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The right response in
Central America
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What is your
senate doing
The Samford Crimson
Vol. 69 No. 23
Samford University
Friday, April 5, 1985
Dorms inspected during spring break
without students’ knowledge
By Kevin Purta
Crimson managing editor
According to the Samford University
Student Handbook, university . officials
have the right to inspect dorm rooms. The
handbook states, “In order to maintain
proper functioning of equipment and the
conditioning of furnishings, staff members
have access to resident rooms for inspec¬
tion at all times."
Martha Ann Cox, vice president of stu¬
dent affairs, said dorm rooms are in¬
spected not only before students move in
and after they move out, but also during
either Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays
and again during spring break.
“We do it (make inspections) while the
students are gone because we have easier
access and are not bothering you (the
students). We did not search rooms during
spring break. We never search. We do not
open anything. We open the room but
that’s it," she said.
According to a Crimson survey of 100
dorm residents, 95 percent did not know
about the inspections and expressed disap¬
proval of the action. Leah Taylor, Sam¬
ford junior said, "I don’t like it at all.”
“By doing this they are treating us just
like children,” said Ann Carol McGaha.
Carla Reynolds, senior, said she did not
like the idea but that she had “nothing to
hide, so it really didn’t matter.” Other
students expressed this same idea.
Cox said that members of the Housing
Office and members of the student affairs
staff are looking for specific kinds of pro¬
blems while inspecting rooms - either
housekeeping, maintenance or functioning
“We look to see if there is a phone in
every room. We look to see if there are two
phones; if there are two beds, if there are
supposed to be two beds; if there are two
facility is in order.”
Cox said that if there were some
mechanical or housekeeping problem that
needed attention in a room, a little more
investigating was conducted.
“For instance, if a desk was in great
need of repair, then we might look a little
bit longer to see what was wrong with the
desk and in the process we might have to
take the drawer out. But we do not
search,” she said.
But officials do have visual access. “We
as well as students have become more con¬
cerned with the thievery that is going on.
We are concerned from the standpoint that
furniture from academic buildings has
been missing.
“So one of the things that we were look¬
ing for was desks and chairs from other
buildings and we found quite a bit just sit¬
ting in rooms. We did make note of that
and have made contact with those peojfle
and will continue to keep in touch with
them. These pieces of furniture are not a
part of their rooms and need to be
Cox said a lot of the furniture that was
found had been reported missing, from the
English building. A lot of desks were
found, particularly in the men’s residence
IMwr t»r English Btfllding,
which was open for students to study, had
to be cloeed because the English Depart¬
ment came to us and said that the van¬
dalism was more than they could handle.
“I suppose the reason people are more
aware of our going through the dorms thre
time is because we did find so much miss¬
ing furniture - even cafeteria trays,
glasses and dishes, but there was not
search or seizure. We didn’t even take the
furniture that didn’t belong to these peo¬
ple. We simply notified them and hare
asked them to return it.”
ABC’s to new pre¬
registration given
By Kellye Elliott
Crimson staff writer
There will be a new procedure for pre-
registration in April, according to
registrar Travis Tinadal. “We feel the
pre-registration we have used in the past
was a hassle. We tried to simplify it but we
made it harder. It looked like we created a
monster by trying to make it simpler,”
said Tindal.
Students will go into an arena at their
assigned time after showing a trial study
sheet signed by their advisor. Each
department in Uie arena will have class
cards that represent spaces available in a
After obtaining the desired class cards,
the student will put these cards in an
envelope, which will be the registration
packet, and will write his name and stu¬
dent number on the outside of the
The classes reserved will then be put in
the computer which will produce two print¬
outs: one for the student and one for the
registration packet.
The student will complete the second
part of registration in the fall. During this
part of registration, the student will be
asked if any class changes are desired. If
a change is needed, the student will go
back into the arena and pull the ap¬
propriate class card(s).
The student will then go to the
registrar’s terminal where he will be ask¬
ed if the schedule has been adjusted. If it
has been changed, the schedule will be ad¬
justed on the terminal and the student will
check the terminal to see if the schedule is
When a schedule is final, the computer
will generate a bill and produce a master
class schedule. Students will then take
class cards to Student Accounts and pay.
the bill or indicate what financial aid or
other funds will be used to cover the bill.
Student Accounts will stamp class cards as
Students will take the cards to class and
give them to their professors who will use
the cards to check attendance for a week.
The professor will turn in cards after this
week and a class roll will be made.
There will be a one-week drop-and-add
period. After this week, only drops will be
allowed. If a student wants to drop a class,
he needs to gdtihe class card from the pro¬
fessor and take it to the registrar. If the
student wants to add a class, he will try to
obtain the desired class card. The student
will take the card to the added class.
Tindal said it is to the students’ advan¬
tage to pre-register because it reserves a
place in class. He estimated that 75 to 85
percent of the students would pre-register
and that 15 to 25 percent would not.
In the fall during the second part of
registration, the first few hours of the day
will be given to the pre- registered students
to adjust their schedule and complete
The next block of time will be for
transfer students. During the last block of
time, the students who did not pre-register
will register.
Incoming freshmen will register during
the summer at orientation.
“This should encourage all to pre-
register,” said Tindal. “1 personally
would hate to be in a position of not pre-
registering. That’s the student (those who
do not pre-register) I expect to go through
wailing and gnashing of teeth.”
One benefit from the change, said Tin¬
dal, will be that departments teaching
multiple section classes would be better
able to know how many sections are
Joey Vaughn is now the new president of SGA after a run-off election against David Ficken.
Other officers are John Reece, senate vice-president; Todd Crider, SAC vice-president; Mark
Waters, treasurer aiwkBarry Harwell, chief justice, photo by Suzy Bobbit,
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