Basketball Team
Unusual Chapels
Interest Students
Major Fits williams, now In the
U. S. army, but formerly in the
British army and one of the foun¬
ders of the Adventurer’s Club, ad¬
dressed the school at chapel Fri¬
day. The lecture was illustrated
with pictures of the country, peo¬
ple and customs of the territory
near San Bias Bay, ninety miles
east of Panama.
Spike Wells will captain the Bull¬
dog cagers next year as a result of
a meeting of the team Tuesday. He
WM. chosen by his team-mates for
his dauntless spirit of play shown
throughout the past season, and,
under his leadership, next year
promises to be a bright one for the
E. E. Wes er. Loo Hearn, w ith John
L Johnson as alternate, and Clyde
Wureo. Aii jrey Hearn witl Albert
Beasley as alternate, will represent
Howard in he tri-angular d -bate as
affirmative md negative teams' re-
ipectively, a i a result of thi try-out
add in Fran ilin Hall Friday night.
Those try ng ort
Something new in the way of enter-
tainmentB will be given in the college
auditorium Friday night at ’ 8 :15. For
several years the Howard girls have
struggled In vain to have a Glee Club,
but for one reason or another a real,
true Glee Club has failed to material¬
ise. This year, however, under the
very able direction of PaLAM&rman,
the thing has been put across in real
It would not be fair to divulge all
the secrets now, but if anything can
be judged from a recent rehearsal
viewed by the writer, this concert will
be a humdinger. There will be pret¬
ty girls galore, and, what’s more, girls
who can sing. The costuming will be
novel and very striking, and the se¬
lections are varied and vety attrac¬
The black-face comedians are a
whole show in themselves, as are sev¬
eral other numbers on the program.
If you don’t turn up at the college au¬
ditorium Friday night you will miss
one of the best timee of your life — and
you will undoubtedly be lonesome, for
things seem to indicate that everyone
else will be there with his wife.
This is the first program of its sort
attempted by the girls here at How¬
ard, and no pains or hard work has
been spared to make it the best of its
kind ever given anywhere. Remem¬
ber, if you like pretty girls, good
music, snappy costumes and to see
everybody you know, come up* to the
Howard College auditorium Friday,
March 6, at 8:16. The admission is
fifty cents, and you will never in you
life get more for your money.
Mr. Riddle, principal of the Etowah
High School, delivered a Very apt
and direct talk in chapel Monday.
He showed that, although we are
free, there are certain restraints
that bound us and that we af§
debtors to this world. His ilnique
Those try ng
it were; Alfirma-
S. Weaker,, A. G. wiulllns,
John L. Jomson and Leo Hearn;
legalive, To n C. Kelly, Earl Carroll,
Albert Beas ey aid Clyde Warren.
The Question of debate was, R tsolved:
That the Japanese Exclusion Clause
of the Immig ratior Bill of 192i Should
be Repealed. Th( Judges were. Prof.
Burns, Dr. 0 jrett and Mrs. V mdiver.
The try-out. was a heated contest
throughout i nd tie judge’s tecieion
was not eas r, according to members
ofthe copaci.
The tri-an ;ular debate is letween
The recital was unusually good,
being well arranged and full of va¬
riety, according to many who were
present. It began promptly on time
at 7:45 and/lasted two hours* though,
never became boresome. Many num¬
bers received encores. Much com¬
ment was heard about the musical
talent that was exhibited in the num¬
bers, and praise given to Prof, and
Mrs. de Launay for their patient and
pains taking instruction.
The program consisted of the fol¬
lowing numbers:
1. Piano Quartette— Danse Ukraine,
Kirchner; the Misses Sara Hunt,
Catherine SIniard, Clara Mae Bryant
and Olivia Prescotts
2. Voice — "When Roses Bloom,”
Von Fielitz; Mr. W. A. Conner.
3. Piano— Narcissus, Kevin; Miss
Claudia M. Hoover.
4. Voice— “Sing, Bird on Wing,”
Nutting; Mrs. Ethel Counts.
6. Piano— "Le Secret;
Miss Eulalie Ives.
6. Voice— Kashmiri Song, Finden;
Mr. Luther Hearn.
7. Piano Quartette — Turkish March,
Beethoven; the Misses Hunt.^Iniard,
Bryant and Prescott.
8. Voice— Were My Song With
Wings Provided, Hahn; Miss Rosalie
9. Piano— Prelude Op. 10, MacDow-
eU; Miss C. SIniard.
10. Voice— Lover’s Call, Ruckauf;
Mr. Arthur deLoach.
11. Plano Quartette— Over HQl and
Dale, Engelmann; Misses Hunt, Sin-
iand, Prescott and Bryant, ' >
12. Voice— "Aria” from Migi
Thomas; Miss Ella Thomas.
13. Piano — Bolero, Favarger;
Basketball Resume
Mississippi Collect, and
Union Unto rsity and will '
the first Fr: day tight in Ma -, when
• Howard’s affirmative team wil debate
Mississippi's negative team (t How¬
ard; Howard's n Bgative team' meats
Union’s afii mktlve at Union; ahd
Union's negative meets Mississippi’s
affirmative earn at Jackeoi , Mis*s.
The coUege that wins both negative¬
ly and affir; natively that nig at wins
the tri-anguli r de bate, j
But befor« th< tri-angular debate,
Howard an 1 ] iirmingham-S outhern
clash in their annual debate cu April
1 The question . for the Howard-
Southern de iate ie, Resolved : That
the United 3 cates should adop: a pol¬
icy of prepaiedneas which will result
in a navy eqtal to that of any other
nation and ai avi liable army of 500,-
000 men. Ei . waft will uphold the af¬
firmative. Bowaid’s team for the
Howard-Soutl ern debate la Pa ult Bar¬
nett and Clvle Warren, with Aubrey
Hearn as alb mats;
MARCH 9-10
Representative Baptists from many
sections of the State, including both
pastors and laymen, will convene at
the First Baptist Church Qf Birming¬
ham, March 9 and 10, according to
Hugh F. Latimer, member of the
committee in .charge of the plans for
the event. Every church in the State
will be urged to send its pastor and
representatives from Lt laymen, as
it is .a convention for both pastors and
’.aymen and problems affecting both
will -be discussed, it is stated.
D. F. Green, secretary and treasur¬
er bf the Alabama Baptist Association,
was here from Montgomery during the
past week to confer with Birmingham
Baptist leaders regarding the conven¬
tion. E. L. Dodson, of Tuscaloosa,
president of the Laymen’s Committee
for th^ State, will preside at the open¬
ing session Monday evening, March
9, and other leaders have been asked
to preside at other sessions. Among
them are W. A Berry, of Birming¬
ham; G. C. Britton, of Anniston, and
Charles Bell, of Anniston.
Among the outstanding speakers of
the convention will be Dr.
E. Burts,
of Nashville; J. T. Henderson and
J. H. Anderson, of Knoxville, Tenn.;
Dr. J. R. Hobbs, ' pastor of First
Church, Birmingham; Dr. Sprlght
Dowell, < president <jf Alabama Poly¬
technic Institute - at Auburn; J. P.
Divinity Club
The Divinity Club met February 23
with a comparative large meeting.
The speaker for the evening had been
made known and a full room was the
result Paul Oden sang a solo. Prof.
Burns brought us In contact with
something we were all interested in,
and threw a light so strong on the
subject that many of the anticipated
complications were made clearer. We
are looking forward for more good
speakers and important subjects for
our future programs. Visitors are al¬
ways welcomed. -
• • '-1 '• — R.
A problem belt re the B. Y P- U.
workere atr R them* at present is Hbw
to get the n emlers to be e OcienL
The highest tercnntage made by any
«e uoion ft
Fjbruary 22 fff» 71,
which was io ich higher thin the av-
«»ge. Leade-s If the work,h«pe that
the efficepcy wil become hh her as
time goes by.
The Western B . Y. P. U. district of
Alebama will hbid Its conveition at
fiano — Bolero, Favarger; Miss
Olivia Prescott.
14, Voice— Asleep la the Deep. Pet¬
rie; Mr. Frank Awbrey.
15. Piano— The Last Smile, Wbllen-
haupt; Miss Margaret Beyer.
1«. Vocal Duet— “Song of India,”
Rimsky-Korsakoff; Miss E. Thomas
and Mr. L. Hearn.
17. Piano: a— Etude No. 9, Chopin;
b— By The Brook, Bofedeffre; Mies
l vie Pearl Ray.
18. VoiceUpn the Road to Manda¬
lay, Speaks; Mr. Ralph Grant.
Piano— Valse In C Sharp, W;
Mr. Douglas M. Braswell.
20. Voice-r-“Valiey. of Laughter,”
Sanderson; Mrs. B. Counts.
21. Piano Quartette — Polonaise,
Hollman; Misses Hunt. Siniard. Pres-
A— B. Y. P. U.
The L. O. A. had a very Interesting
program Sunday evening when Miss
Ethel Bond led. Several fine talks
were made by different members, and
the program was made complete by a
fine solo by Miss Sara Faucett, with
Miss Sara Hunt as accompanist.
The union had a large number of
visitors, among whom were, Mr. Mo-
Coll, President of the Western Dis¬
trict of Alabama in B. Y. P. U., H
Miss Pryor, former associational pian¬
ist- We were very glad to have all
these visitors, and hope they wifi
technic Institute
Nichols, of Griffin. Ga.; A. L. Lindsey,
of Tuscalo&sa; Michael Cody, r of
Montgomery, and Attorney-General
Harwell G. Davis, of Montgomery.
Enclosed find (12-10 depos
full price) for one copy of t
Entre Nous.
Samford University Library