Chicken pox . . . . . 3
Oscars . .5
Women's softball . 6
Greek Week . 7
Bloom County . 10
Semester hour will be $ 143 in fall
Students must brace for another tuition increase
By Mke Manning
Sports Editor
Tuition, room and board will increase 5.6 percent for the
1987-88 academic school year marking the fourth year in
a row that the cost for an education at Samford has risen.
Samford President Thomas Corts Said students should not
be suprised by the new increase. “Well, as I have said every
year, I don’t expect the tuition to do anything but go up.”
A Samford student who lives in Crawford Johnson Hall,
has a 19-meal plan and takes an average course load of 16
hours will now pay $3,549 after the new increase. This year,
the student would have paid $3,351 for the same education.
In a letter that will be sent to parents and students describ¬
ing the increases, Corts said that we must “meet the
challenges of the knowledge explosion, new technology, and
provision for a faculty and staff of experts" in order to main¬
tain the commitment of being one of the top church-affiliated
universities in the nation.
. In the letter, Corts also said that successful fund-raising
efforts, strong and generous church support, alumni and
friends have all allowed the university to face these
Reaction to the increase in costs for an education at Sam¬
ford were mixed..
“It is unfortunate that tuition had to be increased at all,
but it is better than the $150 per hour that I expected," Stu¬
dent Government Association President Todd Carlisle said.
•Tuition increases aren’t so bad if they go to the right places.
Professors enjoy pay raises as much as we do on our jobs,”
said junior religion major Tim Moore. Tuition has gone up
every year since I have been here so I expect it now.”
Enclosed in the information being sent to parents and
students is a list of the tuition and fees from selected institu¬
tions throughout the Southeast. Samford is listed among
these institutions and the list shows how its tuition costs com¬
pare to those of other universties.
Corts said that Samford's increase is less than most com¬
parable institutions. “A Samford education continues to be
substantially below the charges of comparable private univer¬
sities and far below the national average costs of its private
Corts said the decision to increase the student’s cost is never
an easy one. The decision to raise tuition is made over a
period of time each year. It is made reluctantly.”
Students will face new housing costs ranging from $566
a semester for Vail-Davis and Crawford Johnson to $688 a
''“semester at Beeson Woods.
The costs of utilities are going up and the increase «done
will just cover the increase,” said Tim Hebson, director of
Students will also pay more for meals next semester. Those
who have the 19-meal plan will be paying $695, a $39 jump
from this semester. Those who have the 12-meal plan will
only have to pay $35 more as the cost of their meals increases
to $625.
“I understand that it costs money to run an institution of
higher education,” said Mike Carver, a senior nursing major
from Corner,“but 1 think the students here have been taxed,
so heavily that at this time it is a poor business decision. 1
think it will hurt enrollment.”
photo by Alan Thompson
April Showers??
Senior Scott Guffin is checking to make sure last week's record snow fall is not a dream. In
some places, seven inches covered most of north and central Alabama making it the latest
measurable snowfall in Birmingham history. The record-setting white stuff gave Samford
students an unexpected holiday from morning classes on Friday
Bowden hopes NCAA
clears recruiting questions
Sports Editor
Samford University Football
Coach Terry Bowden said he hopes
the National Collegiate Athletic;
Association will address the issue
concerning charges leveled by Salem
College that four players have been
“illegally lured” to play football at
“I personally don’t think the NCAA
will approach the issue,” Bowden
said, “but I hope because of what
Salem has done, that the NCAA will
look into this and clear it up because
there is a problem.”
Samford Athletic Director, Paul
Dietzel agrees. “It’s getting to be kind
of ridiculous. 1 hope they (the NCAA)
get this cleared up.”
The controversy stems from the
announcement made by Salem of¬
ficials that Bowden had contacted
Salem football players Jim Fisher,
Robert “Shorty” Smith, Tim
Richardson and Tray Looman
without first receiving written permis¬
sion from Salem Athletic Director
Harry Hartman.
Salem officials not only allege the
players were contacted illegally, but
that they were also offered “perks” if
they would transfer to Samford.
Salem Head Coach Corky Griffith
said,” One of the players concerned
was up here in my office saying that
Bowden had offered him a job.”
Bowden responded to the charges
of offering the players incentives by
saying they were totally “ludicrous"
and “false.” He said that he had
nothing with which he could lure
these players away from Salem.
Bowden said that there are many
reasons the players would want to
come Samford. All of the players
were recruited by Bowden. The 'tui¬
tion at Samfordis nearly $2,100 less
than it is at Salem! Three of the four
are natives of Florida. The other,
Fisher (who lives in West Virginia),
is very close to Bowden.
“Jimbo(Fisher) is very close to me,
I have talked to him once a month
from the day I left Salem.”
Fisher played his first collegiate
football game against Samford,
leading the Salem Tigers to a 82-9
win in the first game the Bulldogs
had played in over 10 years. In his
three years at Salem he had 5,714
passing yards with 41 touchdowns.
Smith was Salem’s leading rusher
last season with 455 yards on 143
carries with seven touchdowns. -
Richardson was Salem's leading
wide receiver last season with 24
receptions for 489 yards and three
Please see Football on page 6,
Cumberland team wins national moot court competition
By Christy Choyce
Staff Reporter .
For the first time Cumberland School of Law won the
Association of Trial Lawyers of America Mock Trial Competi¬
Senior law students Dan Sleet, Ralph Bohanan and Kevin
Hayslett represented Cumberland in the competition as they
competed against teams from George Washington Law
School, Syracuse Law School, William Mitchell Law School,
San Diego Law School, Texas Tech Law School, Suffolk Law
School and Denver Law School.
The competition was held in Washington, D.C. on April 3-4.
The team defeated Texas Tech in the first round, Denver
in the second round and San Diego in the finals. Previous
to the nationals the team won the regional competition held
at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. They defeated
teams such as the University of Alabama Law School, Emory
Law School, the University of Georgia Law School and Stet¬
son Law School.
Sleet said the team has been diligently practicing for four
months. The mock trial competition, .which is a competition
of senior law students who compete with an imaginary “case,"
is possibly the best training for the soon-to-be trial lawyer.
Cumberland has a national reputation for its trial program with
emphasis on its well-known instructors and three practice
The competition was very aggressive and intense," Sleet
said. He said they were not overconfident, however, not sur¬
prised to win. “We have worked so hard,” he said. They have
spent the past four months practicing against local Birm¬
ingham attorneys, which Sleet said 1* a key to their winning.
Another key factor, he said, is their coach, Mike Rasmussen.
Rasmussen is a U.S. assistant attorney who is teaching this
semester at Cumberland. “He is a great coach. He has great
strategy and tactics. He worked us hard," Sleet said.
The success in the competition starts here (Cumberland),”
Sleet said. Law students begin preparing for these national
competitions their second year in school with inter-school
Judge James O. Haley also accompanied the team. Sleet
said that the competition was dedicated to Haley because of
his guidance, and the fact that Cumberland had never won
an ATLA competition.
Winning a major national mock trial competition, accor¬
ding to Sleet, gives a student an “advantage, a foot in the door.”
All three students were offered jobs at the competition on the
spot. One of the judges at the competition’noted that the law
students were on the same level at this competition as many
trial lawyers that have been practicing five years or more.
Hayslett said this type of competition is so difficult because
the team must be prepared for both sides of the pase. “You
have to be ready to switch sides in 10 to 15 minutes," he said.
Hayslett also noted that the competitive level was very intense
at not only the national level but the regioiials as well. The