toward Bulldoge lost a fierce-
i contested tiit to the Aubu n Tigers
|t sa.urday. One remark ible fact
Jthut .be Plainsmen were never able
[peat bate the Bulldog linn, and as
resul they were forced to use tac-
L anu strategy that herettfore was
[iced upon at Auburn's weakest at¬
ilt. ';'es, the- forward wasn was re-
Ljibe for all their points, some
fnts may be attributed his way
|y Inllrectly.
hapiain She ton was himsalf again
urn orked some uncanny football.
plaj ed all over that fielt , getting
tm bihind the line of strimmage
H els where While Norrl i, at the
toslH end «f the line, did his stuff
[to ptr, Ba>e Kelly, at taikle, the
I boy from he Walker Goi nty Vik-
|s, played £ stellar role, i.nd time
fcr tine, caused the Plainsmen to
Inder «hat i . was all about. Spicer,
lo relieved Barfield at tackle
Iwed narke l improvement over his
lly getaon playing,
lubnri shored much impr avement
Iher work over that displayed
linst Birn ingham-Southevn at
Impto. . Bow! two weeks ai o. Her
■sing s more dangerous ithd her
I has been especially etrength-
One of the pleasurable affairs of
last week was the silver tea given by
the Y. W. C. A. girls on Tuesday
The main features of the after¬
noon’s entertainment were a reading
given by Mrs, Vandiver and music by
Carl Hearn. Punch was served
throughout the afternoon by Misses
Miriam Thornton. Bill Kirk, Bill
Hardy and Julia Finklea.
The free will offering, taken as the
guests departed amounted to about
eig^t dollars, and after the expenses
of the afternoon were taken care of,
about six dollars remained.
Housekeepers to Offer
Scholarship for Women
The Housekeeper’s Club of East
Congratulations to the “I. X. L.”
Union In having the larger number
present at the District Meeting Sun¬
day afternoon.
From the two Unions enrolling 113
only 24 were present. A shame on
the young people of Ruhamah Church
and Howard College! Several small¬
er Unions. ’had from 80 to 96 per cent
of their enrollment present.
However, It was a pleasure to have
so many present at the Sunday night
meeting. After all, our President still
thinks she has, or rather we have,
the finest group of boys and girls
with some of the best talent any¬
where In Alabama. Let's show our
colors and prove our loyalty by hav¬
ing 100 present Sunday night, will
iowarii received and after return-
a 40-: art
ick-off to their own 30-
i Uni, first down v|as made in
ft ore it, b it was forced
next down. Loller punted 40 yards
ofbomds. No scoring lock place
Ihe fit st quarter.
I'Tly ii second quarter two passes
Hai rison to Peterson v ere re-
Nble for a tally. The Tigers
N at other touchdown in second
pr “ ice la trick” play,
the thl d quarter and fourt i quar-
I Aubn n was able to sco.'e two
N counters by the air roule from
piton to Peterson. In th>> third
Ecu He we kicked a fle d goal
f He ware ’s 30-yard line The
en<1 <I with the score of 30-0 in
r of Auburn. It was j hard-
|b< gai ie tl roughout the tin e from
lnr,t l > th ■ last whistle.
Ice-up- Au jum (30): Oiling er, left
■iXaberg, eft tackle; Reag m (c),
| guard ; Uwrenee, center; Self,
I guirt; Brice, right .ackle;
It u ht ‘nd; Peterson. tuarter-
1,8 risim, left halfback; Wil-
t b; It back; Howe, ft llback.
■ward Shelton (c), left en< ; Den-
to Howard College. This scholarship
will be offered to young women, the
selection to be made, by Dr. Dawson.
To raise money for this scholar¬
ship, the ClubAntends to serve lunch¬
eon specials on the College campus
each Thursday. Naturally you can
expect the kind of food your mother
should make. So help yourself and
help Howard by patronizing these
or Pettit at ends. Preacher Hyde and
Porter held forth well at guards.
Preacher later stepping back to the
backfield. Chris Ransom put up a
great fight at tackle. Spike Wells
fought like a demon until hurt and
had to be carried from the game.
Henry Hudson did not enter the game
Last. Monday night the ministerial
students were -favored with a talk by
Mr. Thomas, the son of, our own Dr.
Boost if the B. Y. P; U. is lively
Boost if it’s dead as sin
No battle is won
By the one who’ll run.
So stick to your job and win.
By the way, it was incidentally sug¬
gested that the B. Y. P. U. is the
finest place in the world to make
lasting friendships. If you have a
ha< his picture to
* ihivered and sh
Ter on the rug.
8 n)t his blame,
i a ha me
a bad mug.
AU., October 19, 1923
No. 6.
The Freshman class held a meet¬
ing with the president, Harold
Tlnklepaugh, presiding, completed the
election of officers, with the follow¬
Class Prophet— Clyde Warren.
Class Historian— Jim Dillard.
Class Poet— My er Newfield.
Entre Nous Reporter— Lent Brew¬
Crimson Reporter— Pauline Ray.
These officers together with the
ones elected at the first meeting,
make up a group of cooperative work¬
ers that will give the "Rats" the right
to claim the honor of being the best
first year class Howard College has
ever possessed. From the spirit thus
far displayed the future or the Fresh¬
man class seems destined to excell
that of all others.
Previous ’ elections have been;
President — Harold Tlnklepaugh.
Vice President — Frank Pearce.
Scretary and Treasurer — Mildred
Y. W. C. A. Silver Tea
Is Pleasant Affair
Pledges Announced
By All Fraternities
“The Morning After the Night Before”
As has been the case in all history
and as always will be, after the storm
comes calm. So it is with pledging
of new men to the different frater¬
nities in Howard College.
Monday night at 9 o’clock the Pan
Hellenic ruling was lifted, and the
pledging of new men took place at
the different entertainments had by
the chapters.
Each fraternity has its ideals and
peculiar characteristics which their
men must possess.
After the storm subsided and the
wgvee were again content to he still,
we find after a careful checking of
results that the Pei Delta Fraternity
has pledged fourteen men, the Sigma
Nu Fraternity, thirteen, the PI Kappa
Alpha, nine, the Phi Kappa Nu, eight.
Names of men pledged to the dif¬
ferent fraternities will be found on an
inside page.
The Crimson staff wishes to take
this pleasure of congratulating the
fraternities on their selections. To
the new men we wish you the most
successful fraternity life, and hope
you measure up to all ideals, never
forgetting that your first duty is to
yourself, your next duty you owe to
your own college, then comes your
allegiance to your fraternity. Live
up to the standards set by your fra¬
Baptist vs. Baptist.
That will be the case next Friday
when the Baptists Bulldogs face the
Baptist Choctaws of Mississippi col¬
lege -In Jackson, Mies. Last year the
Choctays defeated the Bulldogs to the
tune of 28-0, but a new tale will be
told . after the game Friday.
Birmingham-Southern fell a foe to
the Choctaw’s mighty rush last Satur¬
day under the leadership of Parks. It
was easy grazing for the Choctaws.
Letting the past be the past and
looking forward only is the sentiment
expressed by the team regarding their
early season games. The Bulldoge are
in fair shape and by Friday no doubt
they will be in perfect condition.
Back in “Goat” Hale’s days he was
able to defeat the Bulldogs only 18-0
and since there is no “Goat” Hale on
the team now, the Howard Kennel
feels confident. They have played
their final early season game and
now is determined to hang the Choc¬
taws’ scalp in as conspicuous a place
as /possible.
The line-up will be practically the
liame as the one that faced Auburn
last Saturday with possibly Stevens
in the line-up.
I Bulldogs, we bid you “bon voyage”
into Mississippi. We are for you!
Thomas. In his talk Mr. Thomas
stressed the great importance of
"Keeping the Faith” when we have
trials and are tempted to loose our
Mr. Oden also favored the Club
with a solo which was enjoyed by all.
The rambling of the boys about
over the state last Sunday is as fol¬
Bonner at Corona— Morning subject
“Weighed and Found Wanting:’’ eve¬
ning, “What Shall I do With Jesus.”
Weaver at Hillsobro — Morning
“Christ Leadeth Hie People;” eve¬
ning. “Without Love of God We Are
Higdon at Goose Creek— Morning.
“Christian Love;” evening, at Laml-
son. “How Does Saving Grace Mani¬
fest Itself in Man.”
Edwards at Huffman— Evening only
John 6:16.
B. F. Atkins, pastor at Huffman,
started a revival Sunday evening.
Ketchum. at Bon Air— Morning.
"Pastor and Church;” evening. “What
Shall I Do With Jesus.”
Rogers has charge of Young Peo¬
ples work at 27th Street Church-
Aims, at Banger-Morning. ‘Four
Certainties of Christianity;’’ evening.
“To Whom Shall We Go.”
H. H. Thomas at Bethlehem— Morn¬
ing “Duties and Obligations of
Church ; " evening. “Cultivating outr
Gifts.’’ . -
Oct. 13— Howard vs. Auburn at
Oct. 19— Howard vs. Mississippi
College, at Jackson, Miss.
Oct. 27 — Howard vs. Union Univer¬
sity at Jackson, Tenn.
Nov. 3— Howard vs Millsaps, at
Nov. 10— Howard vs. Jacksonville
State Normal at Anniston, Ata.
Nov. 17— Howard vs. Chattanooga
at Chattanooga.
Ballpaps Add Third
Scalp From Walker
County Hi Vikings
Hank Knight Breaks Through for
Thirty Yards and Touchdown.
Bringing home the bacon seems
about all the Bullpups can do. Snatch¬
ing games has got to be a habit.
Their third straight win happened last
Friday when they stepped over to
Jasper and whipped the highly touted
and tooted Walker County High
eleven, 6 to 0.
However, in the Vikings the Pups
met the strongest opposition that they
have been up against this year. This
is evidenced by the small score and
was also attested by the scrap that
the Reserves had to put up. They
had to fight for every inch of their
Most of the game was played in the
territory of the Vikings. The ball
switched up and down the field with
lots of punting taking place.
The entire Bullpup team put up a
great scrap. Fllver Ford was oozing
off the yardage until he was cuckooed
in the first of the second quarter
and never completely regaining his
senses. Tink Tlnklepaugh was hin¬
dered by a bum leg, but gained good
ground and ran the team well, when
he was placed in at quarter later on.
Whltey Whitehead showed his ver¬
satility by running at fullback and
quarter and then getting In the line
at center. Barton played a nice game
at half while he was In there.
Hank Knight Breaks Through.
In the second quarter with neither
team knowing much where the ball
was Hank Knight went right through
the middle of the line for thirty yards
and the winning touchdown.
All the linemen put up great games.
Whereas we the student body of
Howard College feel deeply indebted
and grateful to Mr. W. A. Berry. Alum¬
nus of Howard College, of the class
of 1906. for his improvement of the
athletlhc situation in 'the college in
the form of:
1st. sodding Berry Field,
2nd. fencing Berry Field,
3rd. building bleechers for Berry
Therefore ,be it resolved that In
this formal manner we express to
him the inspiration we feel for his
fine example of loyalty to Alma
Mater, and our sincere gratitude for
his infinite kindnesses and services
best friend, bring her; if not come
and find her. She will be delighted
to go on the hike Friday night. Let's
make a great time of our first B. Y.
P. U. social,— make the “Rats” re¬
member it!
Miss Mabel Willoughby, as Group
Captain No. II, had charge of a very
interesting short program Sunday
night, a special feature of which was
a vocal solo by Miss Mabel Cornelius.
Mr. Dendy with Group No. II will
have charge of the program Sunday
evening,-, the subject being “What Is
My Duty Toward Those Who Are Not
How many heard that great sermon
on Fear Sunday evening? Don’t for¬
get to back your pastor for he is with
until the second quarter, and after
he entered Walker tried two plays
over him and then tried no more.
For Walker the work of Red Gib¬
son in the backfield stood out, while
Red Brown put up a nice scrap in
the first halt in the line.
It was shown last week that sup¬
port when It doesn't cost anything is
very suitable, but when you have to
dig and put out it doesn’t suit the
current opinion of spirit and support.
Thats very poor. You don’t love
Howard and the team as you should.
If this applies to you, change your
way of thinking.
The “Delegation” has increased Its
membership to about 65 now. Bet¬
ter hurry with your application as it
is restricted to a certain number.
to succeeding generations of Howard
College students.
2nd, that a copy of these resolutions
be sent to Mr. Berry,
3rd, that a copy be sent to the
Howard Crimson;
4th, that a copy be kept for our
Secretary Student Body.
Samford University Library