Birmingham, Ala. Dec. 1, 1922
Teacher At Howard Pi
To Great Beyond.
my boyhood days until the time of his death. While still a
boy I was a pupil for several months in the first school Profes¬
sor Pulliam ever taught. Some years later, when I was filled
with ambition for a college education and had no way of getr
ting to college, Professor Pulliam paved the way fdr me and
stood by me throughout my college course. Upon entering
college he helped me to map out my course, and was my ad¬
viser during the whole of my four years of college life. I had
a year of Latin under him and was impressed that he was the
best teacher of the time in Georgetown College. Such was
the impression that Professor Pulliam made on me that when
I went into teaching I awoke to find myself unconsciously
imitating his methods. Scores of young men and women who
went out from Georgetown College into the teaching profes¬
sion had the same experience.
While personal relations with Professor Pulliam were in¬
terrupted after leaving college, an occasional letter kept us
together, and since Professor Pulliam’s coming to Alabama in
1911 we have been very close together. No one has ever en¬
tered my life for such a long period of friendship as Profes-
Tuesday night at the Southern
Club, the Howard College football
squad were entertained at a ban¬
quet as guests of alumni of the
school. The banquet began at 7:30
Arrangements for Tuesday night's
banquet were In charge of Colonel
Berry and Doctor Ward. Talks were
made by several alumni, Coaches
Cope and Dobbins, and several mem¬
bers of this year’s squad.
Coaches Cope and Dobbins Mon¬
day announced the squad of letter
men for 1922, as follows: CapL Bo
Brindley, center; , Charlie Hurst,
guard; Toby Stubbs, guard; **Fa l"
Thomas, guard; Red King, guard;
“Boiler" Alford, tackle- Hugh Bar-
fi itur.ay night news came to How-
ird of tie death of lTofessor Pul¬
ton at Birmingham Baptist Hospital,
wh re ie had been cr.tically 111 for
Mrral weeks. Though Professor
Pulliam had undergon j two opera¬
tes successfully and had seemed
to he Improving, a clange top the
sroise :ime Friday morning and his
dei h <ld not come' unexpectedly.
Am yet, the announcement of it
bre ght grief and sorrow to all the
coll ge, and indeed, to all who knew
bin >!o profeseor vm ever more
Mi anally loved than he. and no
otb r will ever be able to take his
Pla e If the hearts of 1.1s pupils and
tell w workers.
F-ofeisor Pulliam vas born In
Grille Ky., and was educated at
Ceitre College, being giaduated from
institution at the age of 19.
wvhral years he ttught in Ken-
T colleges as proiassor of aa-
deit kngiages. During this time
be m married to Miss Nell Mullins
01 Ky. In 1911 he came
I jo >ur lltate University as assistant
i j» the, department of Greek and
jf1 n tfnd from there, in 1917, to
ment of ancient languages, suc-
0 Prof. Allen Moon. .No-
r0 |ouid be found t. man better
PPe l for the teaching profession.
>41 'vith the stric est sense of
bon ir And impartiality, a stern re-
j**1 fo‘ <li8cipline, and a thorough
Mc.rledje of his subject, he made
Ie work hard over bis subjects
T* Oh.
might’ not disappoint him,
*h' ha ! faith in each of them.
f'ertt-sor Pulliam was survived by
Mliwiag: His moth» r, Mrs. 8ara
Lexington. Ky.; three broth-
Pr r Robert Pulliam, Macon,
Z; 0 Pulliam. Lei ngton, Ky.;
Pilliam, Danville, Ky.; four
**• Hrs. W. H. Len s, Washing-
D- £ -; Mrs.
M. 1 Ackey, Dan-
J2’’ Mrs. Walt»- Weaver,
’uehi:, Ky.; Miss L».cy Pulliam,
Jr1®* 3« ; his wife. Mis. Nell Pul¬
i' of East Lake, and two daagh-
E ¥,! M. B. Moore, of Biraing-
* I Mr* Paul 8a tor, of Eu-
Burial Services for Prof. Pulliam
ing "Howard 5 and first down cm her
42 yards. Lackey made 1 at right
tackle. Stevens slipped oyer left guard
for 6. White punted 49 over the goal,
giving Birmingham-Southern 4he ball
on her 20-yard line.
Norton got away aroond left end for
20, but the play was recalled when
Birmingham-Southern was caught hold¬
ing and penalized 15 yards. Griffin
kicked 25 yards to Lackey, who was
downed in his tracks on the Pmther
SO-yard line.
Lackey hit right tackle for
_ _ Sam
Funeral services for Stonewall teacher, and the unalloyed Christian
Jackson Pulliam, head of the depart-
was. Mr. Gladstone
ment of Ancient Languages at How- jargon, of the Music Department,
ard College, were conducted at Ru- gang, '«Lead, Kindly Light” The
hama Baptist Church, East Lake, chureh wa8 beautiful with a wealth
on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. of floraj offers from friends of the
All classes at the college were dls- 1 deceMed.
missed for the day and the student
body gathered en maise at the house The following members of the fac-
and marched to the church, where ,uKy acted as pallbearers: Dr. Chap-
they sat in a body. Prof. Pulliam’s man, Dr. Ives, Prof. Bums, Prof.
Sunday School class also occupied Eagles, Prof. Hendricks, Dr. Oppitz,
Its accustomed place In the church. Dr. Garrett and Dr. Dawson. The
After a son* by the college qearteL body was taken to Bhnwood tor
Dr. J. A. Bryan quoted passages of burial.
The valiant sons of Howard fought
as no Howard team has ever fought
before against a foe from Sunshine
Slopes. It was a desperate, crying
team that went on the field tor the
Bulldogs. A team that wouldn't give
up hopes. Howard has played little
football this season from a stand-
N0. 12
Ham Stevens Leads Bulldogs
To Great Victory at Rickwood
Whom the dope favors, ihe gods
destroy. Favorites simply cannot
win in the Bulldog-Panther grid,
clash. For seven years the dope
has gone wrong on this battle and
Saturday when Ham Stevens, stand¬
ing on the 40-yard line, booted over
a free kick from placement, following
a fair catch and a 16-yard penalty, it i
won for Howard over the dopesters’i
choice, Birmingham-Southern, 9 to 7.
There has never been a more soul
stiring contest played in the 14 bat¬
tles between the Panthers and Bull¬
dogs than the one Saturday that kept
shivering spectators on their toes
throughout an afternoon of nerve
wrecking breaks, breaks that first
favored one side and then the other.
Howard was able to take advantage
of the breaks that came her way.
Birmingham-Southern couldn’t real¬
ize on her- breaks, heavy penalties
cutting short her dangerous threat#
Into Rea and Bine territory.
Howard was the first to scores
getting possession of the ball lata
in the first period, following an ex¬
change of punts, a Bulldog falling
on a fumbled punt on the Panthers
20-ytfrd line. Ham 8tevens rammed
lBtfarde through the line, the period
ending with the ball on Birmingham-
Southern’s seven-yard line. On the
first play In the second period Ham
Stevens went over right tackle for
a touchdown. He kicked goal, but
holding was detected in the Howard
line and the point was ruled out.
The Panthers came back In th»
third period and took the lead, Gaft-
dy recovering a fumbled punt oft
Howard’s 36-yard line. A forward
pass from Norton to Richardson net¬
ted 12 yards. Norton swung around
left end behind beautiful Interference
tor 16 yards placing the ball oft
the Bulldogs’ eight-yard line. Mill*
hit center of the line for seven yardu
and on the third crack at the line
Mike Norton went over right tackle
for a touchdown. Miller kicked goaL
The climax of the thriller cam*
in the middle of the fourth period
when Ham Stevens signaled for a
fair catch on his own 66-yard line.
He started as if to run, taking ona
step to balance himself. A Panther
back tackled him as he went by,
the Panthers drawing a 16-yard pen¬
alty. Standing on the Panther’s 40-
yard line Stevens placed the free
trial for a kick between the center
of the goal posts. The thriller closed
with the Panthers on the Bulldog^
five yard line, following three ear
ceasful forward passes that netted
46 yards. ,