VOLUME 50— NO. 36
OCTOBER 29, 1965
To HC Faculty Committee
Student Members Added
. . . Homecomi >g queen, Bingham Graves, is attended by Dianne
(rows, second alternate- and Claudia Lewis, first alternate, following
I e coronation pigssnt last Fndey during annual Horn ccom mg activi-
The addition of three student
memberships to the previously fac¬
ulty-administration standing chap¬
el committee was announced this
week by Howard Dean John A.
Fincher and SGA President Ted
Jackson said the plan was ap¬
proved by Dr. Fincher and the
council following an SGA
for student membership on
faculty committees.
He said appointments of three
students to the committee would
be announced soon.
The plan -calls for one student
,of the three to be of junior stand¬
ing and two of senior classifica¬
tion. Jackson said the junior mem¬
ber of the committee would be ap¬
pointed for a two-year term to pro¬
vide continuity among student
All three students will be voting
members of the committee.
The chapel committee has juris¬
diction over student assignments
to a required weekly chapel pro¬
gram. Student membership will in¬
crease the committee strength to
a total of 18, including 15 faculty
members and three students.
“We believe the addition of these
three studen's will be advantag¬
eous both to the student body and
to the faculty and administration,’*
Jackson said.
‘The plan should increase two-
way communication by enabling
students to understand some of the
problems faced by faculty commit¬
tees and give committee members
access to student ideas,’’ he add¬
New Draft Regulations Told
By State Selective Service
IWho's Who List Told;
!IZ Students Honored
Thirty-two Howard College students have been named to Who’s Who
I ir American Colleges and Universities- Dean of Students Arthur Walker
I announced this week.
Walker said the students were
I mminated by faculty mem-
b;rs and screen» d by a special
I I .lection committee.
The students, their classification,
I najors and extracurricular activi-
William Colo Armistoad, senior
I f anator and chairman of the Young
spublicans, is a member of Pi
I lappa Phi, Alpha Kappa Psi, Kap-
14 Kappa Psi and Alpha Phi Ome-
I i.a. Bill is a marketing major from
A member of Phi Mu social so-
ority, Angelina (Oaa Doo) Barnes
ilso holds membership in Hypatia,
*• page 3 for picture of the
Who's Who honor ee*.
also active in BSU, SNEA and
Spanish Club and is a Spanish ma-
Та Рада
Nineteen-year-old males are now
subject to the draft, says the Chief
of Manpower Division of State Se¬
lective Service Headquarters.
Colonel McKissick, Alabama Se¬
lective Service head, said a student
must receive his degree in four
years or he will be drafted.
A student is required to be full¬
time every semester and complete
32 semester hours a year. If a stu¬
dent in his terminal semester needs
only three or six hours to com¬
plete graduation requirements, he
must take at least 12 semester
hours to be considered full time,
McKissick added.
A student will be reported to the
Selective Service if he drops
courses to be reduced to
he said. ■*-
Clarke said the
lective Service
it necessary for
time every
to be full-
and Phi Gamma
accounting major
Phi Chi Theta
Hu. She is an
from Dothan.
Hypatia presided,
is a member of
I A Pi. Kappa Delta
| Alpha Lambda : Jelta.
Speakers Set
Football half-time activities and
a nighttime concert by the nation¬
ally famous Serendipity Singers
topped off annual homecoming ac¬
tivities at Howard College Satur¬
Halfdime events at the Howard-
University of Southwestern Louisi¬
ana homecoming battle included
presentation awards for best cam¬
pus displays and winning entries
in Saturday morning’s homecoming
The decorations carried out the
general homecoming theme,
the Cajuns."
the homecoming court at a special
pageant Friday night.
Award for
the college
trustee Dr.
Peyton A.
service to
to senior
Heacock and
“This information is given in or¬
der that students can maintain full¬
time status this semester and
make necessary arrangements for
the spring semester,” he said.
Food Service
Adds Themes
Halftime Program , Concert Top Off
Annual Homecoming Events Here
during the half-time pro-
The appearance of the Seren¬
dipity Singers was a feature of the
Government Association
The college food service
ed Activity Night last week in the
cafeteria with a kick-off theme
of “The Good Ole West ”
The four classes and IFC, APO,
Pan-Hellenic. SGA. and BSU will
one or two themes each
to stimulate campus spirit,^
officials said.
Cafeteria manager
that "the
its job as more than a
facility, but is interested in
Howard College spirit.’’
The cafeteria will co-operate with
the various groups in an effort to
be a major part of the school life,
Mr. Swank said.
Other plans in the Student Union
Building are attempts to
the snack bar operation, he
hours for
Friday at 8:30-10 p.m., and
hours are 8:30-3 p.m.
A Luau and Old England Day
are additional themes that the cafe¬
teria plans.
The Freshman Class will sponsor
the next Activity Night. Nov. 4.
Two Baptist ministers and the
president of a Baptist seminary
»re slated for aett week’s chapel
'ter Street Bi.ptist Church pas-
>r. Darold J. .'organ will
Monday. .
H. I^o Edc leman, president
:w Orleans Japtist Theologi-
eminary. will speak Wednes-
ind will also be available for
iews during the day. -
Jay’s speaker, Dr. Herbert R.
rd. is minister of Park Cities
st Church iii Dallas, Texas,
iceived hia /LB. at Howard.
For Chapel
Next Week
In class
for best
float the sophomore class won top
honors. The junior class was sec-
>nd place winner.
Half-time activities also Included
die presentation of homecoming
lueen Bingham Graves of Talla-
lega, and her alternates. Claudia
Lewis of Atlanta and Dianne Crews
rf Dothan.
Press Club
The Press Club will meet at
10 a.m. today in the CRIMSON
office, according to Publica-
fioiis Director Dr. William Bax¬
The meeting will be an or¬
ganizational-business meeting
by all
by tfa
of tho does Roe» division of the H