Volume 67, Number
Law Week
to feature
Cox, Bumpers
Crimson staff writer
Cumberland Law school’s Law Week
program will run from March 22-27 and in¬
clude two U.S. Senators, several high-
ranking judges and special entertainment.
The program is part of Cumberland's
award-winning speakers programs.
The ’ school's Cordell Hull ' Speakers
Forum was voted number one in the nation
last year, and the school’s Law Week pro¬
gram was judged to be the nation's best In
1979 and 1980.
The purpose of the forum, according to
committee co-chairman Linda Cole, is “to
provide a diversified group of speakers.”
Cole said diversity is a key factor in plann¬
ing the programs.
Ms. Cole and co-chairman said they hope
to expose students to a mixture of per¬
sonalities and provide an unlimited scope
of issues.
The forum previously hosted now-
President Reagan. Vice President George
Biish. and former President Jimmy
Carter. For 1981-82, Speakers have includ¬
ed FBI Director William Webster. Patrick
Lucey, Birmingham Mayor Richard Arr¬
ington. SEC Commissioner Tom Krebs,
former PQW James Rowe, and former
Budget Director Bert Lance.
The Law Week program includes Sen.
Dale Bumpers (D-Ark.), Sen. Joseph
Biden (D-Del.) former Watergate pro¬
secutor Archibald Cox and judges John
Godbold, Harry Phillips and Oren Harris.
Godbold and Phillips will judge the
school's Moot Court Competition, while
Harris will receive an honorary Doctor of
Laws degree from the university.
State Representative Tom Woodruff of
Florida will address the Law Alumni Lun¬
cheon. March 27. Woodruff is a graduate of
Cumberland student Edward Miller will
present a dramatic monologue entitled
“Law, Morality. ..and a Touch of Twain”.
Miller, w)lo served as director of. the
Rocky ivfountain Repertory Theatre will
portray Mark Twain in costume using
speeches and short stories taken from the
author's works.
(See pictures of l<aw Week
speakers on page 15)
_ Thursday, March 11, 1982
Lance favoi*s
budget cuts
to end deficit ^
Crimson editor
Steve Barker puts up one of his patented jump shots as Ronald Radford positions himself
under the basket. The two seniors led the team in scoring and rebounding respectively.
Barker finished with 30 points in the Bulldogs' 82-80 overtime loss to Centenary to close
out his record-breaking career with 1,902 points. (See Sports, page 10-11.)
Law Week Highlights
Monday, March 22, 11:30 p.m.: Senator
Joseph Biden. LSW Concert Hall.; 7 p.m..
Film Classic: “The Paper Chase”, DBH
Wednesday, March 24, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.:
"Legal Rights of Women” workshop; 7
p.m.. Film Classic: “Twelve Angry Men”.
DBH auditorium.
Thursday. March 25. 10 a.m.. Reception for
Birmingham Police Chief Arthur Deutsch,
Law School Student Lounge.; 8 p.m.:
“Mark Twain”, One-Man drama, LSW
Friday. March 26, 11 a.m., Archibald Cox,
Reid Chapel.
Saturday, March 27, Rep. Tom Woodruff
and Sen. Dale Bumpers address luncheon
and banquet meetings, BSC
Former Management and Budget Direc¬
tor Bert Lance told Cumberland Law
students in Reid Chapel Tuesday that the
Reagan administration must abandon its
plan to cut taxes and make across-the -
board cuts in the federal budget if present
economic conditions are to improve.
“There isn’t any agency of government
that couldn’t run on 10 percent less if it
would straighten out our current economic
problems,” Lance said. “We would never
know the difference.”
Lance said the Reagan tak cuts “put too
much pressure on the budget”
The last scheduled speaker of the 1981-82
Cordell Hull Speakers Forum said two
basic factors are leading to more severe
economic problems in coming months:
high interest rates and an increasing
federal budget deficit.
“1 believe that in large measure the high
level of interest rates drives our economy.
Interest rates, in turn, are driven by
federal budget deficits.
“There is no way in my opinion that
young people today can afford to buy a
house y/iw Interest rates at 18 and 20 per¬
cent,” saffl Lance. “Property ownership is
one of the things that made us great as a
Lance cited figures which indicated that
the federal budget has increased to $750-
billlon. He said the Reagan deficits will
total more than the combined deficits of all
of his predecessors since Lyndon Johnson.
Lance said he agreed with Reagan's
supply-side economic philosophy, but
disagreed with Reagan's cutting of special
programs rather than across the board
cuts. He was especially critical of the ad¬
ministrations plans to cut student aid.
“It is an outright mistake to cut student
loans - a program so vital to the future of
our nation.. .it is foolish to throw out a pro¬
gram of this value.
“Supply-siders will never Have a chance
to prove themselves right or wrong_
because they assume we are a nation of
savers. At the moment, we’re a nation of
Lance said the-, average American's
mobility and- ability to take investment
risks also- is greatly weakened by present
economic conditions. •>
“After what I have been ihfough the past
Samtord UniversiF/TiBrary