lapel Address
at Montevallo
km lay Mo 'Dias. Apr! 16th. the |
Hovart stud* at*- and fa :ult J had the
pl»u su; e of h taring one of the great
of the year. This address
wn* g ven by Dr. David M. Gardner, '
pas or of the Snsley Bap 1st church as| }
was a lnonnci d by Dr. J. C. Dawson .
Tils was he second address Dr. ,
has given at t oward In as ]
'ears, loth of then being of the! ,
hi;;) es : ordei . When tie Pastor of; (
Ersey Bapti: ;t church {peaks he al¬
ways orlngs his hears .-a food for
th)i ght
add res > Monday norning was
on "ilhort-elrhtedneas.” Reading aj
vene from oi. e of Peter’-, letters. Dr. I
Gp.r In ir begin by aaylig that there!
w«ti i great many people who suff-l
ere. rom i hyalcal sht rtslgbtedneee j
and many who suffered from moral,
or i pi -ltoal s lortsightedt ess. In mor¬
al caortslghtidness the eyes Is too ab-
sonetl in lttle things Physically
our eyes are drained by woriting with
ffcii t bread, reading fin
print, etc.;
and in like manner will our moral
n te.
W£ :ind people who cannot
Howard Players Entertained Royally
By Montevallo Girls.
Saturday evening, April 14, the
Howard Players presented the “Scrap
of Paper” • to a large and appre¬
ciative audience at the A. G. T. L
& C. W., Montevallo. Alabama. The
play was pronouncd a marked suc¬
cess by this audience of College
Women and the Howard Players
have added another laurel to their
String of successes.
This engagement at Montevallo
was sponsored by the Montevallo
Dramatic Club and It Is through
their hearty cooperation and untiring
efforts that such a success was pos-
Howard students and Birmingham
friends will have the opportunity
to see “The 8crap ef Paper" at the
Jefferson Thekt
tonight. The cast
bad an unusual success at Monte-
vallc and have smoothed over the
few kinks that showed- up there.
This presentation will probably be
the beet amateur performance put
on in Birmingham, for Mrs. P. Wal¬
ter Anderson is Birmingham’s best
coach and the cast is experienced
in amateur productions.
Meet all Howard at the Jefferson
tonight I
'Too will not always get the things
yon want, but you will get the
things you need. ,
Dee Sapp, Senior of '23
Former Howard Man
Makes Success at
Here’s another one of the qniet also carried off their parts unusually
members of the Senior class. Dee well.
doesn’t have much to say, but she I Words of praise came from all
gets there .with the work just the} sides to the players and to Mrs.
same. She tnust have captured some-'
how from Dr. Charles B. Brown what
he says is the greatest lesson in the
■ world: “Listen much and say little.”
1 Dee’s home is at Arkadelphia, Ala
; bama. She came to Howard in Sep-
; tember. 1919, having graduated from
the Cullman County High School in
the previous spring. (No Paul, Ark-
coached the cast so well. There
isn't a better dramatic coach any¬
where in the State of Alabama than
Mrs. Anderson.
Miss Riche, profesedr of expression
at Montevallo and Miss Jean Collins,
president of the Dramatic Club,
merit the highest praise for their
i efficient management of the engage¬
ment and untiring efforts in aiding
I Mrs. Anderson and the entire cast
After the play the Montevallo
Dramatic Club entertained the cast
with an informal reception in one
of the club rooms.
Dr. and Mrs. Palmer were present
* (Continued on Page 4)
V e ilso have a God o! the past and In & recent letter to a Howard Col-
oi he futuri . The one we know the ,e*e Mend, Lewis W. Dockery, form-
no. t ..bout sod one we hlnk of moat|«- student of Howard, who Is now
Is tae God of the past. Many people studying for his doctor’s degree at
attiibiie ungratefulness to shortslght- Louisville, writes thus: "By the way,
e«ln»i when It is really the fault of a ,et. me teU
ot my wonderful suc-
sbot memor f. lcesa in my examination for my doc-
H av
vou 1 ireotten th« blessing you tor*e degree. I had the examination
On Thursday, April 2 1th, Howard
stud ante will elect their officers for
the m ining jear. All nc ruinations by
com litutional requirements had to
be -lotted b; Monday, .ipril 16th.
Tie. day -.norning the bulletin
boail was ill decorated with an-
nouiciments and studen: signatures.
The nimeg a ) pearing as official Can¬
dida e. were; For presi lent, George
Yarbrough aid Dayton Riddle; for
vi :e pr asldeni , Roswell Owens; for
•e entity,' Gertrude York and Vlr-
Rial . VI in ter for tree
«гег, С.
P"ttv; for ec Itor-in-chief of the Crim-
sen. Vuraer Jordan; ’or business
n> in ig
of the Crlmsoi, Paul Bar¬
s' tt i or edi :or-ln-chief i f the Entre-
lirk and H lion Upton;
fcr business manager of the Entre
i. Frad .Vhlte and fames Wise.
N-minatiors by tne ithletic com¬
mit! ie were: For basal all manager,
F~aik Norris and Eugeni Watllngton;
ter nanager jf girls' basketball team,
J"wl Gravis and Willie
Мае Наг-
Dr. Schilieman entertained ns on
las Monday evening with an address
on “Love is Law and Law is Love.”
Several things were brought oat in
this talk for us to think about and
much interest was manifested in
the address.
The following is a partial list
of the places at which the preachers
preached Sunday with their subjects:
H. K. Ketchum, Mt. Sharon, P.
M., “Trial of Jesus, A. M., “The
Risen Christ"
S. L. Heath. Gantts Quarry, morn¬
ing, “Missions; evening, “Prayer.*
J. I. Edwards. Choccoloco, morning,
"The awful end of a promising life”;
evening, “Be sure your sinB will find
you out"
H. P. Amos, supply for R. D.
Wright at Lovick, "Helping the Pas¬
A. M. Glover, Vinemont morning,
“The ideal of Christian character”;
evening, “The threefold secret of a
great life"
Thursday night will see Howard’s
annual triangular debate take place
Howard will debate both Mercer
and Mississippi college, meeting Mis¬
sissippi at home and sending a
team to Mercer. Each school debates
the affirmative at home sending their
negative team away to meet one' of
He stated that the study of hypno¬
tism was correlated with that of
phychology and dealt with the con¬
scious and sub-conscious mind. He
said that the art of hypnotism had
only been attained by a few. Oat of
his graduating class only (wo as
far as he knew, could hypnotize. Only
(he intelligent people can be hypno¬
tised and even tlie intelligent who
are extremely nervous are very hard
to be put under the influence. Feeble
minded and nervous people cannot
be hynotized. The powers of hypno-
The question to be debated , is,
resolved, “that all Inter-Allied^ \frar
Debta be cancelled "
George Saxon and Paul Bhrnett
wil go to Macon to meet Mercer
while D. W. Bur son and R. W.
Herring will
Mississippi at
“Well, the town ain’t so big.’
ing. Long forgotten deeds
thoughts of early childhood c
brought to mind and revealed
- (Continued on Piw t)
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