The Samf ordCrimson
Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama
Friday, March 13, 1981
Zeta Tau Alpha became the first
women's group to win a Step Sing
I sweepstakes since 1971 in Step Sing 1981
| February 27 and 28. The Zeta's "Razzle
Dazzled' the audience with their show
All That Jazz". which combined a touch
| of vaudeville with a bit of Broadway. “All
That Jazz" was directed by Kathy Hester, ‘
arranged by David Gaines and
choreographed by Carol Coltharp.
Lambda Chi Alpha captured first place
the men's division with the show
"Classical Frat"; Alpha Delta Pi won the
I women s division with "A Little Country
Heartache", and the Sophomore class took
first in the mixed division* during
The trophy the Lambda Chi's took back
to their house February 28 was the first
they have ever won in Step Sing comepeti-
t»n "Classical Frat", based on an
I "Animal House" theme, was directed by
| Lee Harris and John Herring, arranged by
Harris, and choreographed by Herring and
| Wendell Sheffield.
The ADPi's “Tennessee Waltzed" away
[ their "Broken Lady” blues to win the
women's division. "A Little Country Hear¬
tache" was directed and arranged by Jane
Bryan and choreographed by Britt
The sophomores cleaned up comically
with "Just a Little Bit of Soap”, and "In
the Bathtub". "Bathtime" was directed
and arranged by David Gaines and
choreographed by Becky Baker.
Pi Kappa Phi won second place in the
men's division with the show "Never
Alone”. Kappa Delta was second in the
women’s division with "Be a Clown". The
Ministerial Association placed second in.
the mixed division with "Do You Know
Where You're Going?”
Student Association Scholarship winners
were announced during intermission of
Friday's performances. Jay McCollum,
Kitty Henry and Larry Anthony were
chosen from the freshman, sophomore and
junior classes respectively to receive the
$^00 scholarship awards.
Seniors Richard Smith and Windsu Kelly
wecdiamed Friendliest Male and Female
students for 1980-81. Dr. Ray Harvey and
Cathy Tanner were named Friendliest
Male and Female Professors.
Zeta’s "All That Jazz" marks only the
fourth time a non-male group has won Step
Sing Sweepstakes since the prize was first
awarded in 1970. Zeta Tau Alpha also won
in 1970, and Phi Mu took Sweepstakes in
The Junior Class of 1972 is the only mix¬
ed division group to have won
Sweepstakes. The next eight years were
dominated by groups in the men's division.
Alpha Phi Omega won in 1973; Pi Kappa
Phi in 1974, 1978 and 1979; The Ministerial
Association in 1975; and Sigma Nu in 1976.
1977 and 1980.
There were several rules and format
changes for Step Sing 1981. Those of note
involved the backdrop and judging of
shows. This, year one backdrop was used
for all the shows rather than each show
having its own.
This year there were eight judges, four
for each performance. At the end of Satur¬
day's shows, the eight scores for each
group were tallied and the high and low
scores dropped. The group with the highest
score was the Sweepstakes winner.
The highest two scores in each division
were then awarded first and second place
in the division.
Last year, there were only six judges
with no high and low score dropped.
Federal cutback may affect
Samford student grants
A gas explosion and fire destroyed the house of Carl and Donna Jones on Lakeshore
Drive last week. As workmen bulldozed a tree to clear a path for a driveway, the trees
«Ws, which had grown around a natural gas line beneath the house, caused the line to
hack. Gas leaked into the house and ignited, causing the explosion. The damaged gas
toe served only the Jones' house, so there was no threat of explosion to nearby homes.
The National Association of Student (
Financial Aid has urged all federal grant
recipients to write Senators and Represen¬
tatives to request that “the Basic Grant be
fully funded."
Dr. E. Tom Cleveland. Dean of Admis¬
sions and Financial Aid. said that propos¬
ed cutbacks on financial aid funding by the
Reagan administration could, if passed by
Congress, have an impact on Samford
students next fall.
"There may be many changes if the bill
is passed, but as of now we do not fully
know what the plan will or will not affect",
said Cleveland. "Students who expect to
receive a federal grant should contact a
legislator and urge him to vote for full fun¬
The- Reagan plan. calls for an "even
handed" reduction in financial aid fun¬
ding. The NASFA strategy will employ lob¬
bying efforts to insure that fair cuts are
The proposed plan would provide enough
money to fund about 60 perecnt of the
Basic Grants for which students may be
eligible. This action could result in a
significant reduction in award sizes next
year. For example, a student eligible for
an $1800 grartt would receive only $1100 for
Financial aid comes in the form of loans
or scholarships. The majority of money
Samford students receive each year is pro¬
vided through government programs such
as the Guaranteed Student Loan and the
Basic Education Opportunity Grant. Last
year. Guaranteed Student Loan monies
provided for Samford students amoutited
to more than $4. 1 million. The total amoivit
from all financial aid sources! both federal
and private) it the University was $7.5
million. ..
Georgia S. Traylor, Director of Finan¬
cial Aids, said that the proportion of
students receiving financial aid at Sam¬
ford and throughout the nation will in
crease. She said that about 71 perceht of all
Samford students receive some form of
financial aid.
Students who have not submitted the
Financial Aid Form to the College Scholar
ship Service in Princeton. New Jersey will
miss the April 1 priority date. Students
receiving financial aid are informed of the
deadline at a meeting conducted by Sam
ford each December .Because it takes 4 to
6 weeks for CSS to process the forms, sdh-
mission must be made by early-to-mid
February at the latest.
Those who make the deadline are placed
in the "first priority group", and become
eligible for federal money.
Loans are interest-free until six months
after graduation. when a nine percent an
nual interest rate is imposed. A maximum
of $2500 per year is available to
undergraduates -$5000 is available to
(Continued on Page 12)
Samford University. Library
photo by Frank Taylor!!