Banquet Worker#
Are After Alumni
ftatlook is Encouraging for Large
Trustees to Plan
For Endowment
Howard to Play
Mercer U. Today
Baptists of Alabama and Georgia
Meet on Howard Campos
at 3:45 O’Clock.
Two Howard Speakers in State
Oratorical Contests for Friday
Officers Will Meet with Committee to
Open $300,000 Campaign Pond
for Howard and Jndson.
meeting with much en-
it among the alumni
annual alumni banqitet
1 men” aaid Dr. John D.
airman of the attendance
for the banquet, last Sat-
Trueteea of Howard and Judaon
College probably will be oalled to
meet with the Executive Committee
of thlrty-alx to make plans for the
launching of the $300,000.00 endow¬
ment campaign for Howard and Jud¬
aon. This meeting will be called In
the early part of May.
At this general meeting, the lead¬
er of this endowment campaign will
be named. Dr. Powhatan W. James,
of Selma; Dr. A. C. Davidson, of Liv¬
ingston; Dr. James M. Shelburne,
President of Howard^ College; G. H.
Estes, of Birmingham, and Dr. Paul
V. Bomar, President of Judson Col¬
lege, are the members of the endow¬
ment campaign committee. The cam¬
paign committee. The campaign
will be conducted under their direc¬
tion, along with the leadership of the
man who ia to' be elected as head of
the movement.
It was voted tv the endowment
committee that It would be necessary
to have a meeting of the thirty-six In
connection with the two boards of
trustees in order to properly launch
this movement.
W. W. Campbell, of Tuskegee, ie
President of the General Board and
the call for a meeting will be Issued
from his office.
Howard’s nine blew Id the last
inning in Tuesday’s game with Mer¬
cer University, and the Georgia Bap¬
tists won by a score of 8 to 4. By
bunching hits and taking advantage
of Howard’s bad playing, Mercer ran
In six scores in her half of the ninth.
Mercer was brought to Howard a
day earlier than the schedule called
for. Martin pitched a beautiful
game for Howard for eight Innings.
••I find the men very enthusiastic
iboiu the approaching event,” con¬
tinued Dr.* Dickson. "In fact, I be¬
lieve they ire showing more Interest
than they ever have shown in
end alamo I banquet. They seem eag¬
er for the time to come. ‘Yee, I
vest to the one we had last year and
enjoyed It Immensely. 1 shall cer¬
tainly be on hand this time,’ In what
qette e number of those who attend¬
ed last year's banquet have told me.
They think of some one whom they
can aee anti who did not attend last
year, and eay they will remind him
of the pleasant occasion before How¬
ard alumni. ’’
The attendance committee has fif¬
teen members, who, according to W.
A. Berry. President of the Alumni As-
eoelntton, are active and optimistic.
"The outlook ia encouraging from
the out-of-town men as well
а в
.these In and around Birmingham. We
are-expecting to have the biggest ban¬
quet we have ever had.”
It has not . yet been announced
where the banquet will be held. The
Howard’s ’Varsity base bail team
wl|l plaj the second of a two-game
«eries with Mercer University this
afternoon on the Howard campus.
The game will be called at 3:46
o’clock. Duke will pitch for Howard.
Mercer defeated Michigan last
week by a 6 to 3 score. Georgia beat
M*4rcer two out of three games. These
are the only games of Importance
Mercer had played this year.
Friday and Saturday afternoons
Howard will «attempt to get revenge
against Southern University on the
campus. Southern won
Ernest Dunlap, a Junior, will apeak
on “The Unanswerable Question —
Europe versus America,” in repre¬
senting Howard College at Montgom¬
ery next Friday night. Mr. Dunlap
will contest with speakers from
Southern University, Auburn and
Birmingham College. ' Mrs. Ernest
Dunlap will serve as Howard’s spon¬
• The Montgomery contest will be
under the auspices of the Alabama
Intercollegiate Oratorical Association,
it probably will be held at the Sid¬
ney Lanier High 8chool.
Mr. Dunlap was selected In De¬
cember to represent Howard. O'. Co¬
dy Chance, hlr opponent in the pre¬
liminary, will sit with Mr. Dunlap on
the stage, and will represent Howard
at the business meeting of the asso¬
ciation/ ’*■
Howard haa not won the Cox Med¬
al, which Is given to the winner of
the contest, In several years, and the
student body ia hoping for a reverseal
of form this year.
Howard College, Birmingham . Col¬
lege, Alabama Presbyterian College,
Southern University an'd Auburn will
be represented In the Alabama State
Inter-collegiate Peace Oratorical Con¬
test, to be held in the Howard College
auditorium. Friday night, at 8
Ira D. Harris, a Sophomore, of Wll-
Honvllle, Ala., will represent Howard
College In this contest. Hla subject is
“The Justice of Peace by Force."
May 6 la the date set for the Inter¬
state Inter-collegiate Peace Oratori¬
cal Contest. Thta contest will also b-
held In the Howard College auditor¬
ium. The winner of the preliminary
contest here Friday night will repre¬
sent Alabama in the Inter-state con¬
'This Is the first year that a con¬
test of this kind has ben held, and 11
Is expected to be an annual affair in
the future. Several states will be
represented this year and more are
expected to enter the contest next
the series
twe weeks ago in Greensboro.
timely hitting by Southwestern,
coupled with Boozer's and Martin's
wildness, won two games for the Ten¬
nessean’s over Howard Monday and ‘
Tuesday of last week. The scores
were 1 d to 6 and 6 to 5.
In the first game, Howard led
with a 5 to 2 score up to the seventh
iniilng. Boozer walked Boykin to
atairt the Inning. Then, with three
hitk and" one walk besides two errors,
athwestern scored six rune, making
score 8 to
In its favor.
Southwestern scored two more In
the ninth, getting two hits, a walk
and a sacrifice fly besides two errors
on Howard's part.
Howard scored one In the first, sec¬
ond, fifth and seventh Innings and
two in the fourth. Blackwelder and
Boozer led the hitting for Howard
and Beaumont and Shaw, for South¬
western. Griffin, W. R., and Clay¬
ton played a* good defensive game for
the Baptists.
The second game was the prettiest
and closest game Been on tfcb Howard
campus this year. The lead was held
by Howard twice and by Southwest¬
ern twice.
Both teams hit hard. Howard got
fourteen hits off of Savage and Mitch¬
ell and Southwestern only one less
off of Duke and Martin.
Savage's lobs were hammered to
all parts of the diamond, but to score
on the hits for more than four tallies
was more than Red Robinson’s char¬
ges could do. In the second Howard
had the ehance to drive In a dosen
rune, when Savage’s lobs were ham¬
mered for three straight two-baggers
by R. Griffin, Gibson and Hilliard.
Two runs were scored in this frame
off of three two-baggers and a walk.
(Continued on page 3)
Farley Otupitches Rives, and Baptiste
Outplay Birmingham Nine
Farley outpltched Rivet ; Howard
outflelded and outran Central High
on bases, and thereby, Howard’s
Freshman baseball team defeated
that of Central High School Monday
by a score of 7 to 4.
Howard scored in the first and
fourth^ while central scored in the
second, fifth, sixth and seventh. How¬
ard was never In danger of being ov¬
ertaken, but several times Central
High was retired with men on - sec¬
ond or third.
Both pitchers worked well through¬
out the game, and with good support
Rives might have had a victory to his
credit. The Freshmen took advan¬
tage of Central’s bobbles, fairly out-
generalizing the high achool nine. .
Score by innings: . R.H.B
Central , i . 010 011 1—4 4 5
Howard . 300 400 0 — 7 6 3
Batteries: Rlvee and Hall; Farley
Tine (or Coe test Will Be Determined
Upon This Week.
Members of the Franklin Literary
Society debating team and the mem¬
bers of the P-hllomathlc Literary So¬
ciety team probably will reach an
agreement as to the date for the in-
ur-eociety debate by the end of the
Every Friday night until May 12,
Eriday before the final examinations,
hu been given up for other purposes,
•ad the debate may have to be held
ea som.- other night in the week.
Both teams express themselves as
uxlous to reach an agreement on a
<Ute so that they can have a specified
ties to work. The Phllonathic team
to asking that the d-hate bo held
Wednesday uight. May 3. This date
Team to Flay Southern University,
April 26; Owenton Later.
State Superintendent of Education
Speaks at Assembly Wednesday.
Elmer L. Ford, a graduate student,
of Ashland, Ala., and T. W. Walker,
a Senior, of Birmingham, won the
right of doubles champions of How¬
ard last week when they won the
tennis tournament.
Mr. Ford and Mr. Walker will meet
the tennis champions of Southern
University in Greensboro, Tuesday,
April 26.
Mr. Walker will represent Howard
in singles the same day against
Southern. The beet two out of three
sets in the singles and three out of
five In the doubles will determine the
winner. 1
Elmer L. Ford, manager of tennis,
has Arranged for a contest with Bir¬
mingham College in doubles and
singles, the date probably will be
May 12. This will be decided def¬
initely later.
Howard's Freshmen won their sec¬
ond baseball game of the season last
Friday over the Birmingham News
Team. The score was 11 to 7.
Jackson, the regular centerflelder,
pitched , for the scrubs and allowed
only two bit* In eight Innings. Not
a bit
given up by the News team
for sixlnnlngs.
Jackson and Strickland led the hit¬
ting for Howard. Wilder got a home
run In the fifth. Calhoun on first,
played the best game for the News.-
Seore by Innings. R.H.E.
News . 000 000 016— 7 7 8
Howard ....004 040 120—11 11 4
Batteries: Burns and Stevenaon;
Jackson, Lindsay and Strickland. Um¬
pires Clayton and Newman.
■ Garnett M. Harris» a Senior, has
**w«d a challenge to T. W. Walker,
a Senior, holder of the tennis
championship In singles st Howard.
Harris agrees to play Mr. Walk-
* 11 time and on any' court, the
»ihner to be permitted to represent
Reward In any inter-collegiate con-
Other Trips Will Not Be Ms it Be¬
cause of Conflicting Dates.
Members of the Howard Col *9
Glee Club will give' non certs at Wo ,1-
lawn and Bessemer In May. The dates
being arranged are for May 6 and
ML ••
No other road trips will bo made
by the Glee Club this year as the
first tenors compose largely the
pitching staff of the baseball team
and conflicting dates keep the club
off the road.
"We are considering giving a con¬
cert In Cable Hall in Birmingham
sometime before Jhe end of this se¬
mester.’’ eald Lei» Blackwelder, (Res¬
ident Of the Club.
Howard’s Football Schedule
Season of 1916.
Eric M. Stricklsnd, a Freshman,
was elected CapUln of the Howard
Freshman baseball team Monday,.
Strickland is catcher on the team.
The Freshman team la a member of
the City Institutional Leagne. The
other members are the Central and
Ensley High Schools and Birmingham
College Scrubs.
Auburn, Rlckwood Park. Oct. 7.
Southern University, Campos,
Oct. 14:
Mercer University, Miekwooi
Park, Oct. 21. .
Sixth District Agrleultormi
School, Hamilton, Oct. SB.
Howard’* baseball Schedule
Season of 1916.
■ercer University. Campus,
Southern University, Campus,
April 21 and 2 2,
St. Bernard College, Cullman,
2 and 3.
Blrmlnghao College, alternat-
ln* grounds. April
and 27.
The members of the Tulane De¬
bating Team will meet the Auburn
Debating Team, at Tulane. Wednes¬
day, April 18. The subject la, "Re-
eosved That the Monroe Doctrine
Should be Abandoned as a Permanent
Pert of the Foreign Policy of the
United Slates.”
taK grouhda, l!ay 4