Skelton soars . 3
Soccer action . 5
Weekend forecast:
Partly sunny,
cooler. Highs, 50s,
lows, upper 30s.
Volumn74 Number 11
Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama
February 22, 1990
# ■
Samford raises tuition...again
compared with 1989-90 tuition and fees at 20
other schools in the South
TULANE $14,230
SUWANEE $11,980
RHODES $10,660
MERCER $7,309
SAMFORD $6,000
ERSKINE $8,025
STETSON $8,440
FURMAN $9,074
ROLLINS $11,550
EMORY $12,410
DUKE $13,928
Source: The College Cost Book, 1989-90, tenth edition, published
by the College Entrance Examination Board, New York, NY
By Theresa Holloway
Samford’s total cost of tuition
and fees will increase 8.34 per¬
cent for the 1990-91 academic
year, according to Bill Nunnelley,
'director of information services.
The total cost for tuition, room
and board will be $9,170 for the
school year. This is $706 more
than the $8,464 rate for thus year.
Funding for new faculty mem¬
bers, computer expenses, person¬
nel salary hikes, increased bene¬
fits and insurance will come from
the new charges, Nunnelley said.
The tuition rate will be twice as
high as inflation, as long as the
inflation rate remains consistent.
The cost of living “assumes eve¬
rything will remain the same. For
example, if minimum wage goes
up to $4.35 an hour next year,
then that will come from the in¬
crease,” Nunnelley said.
Samford’s new $3,000-per-se-
mester tuition is still below the
national average of $4,368.50 for
private colleges and universities,
he said.
Don Belcher, dean of admissions,
said, “Our costs, when compared
to similar private universities in
other states, are viewed as a bar¬
SGA elections
held next week
By Amy Christmas
Staff Reporter
Todd Heifner, a junior public
administration major from Nash¬
ville, Tenn., has announced his
candidacy for the office of Stu¬
dent Government Association
Heifner, who is vice president
of the Senate, said he wants to
continue working ori a open-
dorms policy.
“I’d like to see open dorms at
some point,” Heifner said. Heif her
said he believes it may not happen
while he is president, but he would
like to work toward that goal.
“I’d also like to see the student
body get involved in some kind of
off-campus volunteerism, such as
Habitat for Humanity,” Heifner
Heifner said he plans to con¬
tinue campus activities such as
Howard’s and Samford Night at
the Comedy Club.
Heifner was president pro tern
for the Senate last year, and was
a senator for the School of Arts
and Sciences his freshman year.
He is also involved in the Baptist
Student Union.
Justin Rudd, a junior market¬
ing major from Ozark, Ala., has
announced he is running for the
office of SGA president.
Rudd said he wants feedback
from students. ‘T want people to
come see meand let me know how
they feel, what they want,” he
said. “I want to have someone
•there [the SGA office] all the time
to answer questions.”
Rudd said he believes it is im¬
portant for the SGA president to
be “seen” around campus. “I still
want to be involved in other ar¬
Rudd said he will work closely
with the different SGA commit¬
tees. He said he wants Howard’s
and Samford Night at the Com¬
edy Club to continue.
Rudd is a member of the A
Capella choir, the Baptist Stu¬
dent Union and Lambda Chi
Ben Sorrell, a junior business
administration major from Co¬
lumbus, Ga, is running for SGA
vice president of the Senate.
As vice president, Sorrell said
he would want the students to
have a greater voice in campus
“I’d like the administration to
listen to students more,” Sorrell
said. “I don’t feel that they [the
administration] always hear what
we have to say.”
Sorrell said he would also like
to continue working on an open-
dorms policy of some kind.
Sorrell is a member of Alpha
Phi Omega and is involved in
outdoor recreation.
Shelli Tripp, a sophomore ele¬
mentary education major from
Orlando, Fla., is running for SGA
vice president of the Senate.
“The past two years the senate
has become more involved in cam¬
pus affairs, “Tripp said. “I would
like to see that continue.”
Please see SGA page 3.
(L to R) Jerry Jones, Chip Colee, Mike Hunter, Mark Branan, Merritt
Seshul of Sigma Chi celebrate winning sweepstakes.
Sigma Chi sweeps Step
Sing for the first time
By Amy Christmas
Staff Reporter
The brothers of Sigma Chi won
the Step Sing Sweepstakes Award
for the first time in history at the
39th annual Step Sing.
“It was really exciting,” Sigma
Chi Merritt Seshul said. “I didn’t
think we had won it until they
announced our names.”
The fraternity’s presentation of
“Fire” outscored 17 other shows
to win top honors. The show in¬
cluded songs from Billy Joel,
James Taylor and Jerry Lee
Lewis. Winners in the Men’s
Division were the mechanics of
Sigma Nu who placed second with
“Songs From a Garage,” and
Lambda Chi who took third with
their law-breaking performance
of “Wanted Men”
Alpha Delta Pi took first place
in the Women’s Division by salut¬
ing the all-American sport in
“Talkin’ Baseball.” Phi Mu
placed second with their magical
performance of “A Touch of
Magic” and Chi Omega placed
third with their inspirational “Up,
Up, and Away.”
The Baptist Student Union
caught ‘The Rockin’ Pneumonia
and the Boogie Woogie Flu” along
with first place in the Mixed Divi¬
sion with their performance of
“Is There a Doctor in the House?”
The junior class took second place
with their rockin’ show ‘The
Rhythm Is Gonna Get ‘Cha” and
the Ministerial Association
“praised Him” while placing third
with their performance of “Praise
HYMN Through the Ages."
The little Indians of Zeta Tau
Alpha are “On the Warpath!’
and won the award for Most En¬
tertaining Show.
Freshman writing course
subject of documentary
By Whitney Wheeler
Staff Reporter
Samford is on the forefront of
“In computer-aided writing, we
are ahead of 98 percent of all
colleges and universities in the
world,” English professor David
Roberts said about the innova¬
tive computer program Confer¬
ence Writer.
And Alabama Public Television
seems to agree with Roberts. So
successful is the Conference
Writer program, it will be high¬
lighted in a documentary about
computer-assisted learning to be
aired next fall.
APTV crews spent four hours
filming shots in Roberts’ 102
freshman writing class that will
appear in “Electronic Words,” a
documentary focusing on the
impact that word processors are
having on theschooi environment.
Tom Ryland, producer of
“Electronic Words,” called Con¬
ference Writer “unique.” The
Macintosh company informed
him of the program that is “ahead
of its time,” he said.
Using the Macintosh computer
network, Conference Writer is
designed to improve student writ¬
ing through “peer collaboration”
Please see APTV page 2.
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