VOL. 54 No. 1 Sajnford University. Birmingham. Alabama
* The Summer
and Samford
Pmge 3
September 27. 1968
m -p mm 40 I
Freshmen To Endorse
Candidates Tuesday
by Mika Lewis
Managing Editor
Thirty-three candidates are
campaigning for election to class
office in Tuesday's freshman elec¬
tions. Nine have entered the vice-
presidential race, and eight others
seek the class' three senate posts.
The candidates will meet their
classmates in a campaign rally
Monday, Sept. 30 at 4 p.m. in
front of the student union.
Those in the races for president
and senator will make three-min¬
ute speeches after one-minute in¬
troductions by their campaign
managers. Candidates for other of¬
fices. vice-president, secretary,
and treasurer, will be introduced
by sophomore class president Sid
Burgess, who will moderate the
"I really think it's going to be
a pretty godd race." says Jim
Joiner, chairman of the SGA
Elections Committee.
Six have announced for presi¬
dent. James Bagley, Jerry Bran¬
non. Gregory Foster, Gene Lunce-
ford. Robert Pruitt, ^and Steve
Wiggins are presidential aspir¬
John Beard. George Cartwright.
Elizabeth Douglas, Larry Faison.
Nancy Hart, Charles Miles, San¬
dra Richardson, Bob Smith, and
Barry Vaughn are the nine run¬
ning for vice-president.
Glenda Allen, Debe Laida, Viki
McDaniel, and Karen Nutt seek
the office of secretary.
The six seeking the treasurer's
post are Cynthia Barnett, Debbie
Fulton, Barbara Hall, Cathy Huey,
Ron Kendall, and Cindy Tierney.
David Barry, Larry Becraft,
Cindy Burgess, Talitha Etheridge,
Wayne Etheridge, Joy Gooch,
Doug McGraw, and Joy Palmer
are the candidates for the senate.
The presidential candidates met
with Samford Crimson this week
to discuss their plans for the
freshman class. Student unity and
involvement, issues in last spring’s
SGA elections, were mentioned as
James Bagley, a graduate of La¬
nier High School in Montgomery,
expressed a desire to stimulate
class participation and to give the
student body a good impression of
the class.
Bagley said his first action as
president would be to collect class
dues again. He said only a small
percentage of the class paid their
dues when they were collected at
the last session of orientation.
Sid Burgess, chairman of the
SGA freshman affairs committee,
said at least “two-thirds" of the
freshman class paid their dues.
"More people in the freshman
class paid their dues than in any
other class," said Burgess.
“I’d like to get every student in¬
volved in Samford’s extra-curricu¬
lar activities,” said Jerry Bran¬
non last year. He was president of
the student body at Rehobeth High
School near Dothan last year
where he instituted student-teach¬
er conferences to help relations
between pupils and faculty.
Greg Foster served two years in
the student government at Tusca¬
loosa High School. Foster stressed
the representative function, of the
president as he said, "I think I'm
supposed to listen to them and re¬
flect them."
Gene Lunceford was vice - presi¬
dent of the senior class last year
Pleas* turn to Pag* i
. . . Samford'* Mascot and chief Bulldog boootor ha* a now homo.
Sao story, pago 7.
Opens New Year
Homecoming Plans
Wright Observes
Tenth Milestone
This year marks Leslie S.
Wright’s tenth anniversary
is president of Samford
Commemorating this oc¬
casion, the Student Govern¬
ment Association adopted a
Resolution of Appreciation
which was presented in the
year’s opening convocation.
Neal Wade, student body
president, read the resolu¬
tion and presented it to
President» and Mrs. Wright,
expressing the student
body's “appreciation and
commendation” for ten years
of service.
A large anniversary cake
was also presented to the
Wrights and served after
convocation, in honor of the
The President also re¬
ceived a telegram of con¬
gratulations from Alabama
Gov. Albert Brewer.
Articles commemorating
the President’s tenth anni¬
versary appear in this issue
of Samford Crimson on
by Mika Lewis
Managing Editor
The annual Homecomihg parade
was abolished by a vote of 17-1
in the Student Government Asso¬
ciation senate meeting last Tues¬
day night.
"I would like to move that we
eliminate the parade alto¬
gether and let the classes build
displays on campus." said Senator
Ed Wheeler before the vote.
The parade had traditional¬
ly been through Homewood in the
V, mid-morning several hours before
game time.
Senator Larry Jennings had ear¬
lier proposed that classes build dis¬
plays on campus and that the tra¬
ditional parade start from Home-
wood at noon on Saturday, Octo¬
ber 26 and proceed to the cam¬
The parade, which he proposed
would include bands, cheerleaders,
and cars sponsored by interest¬
ed campus organizations, would
have arrived at Seibert Stadium in
time for the pre-game ceremonies
of the football contest with Miss¬
issippi College.
This proposal was passed over
in favor of Wheeler’s motiqn. Jen¬
nings cast the only dissenting vote
on the motion.
Before the vote a discussion of
the availability of enough sites for
displays led to Vice-president Caro¬
lyn Johnston's pointing out sev¬
eral areas available for displays.
"There is adequate grass for ev¬
eryone.” Miss Johnston said as she
returned to her seat after demon¬
strating the potential sites on a
campus map.
The action was taken after the
delete the parade as it had been
previously conducted.
Tuesday's action derided the
parade issue for this fall.
The derision to delete the pa¬
rade was made in response to a
report by last year's class presi¬
dents. Their report had been made
last year and was considered by
Pleat* turn te Pag* S
Wade's New Cabinet
Reflects SGA Theme
by Linda Webb ,
Assistant Editor
"Understanding through involve¬
ment" is the theme of this year's
Student Government Association,
announced SGA President Neal
“We are attempting to have
some program and some activity
for each student.'1 Wade explain¬
ed. "We want to involve every stu¬
dent in some extra-curricular acti¬
vity." —
One plan for accomplishing this
goal is the re-organization of the
Executive Cabinet, a 28 - member
group, composed of the presidents
of key campus organizations.
Wade explained that the cabinet,
made up of the "executives"® of
the campus will meet each month
for the purpose of "bringing to¬
gether a better cross section of
the student body.”
He said that the cabinet mem¬
bers were chosen for their “rep¬
resentative positions" and will in¬
clude “all factions of the cam¬
Wade said that President Leslie
S. Wright and Dr. Arthur L. Walk¬
er. Jr., vice-president for student
cabinet meetings.
"We hope that, together with the
administration, we can think of
ways to involve more students
and make them more aware of all
the activities of SGA." Wade ex¬
Another purpose of this cabinet
is to bring about more effective
communication between Students
and the administration, the SGA
president added.
Members of the Executive Cabi¬
net will include presidents of the
Greek organizations, Laurie Glass,
Alpha Delta Pi; Ann Irwin, Chi
Omega; Harla McCurdy. Delta
Zeta: Lucy Newman, Kappa Del¬
ta; Lee Cronenberg, Phi Mu; Bec¬
ky Davis, Zeta Tau Alpha; Ron¬
nie French, Lambda Chi Alpha;
Tom Cook. Pi Kappa Alpha; Mike
Cleekler, Pi Kappa Phi; Ben Rice.
Sigma Nu; Marilyn Wynn, Pan¬
hell enic; and Jim Lucas, Inter-fra¬
ternity Council.
Representing the major campus
organizations are Ed Wheeler, re¬
ligious activities; Bob Bel Yin, Al¬
pha Phi Omega; Bill Penney, Cir¬
cle K; Chip Armstrong, Fellowship
of Christian Athletes; Linda Has-