carr,
vice president; Mary Hargrave, secre¬
tary, and Beulah Caudell, treasurer.
Pi Kappa Theta was organized last
fall by members of the Crimson staff
with Harry Bertram Cohen as presi¬
dent. Membership ie limited to twenty
and election Ib based upon Journalistic
ability and service to The'Crimson.
On Wednesday afternoon girls from
Howard College, Southern and the
local high schools met at Phillips
High School to form a Hockey Club.
The club is to meet each Wednes¬
day afternoon from 4 to 5 at Phlllipe
High School, 7th Avenue and 24th
Street. The purpose of the club is to
set forth the benefits of hockey and
to perfect the game of those inter
Every Organization On Cam¬
pus To Appear In Chapel
The student body wJU hold a meet¬
ing every other Friday In chapel this
year. The officers and committees
have planned to have interesting and
entertaining programs, each sponsor¬
ed by an organization on the campus.
The Delta Zetas were responsible for
our entertainment last week. Mar¬
garet Fitzpatrick was master of cere¬
monies. The first number was a
quartet composed of Melvin Bentley,
Robert Ansley, Campbell Napier and
Campbell's “uke," who sang, "I Don4
Know Why They Want My Picture
This was followed by a tap dance
by Dorothy Lanier and Ruth Carver;
they wore assisted at the piano by
Former Howardile
Vi tits The Campus
Or Way To Atlanta
^nsley, Made Berry, Jimmie Cooper,
Margaret Fitzpatrick, Malcom Ful¬
ler, Louise Harrison, Elizabeth Kron-
enberg, Majel Mangun, DeWItt Mat¬
thews, Paul O'Neal, Wallace Ward
and J. W. Wells.
The fraternity will meet twice a
month. Announcements will be made
later about time and place.
Any girls interested in hockey may
attend the meetings. Shin pads may
be obtained from Miss Cate. How¬
ard's representatives "e Majel Man-
gun, Panline Band and Evelyn Atchi¬
MisB Pauline Band entertained the
Booklovers Club at her home Thurs¬
day evening, OcL 15. The Halloween
motif wae carried out in the decora¬
tion of the house, the games, and the
Miss Hazel Kyle, president of the
Booklovers, initiated Miss Mabel Wil¬
loughby and Miss Floyd Childs, new
members of the faculty Into the mys¬
teries of the magic of Howard Col¬
lege. Misses Boyette. Haynes, Cate,
and Stinson were other members of
the faculty present.
The thirty Booklovers who attended
the party were Initiated into many
secrets of Halloween lore. Misses
'Elaine Aaron. Elsie Gammlll. Nina
Mlglionleo, and Clara McEachern en¬
tertained the
Juniors Hold Class
Election To Select
3 Council Members
gained more tennis honors last week
when he won the city lawn tennis
Andrews is ranking number one
player in Birmingham and reached his
peak in tournament play this season
when he was defeated only once. J.
C. Miller, former Howard net star, is
the only Birmingham player to hold
a verdict over Andrews.
Besides his local prominence, he
was sent to the national tournament
as a representative of the Birmingham
club this Hummer.
Andrews is in charge of the cam¬
pus tennis tournament now being held
and also has charge of the physical
education tennis classes now being
conducted. He bids to bring honor to
Howard during his stay here when
the' tennis season opens.
At a meeting of the Junior class
held Tuesday morning, Vic Randolph,
Herbert Eubank and Frances Fuller
were elected to serve as student coun¬
cil representatives.
These officers were elected to fill
the vacancies left by Earl Goodwin
and Julia Johnston, who did not re¬
turn to school this year.
An Increase In stiident council rep¬
resentation permitted the juniors to
select another member.
Ed 8weeney, president of the class,
The pledges of Alpha Delta PI So¬
rority entertained the active chapter
at a formal tea Sunday afternoon. Oc¬
tober 13, at the home of Miss Hardee
Tile living room was beautifully
decorated with fall flowers earning
out a color scheme of yellow and
green. The tea table was spread with
Venetian lace over yellow satin, and
was centered with a silver vase of
talisman rosea.
Miss Hardee Martin received the
guests. Others In the receiving line
were: Miss Elsie Prewitt, president.
Kappa chapter of Alpha Delta Pi;
MIsh Virginia Sharpies, Tice presi¬
dent: Miss Doris May, secretary; and
Miss Mary Elizabeth Gray, treasurer.
The girls were dressed In pastel
members with piano
The Booklovers Club Year Book,
bound In clnb colors of purple and
white, was Issued to all present
Thanks were given to Miss Hazel Kyle
and Miss Gladys Timmons for their
presided over the meeting.
Dominations were In order, with the
above named members victorious in
the voting.
Dr. Brakefield And Miss Eleanor Lee
Quietly Married Friday Afternoon
A reception was held in their honor
upon thalr arrival In Birmingham.
Miss Thera Mae Towery received
the guests at the reception. Miss
Leila Stinson poured coffee. Serving
were Misses Catherine Munsell. Mar¬
garet Padgett and Dorothy Galloway.
Attending the reception were Miss
Olivia Prescott and Prof. Paul D.
Bales, Miss Moore and Prof. Wilmoat
Wood, Mies Evelyn Sherer and Er-
skine Brakefield, Misses Ethelyne
Bondurant, Anabel Hendon. AddUee
Mattison, Mabel Willoughby and Floyd
Childs; Messrs. Claude Montgomery,
Shirley Brakefield. Paul Rosenthal,
Howard Crane, Walter McIntosh and
Braxton B. Carr; the father and moth¬
er of the bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs.
J. A Brakefield: Mias Nell Brakefield.
Hollis Brakefield. Smllle Brakefield,
Dr. H. M. Martin, Mrs. Hugh Paul
Gourley, Dr. and Mrs, James Alto
Ward. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bo-
A marriage of interest to a wide
circle of friends throughout the South
was that of Miss Eleanor Lee, of Cull¬
man, to Dr. James L, Brakefield, of
the Howard College faculty, which was
of the bride
Summ .rising briefly his iddreas. Dr.
Reid ct aclud* d. “Know Christ as
Saviour uid daater of your life,
know thi Bible and store Its truths In
your hoi rt: know how to
Gospel i i an i.ttractive way*
attentioi to th ngs of beauty, such is
poetry .nd mask:; know folk and
bow to landle them, not as a slave
driver, b it in a spirit of love and sym¬
pathy. JlHtnto the art. of leader-
*hThe d. votlon U. which preceded Dr.
Reid's a dress, was conducted by Al-
The Freshmen members of Y. W.
C. A. had charge of the program
Thursday. Bess McCormas, president,
was In charge. Under the direction
of Well Turner, the following program
solemnised at the hoi
Friday at 5 p. m.
Mrs. Brakefield Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mra. R. E. Lee. She attended
Judson and Howard Colleges. In ad¬
dition to being a very charming young
woman with a pleasing personality,
she is a talented musician.
Dr. Brakefield has been head of the
Howard Biology Department since
1926. He is on the board or directors
of the Birmingham Civic Clnb and has
been secretary of the Alabama Acad¬
emy of Science since 1926. He is
member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi
Chi, Sigma Pi and Phi Sigma Fratern¬
ities. Dr. Brakefield Is Also a lec¬
turer and research writer of promln
"The Wedding,” a reading, by Evelyn
Suddeth; a violin solo, "TraumerU,”
by Schumann, played by Leonte 8aye;
“The Garden of Roses,” and “Song of
the South* vocal solos by Nona Lea-
therwood, accompanied by Mias Payne
Thursday morning Margaret Pad¬
gett, Freida Trawlck and Sylvia Sea¬
son will tell of their experiences at
Blue Ridge this summer.
Uaumrb Crimson
Beauties Will Be Named To
Be In Feature Section
Date For Social Function Set
For Late November
Former Howardite Is
Added to Faculty As
Instructor in History
Howard College Selected as Meeting Place of Annual
Convention Next Year; Many Howard Students
Attend Great Session at 'Tuscaloosa.
DeWitt Matthews, of Howard, was elected state president of
the Baptist Students' Union at the annual convention in Tuscaloosa
last week. Howard was selected as the meeting place for the con¬
vention next year, with the Baptist churches and Howard as hosts.
The ninth annual Alabama B. 8. U.
Convention which was held with the
University of Alabama and First Bap¬
tist Church at Tuscaloosa. Alabama,
came to a close on Sunday afternoon,
Oct. 18.
The keynote of the convention was
“Victory for Christ,” and the key
verse was, “And this is the victory
that overcometh the world, even our
This meeting was promoted jointly
by the Alabama B. 8. U., the Student
Department, Baptist Sunday School
Board, and the Department of Educa¬
tion and Training of the state. Mr. •
Frank Leavell is secretary of the
Baptist Sunday School Board and Mr.
Davie C. Cooper, Jr., is director of the
Education and Training Department
splendid wort in preparing it.
The next meeting of the Booklovera
Club will be held Taaaday Oct. 27. at
10:30 a. m. Dr. Mason Trill speak on
contemporary poetry. AO students in¬
terested in poetry are invited to
to Mias Boyette’s
There were over 200 students in at¬
tendance at this meeting, Howard
having the largest delegation of any
school in the state.
The hostess churches of this con¬
vention and their pastors were, First
Baptist Church, Dr. J. P. Boone, pae
tor; Calvary Baptist Church, Rev. A.
D. Kfnnett, pastor; Northport Baptist
Church, Rev. B. F. Atkins, pastor.
These churches and the people of Tus¬
caloosa entertained the out-of-town
students in a most gracious manner.
MIse Eleanore Yoet of Alabama
College presided over the assembly.
She is the retiring state president of
B. 8. U. Other retiring state officers
a: Frank Turner, Auburn; Beulah
Caudell, Howard, and Margaret Ar¬
nold, Judson. who were vice presi¬
dents and Herman Ingram. University
of Alabama, who was state secretary.
Other new officers are: Hattie Lon
Briscoe of Judeon, vice president, and
James Griffin, of Auburn, secretary.
These are ail the state officers elect¬
ed for this year: All Howard rejoices
on the election of one of her students
to fill the presidency of this out¬
standing state and college organiza¬
Ellison Coeby of Howard, directed
the music of the convention In a mas¬
terly way and received the commen¬
dation of the entire assembly. Miss
Margaret Hayslette of Tuscaloosa,
was the organist. \
New Officer» l
Other students by their eloquent
and Inspirational talks placed Howard
before the convention as one of the
foremost colleges In the state in B.
S. U. work. These were J. W. Welle,
Dewitt Mathews and Paul O'Neal.
Prof. T. R. Eagles and Dr. J. E
Dillard also brought admiration for
our college by their addresses.
Out-of-state speakers at this meet¬
ing were Mr. Frank Leavell, secretary,
Baptist Sunday School Board, Naab-
vllle, Tenn.; Dr J. B. Lawrence, sec¬
retary of Home Misalon Board of
Southern Baptist Convention, Atlanta,
Oa.; Dr. R. J. Bateman, pastor. First
Baptist Church, Memphis, Tenn. Other
speakers wore Dr. L. E. Barton, of
Montgomery, Prof. J. L. Riddle of
Montevallo, Dr. L. G. Cloverdon Of
Marion. Miss Kathleen Hagood of
Montgomery, Mr. R. F. Royal of Tus¬
caloosa, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ma¬
guire, and Mr. Davis Cooper, all of
An informal dinner was given at
the Union Building of the University
Saturday evening, and the Saturday
evening aeesion of the convention was
held in the University auditorium at
which time a play, “The Leaven,” was
presented by the University student*.
Beulah Caudell gave a reading and
Howard students rallied to the pep
song and the Howard Alma Mater at
the informal dinner on Saturday even¬
This student convention la an an¬
nual affair and the Baptist churches
of Birmingham and Howard College
will act as hosts to delegatee from
seven colleges In onr state next year.
There MIU be a regular meeting
of the Crimson staff Thursday
morning at 10:80 in Room 2 of th*
Main Building.
The staff will -meet bi-monthly
thle year, every other Thursday.
oamigrd University