The Sophomore Hike given Thurs¬
day night, March 18th, was enjoyed by
about fifty members of the class. The
party gathered in front of the main
building at 6 o'clock and after much
delay, started on their hike to the Ar¬
tesian well beyond Gate City.
At the end of this long hike of four
miles numerous stunts were the source
of much pleasure and many hearty
laughs. After everybody had succeed¬
ed in getting warm, and the fire had
begun to bum good, there was a gen¬
eral scramble after buns, pickles, mus¬
tard and weiners to make hog dogs.
Everybody seemed to be rather hun¬
gry. There were supposed to be four
dogs each and apparently they were
all eaten as none were seen hanging
After the eatlhg was over, music was
enjoyed by the campfire from a port¬
able victrola. At 9:46 the group start¬
ed on the homeward hike, arriving at
the college about 11 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Beyer, parents of Mar¬
garet Beyer, were the chaperones. For
the benefit of the future chaperones,
Mr. Beyer introduced a novel method
of seeing that every couple started
home at the same time. He numbered
each member of the group before start¬
ing and before starting home called
those numbers and each member re¬
sponded to his number. The entire
class enjoyed meeting Mr. and Mrs.
Beyer and appreciate their courtesy in
chaperoning the hike.
The first group of one act plays has
been presented to members of the
classes in drama. The plays were se-
ected and originated by Mrs. Vandiver.
The pupils did most of the preparation
themselves, but they were assisted by
Mrs. Vandiver in costuming and stag¬
ing the plays. j-JTbe classes enjoyed
the originality
ability shown by
the players. It furnished an oppor¬
tunity for would-be stare to show their
best. The plays presented will now
be carefully finished under Mrs. Van¬
diver's excellent coaching, to be giv¬
en to the public. Two programs are
now under consideration; the dates
and everything to be announced later.
Play production has taken a first
place in the interest and respect of
college faculties and students. Edu¬
cators realize that Dramatic Art calls
for a higher degree of intelligence and
skill than is usually demanded in other
studies. There must be a careful,
critical, sympathetic study of litera¬
ture; a close observation of life and
keen interpretation of purposes, emo¬
tions and behavior which form life.
The young student of acting must place
the most exacting watch upon hie own
rpeech gesture, walk and behavior.
In short, a course in drama becomes a
practical laboratory for making out in
concrete form, what the student learns
in other subjects. It knows life studied
under a microscope, analyzed and re¬
The following plays were presented
to the classes of Drama during the
last week:
1. booking for Fun
Pat Alderman
Earnestine Dyer.
2. Billy's Chorus Girl
Aubrey Hearn
Tom Kelly
Charlotte Burns
Mabel McElroy.
3. The band lad
Lula Gunn
Annabelle Hendon.
4. Fanner and the Poet
Meyer Newfield
©lna Almgren
J. R. Johnston.
5. Forgotten Love
Pauline Ray
Paul Gousley.
Dance For The Goblins
Anna Dale Rush
. George Bryant
Gaalington Foster
Darkness and cold winds whipping
across Berry Field at Howard College,
brought the first diamond contest of
the season to a sudden close with the
score 3 to 3 between the Frosh nine
and the Jefferson County High squad.
The Jefferson County lads got away
to a three-run lead, one coming in the
third and two more in the fifth, be¬
fore the Bullpups drew blood. The
young canines came back with a lust
for vengeance in their half of the
fifth and counted for a brace of tal¬
lies. The run that knotted the score
came in the last half of the seventh,
McDonald scoring on Fox’s drive
through the infield.
Ray and Ran some stood the brunt
of the hurling for the Bullpups and
Glover and Skeleton performed for the
visitors. The Jefferson County hurl-
ers showed a better brand of flinging
than that of the Howard pitchers, but
the East Lake crowd seemed to have
the edge on their opponents in base¬
running. McDonald stole five basee
during the seven innings.
Watch for announcements about the
Sigma Nu Revue, April 22nd, at the
Phillips Auditorium.
and Better than ever be-
igma Nu Revue."
J. H. Calloway
8. Where But III America
Well who’s got the pep? We Y. W.
C. A. girls of Howard College. If you
don't believe it come down to Mon¬
tague Hall Thursday night at 7:30.
You'll be greeted by a hall in gala dec¬
oration. chorus, drumboys, fortune tell¬
ers. palm readers, refreshments, con¬
fetti and campaign managers. There
will be booths of many kinds. Boxing
match between two of the most popu¬
lar girls will be staged in Prof. Chap
man's room. A moving picture will
take place in A. D. Pi room. Go to
Dr. Thomas’ room for the baby show.
The big concert will be staged at
9:00 o'clock in Dr. Dawson's class
room. A Spanish dancer, an Indian
singer, a picture gallery of musical
charters, vaudeville stunts aud or¬
chestra galore will characterize this
performance. Besides local talent
much downtown talent has been se¬
cured. The beauty contest will be
conducted in grand style in the run¬
off at the last. Do you - want to see
your girl win? Then come out and
support her, boys. Y. W. girls will be
there 100 per cent strong.
Big popularity contest starts off with
a boom in chapel Ten girls nominated
before nomination speech gets cold.
Look out boys, somebody's girl is go¬
ing to be elected. You know the run¬
off is going to come off Thursday night
at the big Y. W. Carnival. The win¬
ning girl will get a prize that night,
besides having her picture put in The
Crimson and Birmingham News. The
run off will be Thursday night but now
is the time to put your girl ahead.
Watch those campaign managers! You
still have a chance to nominate any
girl you like. The following girls have
already been nominated and their cam¬
paign manager selected:
Helen Wright — Charlie Dobbins.
Katherine Tolson — Bob Thames.
Betty Stephenson— Marlin Harris.
Eugenia Perry — Lent Brewster.
Sammie Hoover— Billy Bancroft
Pauline Ray— Osce Bentley.
Lora Longshore— Henry Rogers.
Sue Harrls.-
Shorty Higgins — B. G. Jackson.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas
Entertain Latin Classes
Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Thomas enter¬
tained the Freshman Latin classes Fri¬
day morning at their home on Walker
Avenue. Dr. Thomas gave a most in¬
teresting talk on his trip to Rome last
summer. He illustrated his talk with
many very beautiful stereoptican views
of places of interest. Mrs. Thomas
displayed several souvenirs which they
gathered abroad. Among the souve¬
nirs whicli they gathered, they have
a pewter plate and cup which were
found in the excavated ruins of
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas spent bIx
weeks at Rome last summer, studying
Latin at the American Academy there.
Dr. Thomas says that he Is contem¬
plating another trip abroad this sum¬
mer. .
Bride Returns to Birmingham and
Groom Goes to Mobile
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Upchurch, of Clanton, was the scene
of a lovely nuptial affair on the eve¬
ning of March 15, when Miss Evelyn
Clarke, of Possum Hollow, and Mr.
Osce Marbury Platte "Peaches'' Bent¬
ley, of Reno, Nev., were united in the
bonds of matrimony, Rev. A. H. Eu¬
bank. of Short Creek, officiating.
The bride was engrossed in a lovely
pale blue georgette frock standing
flatly ia_a pair of
satin pi
wRh high heels and wearing a pre¬
sumptuous purple headgear.
The groom was attired in his euit,
wearing a tie which was borrowed
from Rev. Eubank.
The ring ceremony was used. The
maids of honor were Misses Helen
Bass and Mary Upchurch. Mr. Ashur
Bragan served as wheel barrow. Ring
bearere were Miss Eve Hlx and Joe
Heacock. Miss Lally Watlington
served creditably as flower girL
The bride's mother, Mr. William
Braswell, gave his lovely daughter in
matrimony. Prof. Walter Bentley, of
Howard College, served as best man.
Out-of-town guests were Tobias
Stubbs, Mrs. H. E. Watlington, Miss
Gladys Watlington and Miss Willie
Mae Hardy and Miss Marlin Harris,
of Birmingham, and Miss Jean Gilles¬
pie, of Boaz; Mrs. J. T. Deramus and
Mr. Barnett Deramus, of Verbena. Mr.
Pat Alderman of Slocomb; Mr. Ellard
Nunnally, of Ensley; Erman Crew, of
Following the wedding the imme¬
diate guests and relatives were enter¬
tained at a sumptuous feast by Mes-
dames Upchurch and Ellis.
The bride left for Birmingham on
her honeymoon, accompanied by To¬
bias Stubbs, Professor
A Happy Ending
Myrtle Reeves
Mattie Lois Albert
Elisabeth Groves
Myrtle Reeve*
Interest is. constantly increasing in
the clams of speech. Many students
are asking when, the -student body will
be given an opportunity of swing the
plays. AH we can sa
and we shall give you i
The time when crooning breeze
Rocks the baby buds awake,
Tiny buds on straight young trees;
And bird and beast their thirst do
At the dimpled brimming lake;
And Narcissus in vivid beauty prinks
And preens while bending o’er the
Then stand I underneath the curved
young moon ^
A-thrlll with life and youth's bright
And with the wonders of Godls uni¬
Or 'neath the sun con book and purse
Up word and phrase as lovelorn swain
Holds dear and. treasures e’en his fair's
As Is my Spring; so may my Autumn
Be filled with eagerness— the desire to
climb . - ,
To Learned Paraaaene' beauteous
And burn for all the joys that Wisdom
Arbor Day Program Declared Big
By Ralph Callahan
Dedication and planting of a number
of trees on the Howard College cam¬
pus as tokens of esteem and apprecia¬
tion for the works of benefactors of
the college and addresses by President
John C. Dawson and Garrard Harris
featured the Arbor Day exercises held
Selections by the Howard College
Band, led by Director Wiegand and
talks by members of the Howard Col¬
lege Auxiliary, who bad charge of the
program, were other Interesting fea¬
tures of the day.
“We are looking forward to the day
when 10,000 women over the 8tate of
Alabama are enrolled in the Howard
Auxiliary and all working for the bet¬
terment and progress of this college,”
Dr. Dawson declared in bis address of
explanation and appreciation of the
women's organization which Is doing
so much for the school.
"This small group of women came to
me last year and suggested organising
an auxiliary, and from the small be¬
ginning the Howard Auxiliary sprung
to the prominence It now holds. It
has put in walks around the school,
secured flowers and shrubs for plots
around the building, and now is plant¬
ing these trees as a further aid to the
beauty of the campus,” the college
head declared.
“The significance of Arbor Day,” Mr.
Harris declared, “is to point out to thp
younger generation the neeffof conser¬
vation of our forests. The timber sup¬
ply is diminishing so rapidly in Ala¬
bama that at the present rate of cut¬
ting, we will be without any within the
short space of 12 years. This will
force us to look for another supply,
the nearest of which is in the north¬
west. A conservative estimate has
been made of the cost of freighting
this timber to Alabama and the total
runs to over twelve millions per year.
Therefore, it is up to us to end this
waste for we benefit from trees by
their shade, beauty and to say nothing
of the financial gain."
The four principal trees dedicated
at the Arbor Day exercises were to Dr.
John C. Dawson, by Mies Dorothy Daw¬
son; Victor H. Hanson, by Mrs. Perk¬
ins Pj-ewitt; Erskine Ramsay, by Mrs.
T. H. Johnston, and Pascal G. Shook,
by Mrs. L. F. Harris.
Other trees planted and dedicated
at the same time were: J. A. Ward, by
Mrs. T. H. Johnston; W. B. Crumpton,
by Jefferson County Woman’s Temper¬
ance Union; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. D.
Mallory, by Miss Kathleen Mallory;
Pierian Club, by Mrs. A. D. Smith;
Sumpter Lea, by Mrs. J. M. Mlnter;
Prof. T. J. Dili, by Mrs. J. M. Dill;
Howard Auxiliary, by Dr. John C. Daw¬
son; J. H. Eubank, by Mrs. Peyton
Bentley and
many others.
The groom left immediately for Mo- Eubank; A. iTb T£sd<Ue, by^Mr^Pey"
ton Eubank; A- J. Dinklnson, by Circle
No. 1, of the First Baptist Church;-
and dedicated by J. A. Hendricks;
Thirty-fifth W. M. U., by Rev. Walker,
and A. N. Tolson, by Mrs. A. N. Tolson.
poets read tbeir poems
a. contest in
• . j — u miiu tuoaowacu. U IB uriil Q
—Just wait the Prise was weighed '4238 grama Cromwell corn»
surprise. T^V^*** *** *
w«tb Xm .thmA. Napolmm'.
I ppforj
Howard Student Doing
Rev. Mac Flowers, who recently
stepped Into the limelight of publicity
by taking nnto himself a better-half, is
making himself prominent in other
waye. Soxe 18 weeks ago he was
called to be pastor of the Eleventh
Street Baptist Church, of Birmingham,
and marked progress in almost every
department has been noted since bis
connection with the institution began.
There have been 31 additions to the
church, and the Sunday school enroll¬
ment has increased 83 per cent The
B. Y. P. U. and Sunday school have
won five assoclatlonal and district ban¬
ners. The church, which wae strug¬
gling for existence when Mr. Flowers
it over, is fast becoming one of
the leading Churches Of Birmingham
He is being aided in his work by other
Byrom H
Lord Byron, the
the lar
brain of those that
His I
Keep That
Big Gang
No. 24
Howard Teams to Meet Missis¬
sippi and Union May 7
Students Urged To-Contrlbute To Fund
Dr, David M. Gardner, of Ensley, led
the devotional at Friday’s chapel in
his typical, interesting way. “When a
man becomes his own pallbearer," was
In a preliminary , tryout held in
Franklin Hall. Tuesday evening, March
16, two debating teams were selected
from 12 candidates. The winners were
for the affirmative, W. L. Crumpler
and J. L. Johnson, with John Rushing,
as alternate; for the negative Aubrey
Hearn and C. El- Weaver, with J. T.
Jackson as alternate.
The subject discussed was, “Re¬
solved: That the Proposed Child Labor
Amendment Should Be Adopted As a
Part of the Constitution of the United
The Howard affirmative teams will
meet the negative of Union University
here on May 7. On the same evening
the negative team will debate the af¬
firmative of Mlssissiupl CoUege at the
latter place. The negative of Mia-
his subject, taken from a verse in
Romans 12.
"The majority of people underesti¬
mate their abilities. Think soberly;
do not over or underestimate yourself.
One reason for student failure is that
he does not rightly approach the prob¬
lem of making a life. The lad dr las¬
sie who assumes responslbllties in
school is the one who assumes larger
ones in after life. Live for the worth¬
while things of life.” These were high
Points In Dr. Gardner’s talk.
Dr. J. o. Williams, of Bessemer, and
Dr. Sentell, of Avondale, made brief
inspirational speeches In the closeup
ot the camnalcn.
sisslppl will also speak against the
affirmative of Union at Union, on the
same date.
Those trying out for places on the
teams, at the tryout Tuesday were
Lofton Abrams, John Rushing, Allen
Simpson. J. L. Johnson, W. L. Cnunp
ler, J. D. Brown, Loyal Phillips, Ar¬
thur Windsor, Gny Campbell. J. T.
Jackson. Aubrey Hearn and C. a
Dr. J. c. Dawson asked students to
rolunteer to solicit subscriptions and
make a grand finish of the campaign.
“ad pledged 810,000 of the 360,000 the
Baptist Association had underwritten,
Md requested every student and fac-
eRy mi raber to have a part In the rais¬
'd* or ihe quota. ;. v ■
The following sororities made
Pledges to the Howard- drive; Phi jNtt,
Alpha Delta -Pi; |100; Delta Zeta,
WOO ; Beta T4Hl ft
bdmbda Sigma, 8100.
No school was h<
10:30 and Saturday,
entered the Meld to
finale of the endowm
to be the read-
of a
avia, Java,
which this
Is oncer-
Matter of Dup
8ome men try to 11 vi
Past and others advance
right and wrong to Ju
920,000 ON DRIVE
Additional $3,000 Raised by Stu¬
dent Solicitors in Town
By Ralph Callahan
Howard CoUege etudente, answering
to a call from President -Dawson for
subscriptions necessary for the suc¬
cessful termination of the Million Dol¬
lar CoUege Endowment campaii
subscribed 36.500 in less then fifteen
jninutes during chapel exercises Fri¬
day morning.
Following an announcement by the
president that he had pledged the stu
dent body for 310,000 In order to se¬
cure a promise of 360,000 from the
Baptists of this district, the etudente
immediately called for cards and be¬
gun to turn in their pledgee. The call
for subscriptions was not to be made
until Monday but the spirit of loyalty
and enthusiasm of the etudente would
sot permit them to wait.
Reports early Monday afternoon
showed that practlcaUy 814,000 had
been raised by the etudente and 35,000
by the faculty, making a grand total
of about $20,000 or Just exactly double
the quota.
Friday and Saturday the Howard
students were “turned loose” on the
city at large and tried to obtain sub
scrlptlons that had not been gotten
by the campaign workers. A total of
more than 83.000 was secured, with
Bob Thames and Miss Dorothy Daw
son holding the honors-for largest sub¬
scriptions. Despite inclement weather
conditions, the students left school and
The blue cards which were Bigned
by the students to pledge themseiv
for the Howard campaign, exclusive of
the Joint campaign, but the money to
be directed towards It, called for a
first payment July 1, and three pay
ments in each successive year. It was
explained, however, that the money
may be paid In any amount during any
time within the next four years.
"The attitude of the students was
most encouraging, and their loyal atti
tude and quick subscription was a
splendid indication of the spirit they
have for Howard College," officials of
the local campaign declared.
■Monday 22 etudente patrolled the
campus in an effort to secure any sub
scrlptlons that had not been turned In
and the team was one of the main
factors responsible for the success or
the drive.
Chi Delta Phi An¬
nounces Three Pledges
Chi Delta Phi announces., the pledg¬
ing of Elna Almgren, Blvian Awtrey
and Edith Southard, Thursday, March
11, 1926. The accepted articles sub¬
mitted by the three pledges In the
fall try-out will be published In the
Crimson. Miss Almgren and Miss
Southard were admitted by poems and
Miss Awtrey by a short story, out of
23 contestants In all branches of liter¬
ature. The spring try-out will be from
April 16th to May 1st, the winners to
be announced not later than May 10th.
In this edition of the Crimson are
three poems submitted; by Miss South¬
Concerts Well Received in South
Alabama Towns
Sunday night the Howard College
songsters, 26 etrong, returned to the
Magic CUy after a week's tour of
South Alabama. The towns Included
on the concert tour were Clanton,
Georgiana, Evergreen, Brewton, Mo¬
bile and Atmore, with the largest
house in Mobile, where approximately
1,500 music lovers turned out for the
concert in the Scottish Rite cathedral
Friday night.
According to reports coming from
each town, the Glee Club, under the
direction of Pat Alderman, rendered
an exceptional program at each con¬
cert, and was well- receded by _rec.-
ord crowds each night. Little EUard
Nunnally, mascot of the club, made
a big hit in every performance, ac¬
cording to Director Alderman.
Those who made the trip are: Pat
Alderman, director; Birman Crew, El¬
lard Nunnally, Tom Kelly, Joe Bond,
Osce Bentley, William Langley, Con-
die Pugh, Gresham L<owry, Rayburn
Wear, A. H. Eubank, J. W. Braswell,
Robert Rowland. Frank Awbrey, J. B.
Head, E. E. Allen, T. E. Ellis. Joe
Heacock, Aubrey Mlree, Denham
Tucker. Garlingtcn Foster, Asbur Bra¬
gan and Joe Marino, accompanist.
March 29-April 3