Howard Bulldogs will open tbelr
IMS football season in Birmingham
Friday night and at the same time in¬
augurate college night football at La-
Ion Field. Spring
rated this year
as a strong contender, will bring the
opposing eleran here Friday.
Coaches Dillon and McLane started
the grind for Spring Hill Monday aft¬
ernoon with cooler weather making It
look more favorable for a week of
bard work.
All of the squad Jumped Into the
practice session Monday with a de¬
termination brought on by the defeat
In New Orleans, and the coaches
started the grind with new knowledge
ns to the rough spots in the working
of the team.
From down near Mobile comes the
report that the Spring Hill gri deters
are showing np well ns they drill for
n chance at the Bulldogs. With a team
composed of several veterans, dope-
sters give them an even or more than
even chance to atop the Bulldogs.
There is some talk about a jinx.
Howard has defeated Spring Hill but
twice since they have been playing.
Back in 1914 the Bulldogs triumphed
and again last year they trampled on
Spring Hill for a 37-0 win.
Eleven Bulldogs, with more ready to
take up thq fight from time to time,
will be disputing that Jinx matter Fri¬
day night.
With the school readjust two weeks
eld Miss Eleanor Sudduth, Editor-In-
Chief, Entre Nous, announces her staff
as follows:
Eleanor Sudduth, Editor-In-Chief.
Williams HoUbrook, Business Man¬
Assistant Managers — Rayburn
Fisher and T. H. Peacock.
Assistant Editors — Sara Cunning¬
ham and John Frye.
Class Editors:
Senior — Vance Johnston.
Janlor — Irene Hacker.
Sophomore — Alfred Turnlpeeed.
Freshmen— Ethel Miller.
Sports Editors -John Will Oey, Jr,
Oh, boy! Tomorrow is "College
Day" at the Alabama State Fair and
believe me we are going to have some
lively time out there. Gee, but this
is almost like getting a real holiday—
anyway we are going ont to the fair
and show the ladles of the Axis Club
that Howard students will outnumber
Southern’s two to one. All aboard for
the fair!
Here we are at the fair ladles and
gentlemen, dismount and hitch your
horse to s tree or let yonr Beco sedan
go on whichever the case may be.
Hey, hey! What la going on right
down there — listen, there he goes!
“Btep lively folks! Step right up
There It ie and it is— noise,
noise everywhere On
11 sides you
will he elbowing 4s with batar
dolls, boxes of ba<_„. candies of all
kinds, cotton candy, oh, my, and bal¬
loons. red, wh!‘". green, yellow, orange
—yes, nil colors.
Students attending the fair should
pay special attention to the many ex¬
hibits. AH of them are very Interest¬
ing mud quite worthwhile from an edn-
cational standpoint Ton should es¬
pecially aee the agricultural display
all of 'em for they are all
will probably add to the reserve
strength of the team. Mitch Burns,
who was ill last week, is back in shape
Although nothing definite bee been
given ont as to the line-up it may be
correct to name the starting bunch fa
the Loyola game. It wan: 8picer and
Harris, ends; Griffith and dark,
tackles; Williams and Rhudy, guards;
Suddeth, center; Harris and Bradley,
half becks; Van Buaklrk, quarterback,
and Red Garrett, full beck. Raymond
Deris, who saw plenty of action Sat¬
urday, may be in the pivot position,
while Hargrove may displace Harold
Harris at end. Lee Roberts may get a
shot at one of the guard positions,
It Is expected that the freshmen
wffl be overburdened when they turn
tkalr weary steps homeward tomor¬
row eight for no doubt they will be
heavily ladden with blankets, dolls,
candles, bracelets, bacon, cedar chests,
birds, and all manner of things that
can be won at the fair tor all of the
freshmen are lucky — that Is, if their
money can hold out long enough. Re¬
member to vielt the Axle Club Booth
and to buy something from them If
possible ms this Is one of their ways
of getting money ter the scholarships
which they give to worthy students in
Howard College.
-Hey— hey— hi— hi! Come right on
over it’s your last chance to win a
wonderful prise- Something to take
home to your' wife or sweetheart.
Something that they will appreciate!
Coma on, come on. everybody before
wa close for the night— Just one more
chance and then we close. . . . All's
done, we're over for the night. Come
back again boys and maybe you will
have more luck. Goodnight!"
* run DAIVIltn
come into the fold and the fail otter _
he arrived in Birmingham he was nd- . . _
muted to the downtown school. Is Cabm to Be BoOt
was during his stay of a year and a for Us* of Girls
halt In Birmingham that he came to -
know PTof- Fred G. Wlegsnd, who Although the year is still young the
was his violin teacher. After three j. W. C. A. has already begun He
semesters st Phillips young Reed bled WOrk. At the first meeting an un-
hlmself away to Chicago to live where
urge crowd of new and old
he attended Lakeview High School members was present end high in-
and the Bush Conservatory. But— terest waa shown. Elisabeth Lawson,
they always come back and this was the vice president, had charge of the
true of Crawford for after a stay of excellent program. Beatrice Newman,
one yegr In Chicago ha came back to whe president of the Freshman
PhttUpd and finished there with the Commission, spoke on the purpose of
class of IMS. the T. W. C. A. and told of Ita high
Crawford Reed’s record at Phillips alms and broad scope. Margaret Hass-
ls one of rare achievement and tba ier, president of the “T” welcomed the
many honors that be received there new members, after which Virginia
$5 In Gold
Crimson Art Contest
The Howard College T. M. C. A.
led by President Robert B. Caine, Jr,
held the ftarat meeting last night. Sept
25, in Renfroe Hall. This meeting
Was devoted wholly to business, sad
to the formulating of plans for the
Toot! Toot! Toot-ta-lute-ta! r J
they go! Oh hoy isn't that seme i
band, do ten. The band this yarn
der the direction of Prof. J. E.
tart. Jr, la looking forward to aac
CARDS” most be presented at
tbe Student Ticket Booth at tbe
Municipal Stadium on Friday
aigbt if you wish to c« yom tick¬
ets for the game. Please have
yonr cards WITH YOU or else
you asay not be able to get in witfa-
cut buying a ticket.
Only THREE daya maam for
them pacta
made for the Entre Nona at Tor-
This is an argent appeal from
the Entre Nous management that
this important matter be attended
to promptly.