Crimson :
Yeary is featured speaker
for Christian Emphasis Week
By Leonard Robertson
Staff Writer
PILGRIM, the Spring offering of the Samford University Theatre, will he
pretented in conjunction with Christian Emphasis Week ahd will play April
21, 23, 25 and 26 at 8 p.m. each evening in the LSW Fine Arts Center
Theatre. Here the cast depicts a scene from the play. They are (clockwise
from lower left) Gail Peace, Emily Hayes, Mike Glenn, Kenny Gannon, Billy
McDowell, Pat Freeman, and Ben Terry.
Elections held Wednesday
BIRMINGHAM— Recording Artist
David Meece will join Dan Yeary, Florida
Pastor on April 18-21 to lead in a week of
Christian Emphasis at Samford Univer¬
sity. Christ-centered dramas, concerts,
and preaching will all be part of the unique
weeks activities for which convo credit
will be given.
During Convo hour Monday - Thursday
in Reid Chapel Yeary, minister at Univer¬
sity Baptist Church, Coral Gables,
Florida, will be speaking. The South¬
western Seminary graduate is a favorite
speaker among student assemblies at
Glorietta and Ridgecrest Conference Cen¬
Meece, who last spring released his first
album "David" on the Myrrh label, will be
in concert on Tuesday night at 8:00 pm in
Reid Chapel as well as singing in the mor¬
ning sessions.
At age 14, David began his musical
career by conducting the Houston Cham¬
ber Orchestra. At 15, he toured Europe
with Youth for Christ International as
Hear and Now
The Hear and Now Singers will hold open
auditions for the 1977-78 Season Thursday,
May 5 and Friday, May 6, from noon to
5:00 p.m. each afternoon in their rehearsal
room, located on the fourth floor (attic) of
the Beeson Business Building. The
audition sheet is posted outside the rehear¬
sal door and any persons interested in
auditioning should sign up for a time prior
to these dates.
Each person auditioning will have up to
10 minutes to “do his thing ! ” One selection
should be a ballad and the other an up¬
tempo tune. Accompanists may be
provided upon request, but it is recom¬
mended that each person auditioning have
his or her own accompanist or back-up.
Applications and instructions are
available in the Hear and Now Singers
Photography show
in LSW Gallery
There will be an exhibit of Austrian
photography on display in Samford’s LSW
Fine Arts Center Art Gallery from now un¬
til May 2. The show is being held in con
junction with Birmingham’s annual
Festival of Arts celebration. This year's
featured country is Austria.
The show was assembled by Bir¬
mingham native Ed Willis Barnett, an in¬
ternationally recognized photographer in
his own right. According to Dr. Lowell
Vann, chairman of Samford’s Art Depart¬
ment, is "probably the largest show of
Austrian photography ever assembled out¬
side Austria.”
Of the 120 photographs in the entire
exhibit, over seventy are being shown in
Samford's gallery. The gallery hours are
9-5, Monday through Friday.
featured pianist, and at 16 he returned
home for a graduate of the renowned
Peabody Conservatory of Music in
Baltimore, Maryland.
Prepared by his classical training,
Meece feels his true ministry is in the field
of Contemporary Christian music. He
presently is minister of Music at Calvary
Baptist in Lawton, Oklahoma and is
awaiting the release of a second album
late this spring.
Also on line for CEW are selections from
the musical “Godspell” performed by the
Samford Singers Monday at 8:00 pm in
Reid Chapel and a country - western party
held by the Summer Missions Committee
in the Cafeteria at 9:00 pm Wednesday.
Concluding the week will be an opening
night performance of “Pilgrim" by the
Samford Theatre in the Fine Arts Center
Theatre. “Pilgrim” is a stage adaptation
of the John Bunyan novel Pilgrims
The week will offer a new sense of
fellowship and spiritual growth for the
campus, stated Julie Edwards chairmen
of CEW for 1977 as she invited all students
at Samford Univerrsity to attend.
holds audition
room, from Bob Burroughs, Director of the
Singers, or Patty Lane, Secretary.
It is highly recommended and suggested
that each person planning to adition be
thoroughly prepared and confident, having
prepared their audition well in advance so
that security is evident. The new group of
Singers will be selected on looks, per¬
sonality, presentation, posture, poise,
talent, creativity of audition, and ver-
The following positions are open for the
1977-78 Season: three girl singers, three
boy singers, drums (set), guitars (should
be as versatile as possible, playing
acoustic, electric, lead and rhythm), bass,
keyboards (should be able to play Ham¬
mond, Fender Rhodes, and willing to learn
synthesiser, string machine, and
clavichord), bass trombone, second trum¬
pet, and twosaxs.
The Hear and Now Singers, a public-
relations-entertainment arm of The School
of Music and Samford University, per¬
forms upwards to 45 concerts per season
for churches, colleges, schools, con¬
ventions, tours, civic clubs and in addition,
does quite a bit of recording.
You do not have to be a music major or
minor to audition.
The one campus and community concert
of the secular show is to be held this season
on Monday, May 2, 8:00 p.m. in the LSW
Concert Hall. Tickets are free to Samford
Students with I.D. and faculty. Off-campus
tickets are $3.00 for adults and $1.50 for
other students and children. Tickets may
be picked up at the Control Desk in the
Student Union. 1250 tickets are available
for campus use. The remainder are being
held for off campus people, so get your
tickets as early as possible. There are no
reserved seats available and doors open at
7:00 p.m., Monday, May 2.
(1) Mr. and Miss Samford
Nominations due in SGA Office by 4:00
Tuesday, April 19
(2) Traffic Court - Petitions due in Dean
Martin’s Office by 4:00 PM
Tuesday, April 19.
Petitions for Chief Justice must
contain 35 signatures. Petitions for
Justice must contain 25 signatures.
(3) Amendments to the Constitution of
the Student Government Association:
ARTICLE VI, Section 3. The Student
Senate shall meet each week and at the
announced call of the President of the
Student Government Association. The
time and place of the meeting shall be
specified at the first meeting of the new
senate and at the first meeting of each
ARTICLE VII, Section 2, Sub-section f,
3rd sentence. “Candidates for senator
of the Schools of Business, Education,
Music, Nursing, Pharmacy, Graduate
Studies, and Law shall comply with
rules as set by the Deans of their
respective schools. ’ ’
ARTICLE IV, Section 3, Sub-section c,
Section 2, Sub-section f (twice), AR¬
TICLE VII, Section 2, Sub-section b,
ARTICLE VII, Section 3, Sub-section e.
Substitute the phrase “Dean of Student
Services” for the phrase "Director of
Student Activities”.
These amendments were proposed by
Senator Robert Lane and approved by
the Student Senate on March 24, 1977.
These changes must be approved by the
student body before they can, take ef¬
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