Sowar d college
Btrminflh»m. W«. Oct. 13.
The number of teachers who have
enrolled at Howard for Saturday
classes has broken all records, ac¬
cording to announcements from the
registrar. This department has stead¬
ily grown each year and Howard is
serving a large number of teachers
In the Birmingham district.
Work is done in regular academic
fashion with the heads of the de¬
partments teaching college work. If
enough ' register for special courses
these courses are given and college
credit is given for Saturday work.
Many of the teadbers are Working
toward degrees and Howard is serv¬
ing many more people Uy Saturday
classes for teachers.
Howard students and faculty have
adopted the war cry of “On to Cull¬
man.” The entire college Is
ing to go up on a special train t
the Baptist State Convention, whldfi
will be held at Cullman this year.
Howard Is to have a special part on
the program of the convention and
will take advantage, of every oppor¬
tunity to let the Baptists of the State
see what they have at Birmingham
in an educational way. The college
is growing Taster than it ever has
and will soon be one of the greatest
educational institutions In the Stain.
Look out, Cullman! Howaid 5*
While most of the remainder of (
tb football world was waiting for i
tb, result of some battle of grid ti- t
m e, two combinations from Ala- i
minor college ranks forgot t
w rytMng elBi Saturday afternoon l
in i reduced, t ut none the less vio- {
lean imitation of
Bali Run, 1
Be sklava or the Marne, dashing i
.each otheT for a fruitless hot»r i
Sal urday aftern
at Rickwood. in i
mji (implicated converse, Howard and a
ha Ion played to a 0 to I draw; j
ietaion. i
larion beyonl question outgatoed 1
the Bulldoga; t. iey smashed through •
the Bast Lake t~ont line trenches for '
fall - twice that attained by the ef- '
•M of the
iposition’s offensive. •
However, Marion did not deserve toj
wia for she wasted her strength in
fou • or five splendid but futile drlvee
while deep in her own territory, hav-
iag nothing in reserve when in scor¬
ing position) A ay one of these at-
ttc* would hare scored a touch-
torn from inslie Howard's 30-yard j
ton , but, the R< d and Blue forward
waji was all tdere when the blg!
mo. aents came.
fcoward's ba Afield interference
wai very weak. Time after time two
mei, went after one, or else waited
fsr each other to get him. On the
few occasions Un
did work together,
Horard bruised ler way to two first
I km as in a row. The Bulldog ends
sucked in frequently on end
irotnd plays aid twice this came
rltlin a molecu e’s eyelash of pur-
I charing a touch town. The tackles
j Bat up nice gam as, but Turner and
| 84m ielg , plowed over guard for lus-
oou. bite of terr tory, in addition to
dm wing wobble. , as stated.
criss-crosses. Stubbs played well un-.:
til ejected -when be became too chol¬
eric and tried to fight a Cadet for¬
ward while in a scrimmage. Brind¬
ley, fllrtMraHy, did well after getting
Of the Soldiers, Paul Turner, last
year’s captain, was, as expected, the
big gem. One the offense he gouged
big chunk* of land from Howard’s;
grasp, while hie tackling and inter¬
ference were excellent. Samuels, half,
was probably even up with Turner
on ground gaining, being in the game
longer. The entire Marlon fine showed
all kinds of drive on the offensive,
shoving their heavier opponents aside
frequently. Captain Gudge made
some pretty runs around the oppoaKe
wing and tackled splendidly. York
at left tackle piled most of -he plays
these two friendly, though ancient
foes meet in an intellectual struggle. 1
Debating is a game that is as in-:
terestlng and benefiting as any ath¬
letic contest. Experience counts
much, as in other struggles. There
will be some experienced men ready
to pit their mental ability against
each other next Thursday at 3
o'clock. The subject to be debated is
"Resolved, That Organised Labor is
Conducive to the Best Interests .of
the Public." The Franklins will up¬
hold the affirmative and the Philos
the negative of the query. For the
Franklins, Yarborough and R- W.
Herring will colleague against A. M.
Glover and A. C. Adanis for the
The Shelbourne Society has kindly-
consented to omit their program
and attend in full force to hear the
boys fight it out. Come for your
own good and entertainment.
Wednesday morning word came tm
oHward that Professor S. J. Puliam
had gone to the hospital and would
be unable to meet Ms classes for
some time. Professor Pullam’a health
has been bad for some time, but
Howard wishes him an early return
looked at it from
Howard (0): Shelton, left end; Al¬
ford, left tackle; Hurst, left guard;
Williams, center; Stubbs, right guard;
Buckner, right tackle; Shores, right
end; White, quarterback; Gaylord,
left halfback; Lackey, right halfback;
Denby, fullback.
Substitutions— Howard : Norris for
Deuby, King tor Hurst, Tinkelpaugh
for White, Stevens for Gaylord, Bar-
field for Buckner; Buchan non for
Stubbs. Yarbrough for Shelton. Mc¬
Carthy for Tinfclepaugh, Hurst for
Bucbannon, Brindley for Williams;
Marion; Hall for Adams. L. Gilbert
for Samuels, Harris for Hall, Sanders
for E. Gilbert. Harris for Turner,
Puckett for Kendall, Ivey for York,
Kendall for Puckett Thompson for
Last Thursday afternoon the Shel¬
burne Literary Sooiety had an in¬
teresting program on Prominent Ala¬
bama Women. The following women
were discussed:
Doily Dalrymple, Bill Kirk.
Maude Lindsey, Virginia Mister.
Catharine Chapfnan, Althea Dryden.
After the program the girls elected
Miss Gertrude York as cheer leader
and Miss Lorena Dyer, assistant.
The Montgomery Chamber of Com¬
merce is hopeful that a plan can 'he
worked ont tor the establishment of
a line of boats on the Alabama river
between Montgomery and Mobile. An¬
nouncement has been made that W.
M. Caskie, traffic manager, had haea
instructed to confer with officials of
the Tri-States Navigation Company,
which is operating boats successful/
on the Chattahoochee river.
Delta Gamma Sigmas entertained
at a spread in the sorority room last
Saturday. The room was decorated
In green and white, the color of the
sorority. Ferns -were placed in the
most unexpected places and added a
distinct charm to the room. After
all had feasted, on good eats, cars
were packed with the happy girls
and all ment to the Marlon-Howard
game at Rickwood.
The sorority was honored with the
presence of Miss Mary Lee Foster, of
University of Tennessee.
Those who enjoyed the hospitality
of the sorority were: Misses Mary
Lee Foster, Mary Misabbth McClure,
Elinor Beasley, Mildred Basenburg.
Ruth' Wallace, Lorenne Dyer. Jewel
Graves, Thelma Rates. KatMeen
81oan, Francis McNael, Norfleet Sud-
duth; sorority members, E/oiyn
Graves. Bill Kirk, Nallie Casey. Nel¬
lie Gibbs, Ruby Little, Thelma Stacy.
Mabel Willoughby, Loyce Hendrix,
Irma Parsons, Florine Hagood. Ro¬
berta Treschel and pledgee, Miriam
'“«li.'lble gains and a pass that
tfomded over tht goal for a touch- 1
gave Marion the ball.
The visitors’ wat ted moments came
r th> third and forth periods. After
nan Stevens’ dro > kick went wide,
l*>»rl< n opened an offensive from her
И л
yards that carried to the mld-
Pje *f the field tefore it cracked.
F“8 drive market the real «coring
of the Cade*. Lewis opened
big of tricks to the utmost sad
rwn after thret first downs, a
|»wtl was missei by inches, the
tIUa: wallop of the Cadets was
lThtir other cha ice was through
I* n odium of 20- ard pass tote in
81 Chapter. This placed the
■ 01 th<? Howarc 16-yard marker,
1 1 01 ,hc next Big
Samuels fum-
■■d ind Howard recovered, enatch-
Subject, “Spirit of the Mission¬
Hymn, "I'll Go Wheer You Want
Me To Go, Dear Lord.”
Devotional, Rev. A, M. Glover.
1. Physical Hardships, Rev. Coker.
2. Mental Hardships, Rev. I. W.
3. Spiritual Burden, Rev. V. L.
4. Unparalleled Devotion. Miss Hel¬
en Evans.
All are Invited to attend our meeb
pire, Sessione (Atobam
man, GlUem (Sewanee)
Morris McCarthy, Mobile, had a
narrow escape from being suffocated
in a fire caused by the explosion of
an oil stove which he tried to ex¬
tinguish. .Several fire companies
were eummoned and the fire to the
C. A had an unusually good program
led by Miss Miriam Thornton. The
subject was, “Are You Far-Sighted
or Near-Sighted?" Elisabeth Foster
talked on Near-Sightedness and Eve¬
lyn Graves discussed Far-Sightedness
The Y. W. C. A.’s financial com¬
mittee is planning a Hallowe'en par¬
ty for Oct 27. They promise many
interesting features and a hilarious
time. Everybody Is cordially invited.
Work of raising the Mississippi-
Warrior barge which sank at River-
view wharf September 23rd, is well
raider way but on account of the fact
that it is heavily loaded with man-
genese from South Africa, it is be¬
lieved that it will take several days
to raise the barge as It to under
Mrs. John A. Gravelee, of Birming¬
ham, presented to Weaker County a
valuable trophy to the form of a
beautiful loving cup, given by Far¬
mer & Cannon, jewelers of Birming¬
ham, to the Alabama Antl-Tnberou-
losto Association. The presentation
The first community fair ever held
in Walker County was opened at 8ip-
sey tost week with a large exhibit.
Samford University Libra