English department hosting Danish Fulbright Scholar
Samford Crimson
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Faculty Senate accepts removal of PHED classes
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eventually through the Provost’s office.
School of Health Professions dean
Alan Jung, a committee member, said
the change comes after discussion
about the relevance and purpose of ac¬
tivity courses and national trends.
“It was clear that the requirement
for physical activity was starting to de¬
crease nationally,” Jung said.
A study the committee looked at
showed that in 1920, 95 percent of col¬
lege required physical activity courses,
compared to 45 percent in 1992 and 39
percent in the most recent sample.
“The need for activity courses for
credit became less important,” Jung
said. “Early on in the ‘20s, there were
not facilities for much activity, it was
largely the physical activity courses. As
time has gone on, other opportunities
have arisen."
While the plan for implementing the
change is not entirely solidified, Jung
said PHED courses would be available
for at least the next three years in order
for current students to meet their gen¬
eral education requirements.
Jung said that although there are not
currently specific plans for the faculty
who teach PHED courses, most already
teach elsewhere in the kinesiology de¬
partment in classes such as Concepts.
The proposed changes faced no op-
PHED continued on page 2
News Editor
The English department is hosting
Anders Holm, a Fulbright Scholar from
Denmark visiting Birmingham to study
the relationship between the Church
and the state.
Holm will be giving a lecture about
his research on March 16 at 3 p.m. in
Reid Chapel titled “The Reformation
and the Nordic Welfare State.”
He began his six-month stay in Janu¬
ary. His friendship with Brad Busbee,
chair of the English department, led
him to consider coming to Samford.
Holm and Busbee are both editors
for the journal “Grundtvig-Studien An
International Journal for the Study
of Nicolai Frederik Severin Grudtvig
(1783-1872).” During the process of
publishing the 2015 edition, Busbee
suggested Holm spend his sabbatical
semester doing research in Birming¬
While his studies cover a variety of
topics, one of Holm’s primary focuses
is the relationship between the Church
and the state.
“I work a lot with politics and reli¬
gion and the relationship with politics-
and religion," he said. “I’ve kind of been
wondering for some years how this re¬
lationship is in the U.S. Ibis was my
fundamental interest in being here.”
Holm said he was interested in com¬
paring the church and state relation¬
ship in the U.S. to Denmark, as they
have contrasting approaches.
“That’s kind of my main interest, to
be here to get a closer idea of how this
idea of a wall of separation between the
state and church works and at the same
time activates a very dose relationship
between religion and politics,” he said.
One result of Denmark’s approach
to government and religion is state-
funded church work that leads to the
appearance of a socialist government,
which is what Holm will discuss in his
“People think that a country like Den¬
mark is a socialist country,” Holm said.
“It is to a certain extent, but that’s not
because it’s sodalist, that’s because of
the rdationship to the church.”
Holm said that some aspects of life in
Birmingham have surprised him.
“The richness of the church lives, and
the life and energy you have in your
churches— I must say I’m overwhelmed,
a little bit shocked, but in a positive
way,” he said. “Maybe in our churches,
life is a little bit stiff, a little formal, and
the liturgy is very predictable. Especial¬
ly in some of the Baptist churches here,
I would say you’re having a party. When
the preacher preaches, people are going
‘Yes!’ and ‘Amen!’ and I’m idnd of fasci-
uounesyoruretcnen sexton
Fulbright Scholar Anders Holm is studying the
relationship between the Church and government
nated by that.”
Holm said he was grateful for the
partnership between Samford and the
Fulbright Scholarship that allowed him
to come.
“Meeting the students and the staff
and the faculty here has been a wonder¬
ful experience,” Holm said. “They are
taking good care of me."
Softball team ends
weekend with win
Beginning with students entering
Samford in the foil of 2016, the two,
one-credit-hour PHED courses would
no longer be required for graduation.
Additionally, the in-class physical ac¬
tivity component of Concepts courses
would be eliminated and would be re¬
placed by out-of-class activity. Con¬
cepts classes will also be combined into
fewer, larger sections of up to 150 stu¬
Now, the proposal will go before the
university’s curriculum committee, and
In order to graduate, students have been required to take two PHED classes during their time at Samford. but if the
new proposal ts approved, that could change
Tbe days of students desperately try¬
ing to fit in a yoga or badminton class
before graduation are numbered.
At its Monday meeting, the Faculty
Senate accepted the general education
committee’s recommendation to elimi¬
nate the physical activity course re¬
quirement, as well as proposed chang¬
es to Concepts of Fitness and Health
page 5
Courtesy of Paramount Pictures
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Lane' holds up to
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'Generation bashing'
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Volume 101. Issue 18 March 16, 2016 SamfordCrimson
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