Coming Carnival
Promises Many
Attractive Features
"Friends, Romans, Countrymen,
lend me your ears."* On Tuesday
night at 8 ,.0'clock, March 31et,
there will be a Big Carnival at
Montague Hall., If you want to
have a grand time come. It will be
well worth you^ time — and money
—Just to see Marlin Harris, Janie
Sue Batson and Sue Sargeant
dressed, as clowns.
There will be a run-off on the
popularity contest. Boys, do you
want your girl to be elected? If
you do vote for her— as many votes
as you please— and see that your
friends do the same. Every or¬
ganisation of any kind is urged to
lend their heartiest co-operation
and support. The winner of the*
contest will get her picture in the
Crimson— free!
The proceeds will go toward
Bending Y. W. C. A. delegates to
Blue Ridge.
Hand your votes to Francis Mc¬
Neil at once.
Track Material
In Abundance
At Howard
A p p r o x i m a t e ly 30 light clad
speedsters came galloping out up¬
on the green - sod early last week
in response to ,the call of a new
sport at Howard. Track! is the
Athletic Director Dillon said
Monday that no schedule had yet
been arranged, but if the right kind
of material showed up, Howard
would be represented In the S. L
A. A. track meet to be held at Bir¬
mingham-Southern College this
This is the first endeavor at de¬
veloping a track team at Howard,
owing to the jack of a suitable
track to run on; But with such an
abundance of material, some of
which have pulled down honors in
high school track, it looks as if
Howard might be heard from on
the track this year.
Among some of the promising
candidates ars Harold Allen, for¬
mer star of Ensley ( High School
Wilburn Doui^as, near-ten second
man of Monroeville High and Bob
Thames, of University of Alabama.
affair gptn in honor of
The Tleta Kappa Nu house was
the scene of a delightful ea last Sun¬
day afteri-bon given by Alabama Al¬
pha e ( Tl eta Kappa Nu in honor of
M Delta fraternity wl ich has re¬
cently bet n granted a charter by Pi
Kappa Pti national fraternity. The
guests probably outnumbered those
attending any other so< ial function
giren by a ct liege orga nisation this
year, numbering at least 250. Every
other orgmization of the college was
Guests legal to assemble promptly
at 4 o'clotk. and the affsir lasted un¬
til 7 o'clo :k. The tfinel: appearance
of Spring sun shine addei greatly to
the spirit of the occasl< n. In , addi¬
tion to tin gi ests from ihe local or¬
ganisation i, there were present guests
from Alabama Beta of '.'beta Kappa
Nu ah Birmingham-Southern College,
With two perfect weeks of spring
practice behind them, the Howard
Bulldogs were straining at the leash .
Saturday to get at the Birmingham
Barons, but old' Jupe Pluvius put a
restraining hand on it and they en¬
joyed an enforced idle day. The de¬
layed encounter will be played some
day this week. The Bulldogs should
be able to make things Interesting
for the Barons, at least
The- main problem of Coach Dillon
who has now taken over the reins
of the squad, lies in the selection and
development of an outfield in keeping
with the calibre of the rest of the
aggregation. The catching staff,
composed or the veteran Preacher
Hyde and Chuck Spelr, a promising
recruit is well taken care of. Snake
Bains and Toby Stubbs are the ex¬
perienced hurlers in camp, while
Charlie Will Smith has been showing
4 world of stuff. The infeld is the
strongest part of the team. Polly
Scokel at first, C4pt. Gene Dawsoa
at second, and Alf Bains at short, are
seasoned performers, .while Frank
Lowry seems to be making the grade
at third.
Thus it can be seen that the Crim¬
sons are well heeled with veterans
except for the outfield. Unless some
of the green timber shows up extra¬
ordinarily well, this Is going to be the
weakest salient of the team. Right
now it seems as if Shelbonrne, Wat
ters. and Spicer will get the call first,
but they have plenty of opposition in
the persons of George Saxon and
Slick Dollar. George is one of the
sweetest fielders on the «quad, while
Slicks main accomplishment is the
way he
the agate.
Boys! here’s the best chance you'll
ever have to show how much you love
your girl!
It goes like this: The Y. W. C. A.
has started a contest to find out who
is the most popular girl on the cam¬
pus. Only twenty-five cents to have
he* nominated and then every odd
-penrfy can be paid to her campaign
manager to help secure the prize for
her— which, by the way is an angel
food cake for the most popular girl
is bound to be an angel, don’t you
the following week
after the winner is announced, her
picture is to be on the front page
of the Howard Crimson with a write-
up. . _
The contest is to end on the night
of March 24, when the Y. W. C. A.
is giving a carnival at Montagne Hall.
The announcement of the winner Is
to be the piece de Resistance ot the
evening’s entertainment. However,
that's only one of numerous features.
The program has been well planned
out with songs, dances and perhaps a
minstrel act included in the admis¬
sion fee then many side booths —
candies, pink lemonade, kisses, for¬
tune telling, regular side shown —
the fact is. Its going to be such a good
carnival that the person who doesn’t
go is going to regret it a great deal.
Besides all the fun the money is to
go for a good cause. The Y. W.' C.
Annual Delta Zeta Play
Watch For It-
Institute et Alburn, and many out-of-
achool vfeitori of Blrml lgham.
Music br the occasion was fur¬
nished by the pianist. vi« Unist, and a
Sleglers’ £ erenaders of
Birmlngha n. Tea and coffee with
mdwiche i.
— Coming —
Annual Delta Zeta Play
Watch For It
glad in the silence that follows the
passing of a cyclone. He has made me
glad when the very heavens seemed
to weep. He has kept old age from
me when the snows of winter have
whitened my locks, and the wife of
my bosom has thinned them out.
He has his likes and dislikes, ac¬
cumulating both the one and the other
by instinct rather than reason. He
‘cannot he made to assume responsi¬
bility, and it is as easy to keep him
dawp as it is to keep a cork under
al nonda, and
gold, and good and precious gems. And
it is a mighty gocjd combination when
all boiled down to one solid purpose
and hitched to the wagon that hauls
the load of life. -
decorated witi white roiea, the flow¬
er of Theta Kappa Nu, and violets,
the Dower of Psl Delta. All present
report a ielightful afternoon.
The hoe a were the active members
of Alabam.i A phg pt The. a Kappa Nil
u follows 1 aul Barnet . W. R. Brit¬
ton, George Saxon, B. F. Atkins,
Henry E. Thcmpson, J. 3. Holbrook,
J. E Babe, Craeat E. Ulen, H. T.
Wells, James L. Campbe 1, El G. Mc-
Woody Wilkinson, C. R.
Hearn, W. B. Douglas, Alton Barton.
LaFayette Kelly, Park» Parsons,
George Rogers, Knox Spearman, L.
G. Walker. Ar hnr Dix. M Hard Hearn,
George Lktle Wade Merton, Loyal
Phillips, nllea Simpson and Sim
What's the matter with the College
He’s all right, he’s all right!
Rackety racy! Yackety-yack!
Fill his stomash! Beat his back!
Rah Rah! Rah
Sis-boonra-a-ah! College Boy!
■ He often has what men call brains,
and uses them when he is a mighty
busy man. He loves to sing, and- us¬
ually sings bass, which is perhaps
well as not, for he Is a base singer
even when he ie warbling tenor. Hia
music is noise to most people, bat his
noise is music to me.
He loves his books as a dog loves
fleas, and loves his girl with an un¬
dying devotion that has been known to
last two weeks “hand-running."
His most prized possessions are 4
college-colored sweater, his frat pin
and. the picture ot five girls. His
Pity the town that has never been
shocked by his shirttall parades, or
had its ears split by his raucous yells.
Some hit ago one of the professors
In Howard College, stricken unto
death, needed a transfusion of blood.
A large group of these college boys
of whom 1 have been talking qdlckly
bared their arms. The one chosen
— Coming —
Annual Delta Zeta Play
Watch For It
— Coming —
Annual Delta Zeta Play
Lyde Thomasson: "Evi
home are Just crazy about
E. Hood: “You mu
blood with his teacher. A stranger
came to Birmingham a few days back,
needing thaaame service. A half dozen
fellows volunteered to help the man
they had never seen, help him without
money and without price. The fellow
whose arm they tapped was back in
school the next day, somewhat worse
for the wear, but ready for the next
thing— whatever that thing might be.
You can count on the college boy. *
a, what are you
t* ’’T-' J V '
“Well, I am now
"What will you look for-
you marry?”
- ” “I will look forward
“Where do you
— way, oi* in
at Sapphire — which is altogether: to
looking forward to
Mr. Cox
ward to wl
Floyd Wright
to death.”
Usher (In theater) : r~71
wish to sit— up front; half
the back?”
Leon Hearne: “If it would be
venient, I would like to sit down.
ClaW Vowell: "What time are
expecting me to call?”
Jennie Chalmers: “I am not exi
you to call at all."
Claud VoweU: “Than I will sort
Hia father is very Ignorant, but hot
hopelessly so, for dad is due to learn
a whole lot by the time son gradu¬
His clothes may represent his Own
taste, or may be a. part of the haring
program of the college, but In either
case they are loud enough to sound
like a dap of thunder when he passes
you on the street' They are as JfuU
of boy aa they are of bolsterouehess
and that cared
dedeete for me.5 .
He is at heart the best sort
fellow, bat he yearns for the reiftita-
I went tt see the Blrmi igham-South-
Club th« other night
Tkose who went to heart, them tell me
4 was a meet credit ride perfor¬
mance, ant J enn readily .elieve It but
1 went to see the boys and enjoyed
them Immensely.
I hare b >en In all the i rtndpal toot
•ad menace** la this ooaatry and
4ty of AJi.bama, and have
of the agiiturii
Dykes fcnd^Mr. Hannah. ^
These 'talks were well delivered
and were enjoyed by all that were
Samford University Library