Miss Marie Bost is at Black Moun-
tain. North Carolina, getting cooled
a bit of advice I want to give to Mil-
ton Doughty. He is a Alpha Lambda
Tau and a right good chap but Milton,
never let your thoughts mislead your
judgment as they did in class the
other day. Tut- tut, Milton, you know
what I mean.
Do you remember Bennie Spinks?
I know you do. We all love Bennie
and were quite surprised to find out
that she was a mistress of arts, who
robbed a bachelor (Dr. Mason) of his
degree, and is forcing him to study
philosophy by' means of certain lec¬
tures— but frop all I can gather he
doesn't mind.
Now, here's just a bit of some of
Howard's romance. As I was walk¬
ing up the campus the other night I
heard Harold Freeman say to his lady
fair. Ethel WSlker:
The world is 'filled with flowers,
And the flowers are filled with dew,
And the dew is filled with love
And ? ? ? ? ? ?
Gee! Harold I didn’t know you
could be so romantic!
I took a step or two farther. I
ran right into Bob Rowland and Ed-
wyna Walker. Now I know romance
was in the atmosphere and Bob tried
to catch at bit of it. He tried to make
a fitting verse for his lady friend and
was sort of confused. I couldn't make
it out at all. A day or two later X
Dr. Garrett has been on the campne
several times lately making final
preparations for his departure.
Miss IjQttie Johnson has returned
Many Improvements Planned
At Meeting of Alumni
Improvement In Spirit Of Student Body Noted This Summeir.
Keen Interest And Rivalry Expected In
Voting Tomorrow
Plans were laid for the complete
furnishing of the library-study hall In
the Sigma Delta Chi' house last Sun¬
day afternoon at a reunion of mem¬
bers and alumni. Other details to-
An election, sponsored by the Crimson, will be held tomorrow,
August 4, to determine "Who's Who In Howard." It is expected
that this method will settle opinion as to who the most popular girl
is, the laziest boy, best loved instructor, and so on till all the unusual
people on the campus are identified.
ward the Improvement of the frater¬
nity were announced, including the
organising of an alumni association
embracing all •ember. of Sigma Delta
Chi not now In Howard.
More than 700 volumes were
pledged at the meeting, and it Is re¬
ported that about 260 books were
brought out the first of this week.
Reading lamps, chairs and bric-a-brac
were promised for Immediate deliv¬
Of especial value in the books al¬
ready arrived are said to be the full
set of encyclopedia and other refer¬
ence works given by Arthur Watters,
class of '26. Also “Woodrow Wilson”
complete, and some histories given by
Raul Gravlee, former president of
Sigma Delta Chi. Olin C. Reed
brought >iut a load of text books
which will be useful for reference.
Raul Gravleo, chairman in charge
of the embryonic alumni association,
announces a meeting Monday night In
One election has already been held
during the first term whereby the
prettiest girl was chosen. Ova Fields
of Oak Grove won this contest, close¬
ly pursued by Sue Harris and Made¬
line Bell.
The "Who’s Who" contest will be
entirely free, it is specifically stated.
Printed ballots are to be found on
this page.
Write the name of your favorite
beside each designated title, slgOj
YOUR name at the bottom and dron
in the ballot box.
The polls will be open at the bulle¬
tin board in the main building at 10
o’clock Thursday morning and wflT
remain open till 1:30.
The first place will be known as
the “Most Popular Girl.” Next place
on the ballot will be marked "Best
Loved Instructor." Then In order will
come: “The Laziest Boy.” “The Best
Dressed Girl," "The Best Dressed
Boy,” “The Biggest Flirt,” “Most Rep¬
resentative Boy" and “Most Repre¬
sentative Girl.”
During the regular session in the
Spring the results of the “Who’s
Who” vote for the Entre Nous were
announced as follows: Pretties. t girl,
Edna Leveneon; best dressed girl,
Christine Bomar; best dressed boy,
A1 Bains; most popular boy, Charles
Dobbins'; biggest politician, Alfred
Eubank: biggest talker, Herbert Eth¬
eridge; brainiest boy, Clyde Warren;
most unusual student, Theodore Jack-
son; hardest working girl, Bivlan Aw-
trey; most representative girl, Claudle
Howard Profewor Has Many
Honors In 1927 “Who’s
.Who In America”
John L. Johnson In Charge Of
Mathematics At Tuscaloosa
Senior High
John L. Johnson, orator, debater,
and scholar, has received and accepted
an offer as head of the mathematics
High School,
ure that this news comes to Howard,
especially in light of the fact that Tus¬
caloosa High is recognized as one of
the best equipped and one of the most
modern high schools in the state.
Mr. Johnson has made
most en¬
viable record for himself as a How¬
ard student. Graduating from Phil¬
lips High of this city in '25. he en¬
tered Howard at mid-term and imme¬
diately became interested In student
He was a member of the
t Tuscaloosa Senior
It is with much pleas-
debating team that defeated Union
University ia ’26. In ’27 he proved
his metal as an orator
second place In the Howard-Southern
oratorical and later in the year by
representing Howard in the All-South¬
ern Oratorical at Atlanta. He has
also been very active in the religious
field, he being the superintendent of
the Siler Memorial Baptist Sunday
Those inaugurating the program
last Sunday for a greater Sigma Delta
Chi were
Raul Gravlee. Harold Al¬
len. Arthur Watters, Levert Gravlee.
Lowry, W. Morgan Baker. Will Lacy,
Bernard fiolley, and Byron Nelson.
Dr. Brakefleld came up from the
University of Alabama for a short
visit several days ago.
(Courtesy Birmingham News)
Dr. T. R. Eagles
Dr. Theophllus R. Eagles, professor
of mathematics, ip mentioned promi¬
nently in the 1927 edition of “Who’s
Who In America.” Wm. E. Bohan¬
non, John C. Dawson, L. O. Dawson,
and M. B. Garrett are other distin¬
guished Howard men appearing in
In graduating this summer
Mr. Johnson is receiving his diploma
in the minimum time of two and one-
English Cathedral City
Uochester Is a cathedral cily of
Kent, Knglnnd. on the right hunk nf
D. James H. Chapman, according
to all reports Is not even thinking
of a vacation, neither for himself nor
his students. It seems that Dr. Chap¬
man was afraid of getting lonesome
in the library so he has been giving
his classes plenty of work to keep
them there with him.
It is most gratifying to Howard
to hear of the success of another of
her graduates.
"Howard Is behind you, John. Here’s
to luck.”
large town together with
(hum and
StriHwi. Charles Dickens, who lived
nt Cnd's Hill, three miles from Koch-
psier. frequently Introduce* the city
Inro his noyels.
May Hoover.
The recent election In the first term
of Summer School brought the spirit
of the student body up to a point of
interest comparing favorably with
that of the Regular Winter session.
This session of Summer School is rap¬
idly becoming more a unit of stu¬
dents. pulling together more than ever
before. Instead of being merely a
large crowd of transient strangers
with a certificate or some dlrely need¬
ed credits solely in mind, the people
are getting more out of pleasant as¬
sociations, and college spirit, it is
(Courtesy Birmingham Newa)
John H. “Slick” LolUr
John H. “Slick” Lollar, Coach of the
Freahman football team for next aea-
aon, and president of the Senior class
of 1927, left this week with Coach Mc-
Lane for South Bend, Indiana, to en¬
ter the 8chool for Football being con¬
ducted this summer at Notre Dame by
Knute Rockne.
First Michigan Settlement
Saull Ste. Murie, settled by Futhei
Marquette In 1008, was the Orel per¬
manent settlement The second was
Mackinaw, also settled by him, in 1071.
Detroit was the third, being settled In
1701 by Cadillac.
Howard College Library
Buried Like Royalty
At the burial of former mayor
James Baker of Gulidorf, England, re¬
cently, his aldermanic robes were
hurled with him.
Works Smoother ct Night
The bureau of standards says that
a gasoline motor does, not huve more
power and mileage nt night than In
daytime, though some moisture In the
air may decrease the tendency to
knock, so that the engine runs more
Pre-Cioil War Mints
RnsvlMU to the Civil war United
States mints were In operation In
Charlotte. N. C., and Dahlonego, Go.
Official “ Who’s Who” Ballot
1. Most Popular Girl.
In the words of Mildred Bledsoe,
delegate front Chi Chapter of Sigma
Iota Chi, to the annual convention
held this year in Louisville, Ken¬
tucky: “It was the grandest and most
successful convention the sorority has
ever had.” , - •
Miss Bledsoe reports that there
was not On Idle moment during the
Ideal weather that made outings an
enjoyable feature of the stay In Louis-
vine. Boat trips on the “Beautiful
Ohio,” and sight-seeing tours were es¬
pecially Interesting to the strangers to
Kentucky. Formal dinners, theatre
Samford U
i with thh
rful, even