Samford Crimson
VOL. M. No. 6
Suafoid University, Birmingham. Alabama
NOVEMBER 8. 1888
The Star-Spangled Girl'
Opens at Arena Theater
. . . Just don’t mix, and Alan Kirk, Charles Gilliland, and
Lynne Pickens are here to prove it in the Masquer’s
production of “The Star-Spangled Girl," which opened
Thursday in the Arena Theatre.
by Jeff Forte
Staff Writer
Dr. Wayne Flynt, Samford pro¬
fessor of history, urged in Wetfaea-
day's convocation, that Samford
University and its faculty produce
Speaking on “The
wation: Youth
tion," Dr. Flynt
meaning of the term
«poke of rebellion not
ten* of "violent
change," but also
of its being a
ment. It was in the
that Dr. Flynt
to become
Dr. Flynt pointed out that vio¬
lent rebellion is "good" or “bad"
«cording to the person's frame of
reference and that in some cases
“violent rebellion can be justified
both philosophically and morally."
The history profesaor supported his
statements with examples and Il¬
lustrations from the past, includ¬
ing the American Revolution and
Christ's revolt again* "philosophi¬
cal legalism."
Dr. Flynt asserted that youth to¬
day is unfortunately related to re-
in a negative seme because
romg people are supposed to
■have inadequate perspective;
lack mature judgment, are
too idealistic and Impractical; they
b ; not know their own minds."
Certainly youthly dynamism
its willingness to
cherished traditions and its tdeal-
bm are essential. Thaae charac¬
teristics have
“•betimes kicking and «emsmbig
“ГУ «ер.
toward greater justice
™ equity. And if otr society
not trust young people with
2 de*tiny-
had better radically
Its structure, for in the
preed«tial elections the mem apt
Samford University Library
"Crime and the Citiaen's Respon¬
sibility" wfl be the topic for James
E. Fain’s speech at lha Nov. U.
Fata, editor of the Dayton Drily
News, Dayton. Ohio, since Dec.
IMS, is a graduate of Emory Uni¬
He is vice-president of the Na¬
tional Council on Crime and Delin¬
quency, a member of the Ameri¬
can Society of Newspaper Editors,
and the Dayton Area Progress
In 19K Fain spent a month fa
Vietnam coming aider Ore with
the Special forces and flying bomb¬
ing mfarioas with the Air Force.
(or a i
for the
at the
to report
News. He
fa 1M7
of the American voting public will
be X years,” ha arid.
Moving from the standpoint of
the conventional sense of “rebel¬
lion," Dr. Flynt proceeded to re¬
“It does not have to be a vio¬
lent, irretrievable break with the
past but can be a constructive
search for alternatives to oar pres-
by Brenda Neal
When a 110 per cent AD-Ameri-
can girl meets two anti-American
protestors, something exciting has
got to happen!
That something results in the hi¬
larious play "The Star-Spangled
Girl" which premiered last night
at the Samford Arena Theater. The
author of the play is Neil
who also wrote “The
and "Barefoot in the
“The Star-Spangled
Samford Masquers first produc¬
tion of the year. The play was per¬
formed on Broadway to 1M. The
plot and the characters are con¬
There are just three characters
to the play. Members of the cast
refer to the play as “something
completely different from what has
been done here before.'' The three
characters are Sophie, played by
Lynn Pickens; Norman, played by
Charles Gilliland; and Andy, play¬
ed by Alan Kirk.
Sophie Rauachmeyer is the typ¬
ical giri-next-door type who comes
to San Francisco from Hooeycutt,
Arkansas. She wants to swim to
the Olympics. She takes a job next
door to a couple of way-out char¬
acters who publish their own pro¬
test magazine, “Fallout.’'
Andy is one of these “far-out In¬
tellectuals.'’ According to Alan
Kirk, Andy is s very smart and
sarcastic person. He was first to
his class at Dartmouth.
The other member of the litera¬
ry-protest organization is Norman.
He is not as smart as Andy, but
his clumsiness and awkwardness
add much humor to the play. Ac¬
cording to Rita Mullins, costume
chairman, Norman is more liberal¬
ly dressed than Andy. "Nothing he
wears matches," she said.
The play deals with anti-Ameri¬
canism versus flag waving. Soph¬
ie. the patriotic citizen, cannot
agree with the ideas of Norman
and Andy. A triangle of love comes
in to complicate matters. Norman
falls in love with Sophie the first
time he sees her. but she never
returns his love. She instead falls
in love with Andy, who does not
return her love until the end of
the play.
The play will be shown through
the sixteenth except for the tenth
and the thirteenth. All perform¬
ances start at 8 p.m. at the Sam¬
ford Arena Theater.
Samford students can go by the
speech department to pick up their
free tickets. Mr. Harold Hunt, di¬
rector of the play, said that stu¬
dents should not plan to pick up
their tickets at the door, as large
crowds are expected every night.
Sororities Get
New Facilities
Competitive Spirit Marks
Election Night Coffeehouse
Planning and design for the new
operation are wder the supervis¬
ion of Davis Speake so d Associ¬
ates. Sanford's physical plant is
doing the actual converting. In¬
terior decoration of the rooms will
be done by the sororities.
The total eost of the conversion
program has nat been estimated.
University officials say that the
cost will be nominal, but cannot
be figured at this time.
Each sorority wfl] rant one of
for an amount to be
ttoosd on the expected income
from room rent for the eight stu¬
dents that would normally occupy
the area.
Several residents of Vail Hall
have had to be relocated to order
to promote the sorority housing
program. As far as was possible,
these women have boon given a
choice as to new accommodations.
ta, and
the east
Editor Fain
high, but -the competitive spirit
friendly as Samford students ap¬
plauded just about everything Jrom
Sander Vanocur to Etowah's re¬
maining a dry county.
Tainting remarks and jeers
passed from one group to another
as the election returns kept pour¬
ing ta.
Staff Writer
aanuora university sororities
will have aew housing to 1MB.
Mias Martha Cox, assistant dean
of women, attributes the new
bousing to the “desire of the uni¬
versity to provide similar ac¬
commodations for each of its six
At the present time the sorori¬
ties are bowed to makeshift oper¬
ations, many without sufficient
«pace The present building proj¬
ect will convert the east and west
wings of the extreme mesas to
Vail Hall into rooms (or the
contains three floors
rooms on each floor,
to remove portions and
four-room areas into
with entrances from
Flynt Encourages
Youth Rebellion