Frank Samford Will Be Honored
In Founder's Day Ceremonies
Numerous honors will be be¬
stowed upon Frank Park Sam¬
ford during Founder’s Day cere¬
monies on the campus today,
The main event of the program
will be the 10 a.m. all-campus
convocation which will be attend¬
ed by the student body, members
of the Board of Trustees and sev-
i eral honored guests.
t Samford was elected a trustee
V Howard College in November*
1937. Two years later he was
elected to a full term and was
also elected Chairman - of the
Board of Trustees. He served on
the Endowment Commission from
1937 through 1939 and Mrs. Sam-
erved as a trustee of the
from 1934 until her resig-
in 1939.
Bulldog Beauty
I Deadline On Petitions
loved Back To April 6
Deadline for petitions of candi-
Ifates for SGA offices has been
I from March 26 to Tuesday,
[lail6, SGA election officials have
SGA president Dale Corley said
for candidates for general
offices. cU ss presidents, sen¬
iors and other officers should be
toed in to the Office of Student
fesonnel Services by 4-p.m. on
A recent change in SGA elections
|K«edure allows election of class
ers at the same time SGA
[fees are chosen.
Corley said candidates for all
class offices are required to have
petitons signed by 25 members of
the class. Petitions for SGA presi-
vice-presidents, secretaries and
must bear 50 names, he
Corley also said that candidates
petitions signed by 25 members of
College's Board of Qualifications.
Balloting will begin April 19, SGA
Elections chairman David Graves
said. ,
Graves said the election will in¬
volve four colors of ballots, one
for each of the four classes. The
ballots will bear the names of can¬
didates for offices in the particular
class It represents, he explained.
Amendment Passes By
Overwhelming Majority
student b >dy has given over¬
timing approval to an amend-
the S udent Government
«sociation s C institution, increas-
2 Senate's membership by
additional senator will thus
lded to the four classes, Law
•1 and the Division' of Grad-
• amended portion of the Coo-
ion now reads as follows:
1. The nembership of the
** Senate shall be
tors cbmposed of six seniors,
five juniors, four sophomores,
and three freshmen.
the fifth year
from the Law
- - Government Asso-
'tion offic
* Presid-ot of each under-
Kjuate class
«“teen tader graduate
d. One
e. Two
f. One senator from the Division
of Graduate Studies
Section 2. No persons may hold an
undergraduate senatorship who is
re than six hours in the
or the Division of Grad-
or who is a fifth
_ _ student.
3 This article shall super-
lbW Article V of this constitution
and shall become effective imme¬
diately upon ratification by a twd-
thirds vote of the student body..
In recognition of his service to
Howard, Samford, a 1914 gradu¬
ate of Alabama Polytechnic In¬
stitute in Auburn, was awarded
an honorary Doctor of Laws De-
by Howard College in 1949.
His Alma Mater awarded him a
LL.D. Degree in 1961.
The dream of a new
College was
by Samford and his
helped to make this
a reality. When the first
ic building erected on the new
campus it fittingly named Frank
Park Samford HaU.
Samford was born in Troy, Ala¬
bama. the second child of Judge
William Hodges Samford and Kate
Park Samford. He attended school
in Montgomery and Troy before
going to Auburn. At Auburn he
was a member of Alpha Tau Ome¬
ga Fraternity and Omicron Delta
Kappa Honorary Fraternity.
He entered the insurance field
soon after being graduated from
Auburn. He was associated brief-
Founder's Day
Are Listed
As a reinstitution of the annual
-Founder’s Day today honors Frank
Park Samford, a trustee of
Howard for 28 years.
Samford will be honored at an
all-campus convocation at 10:00 to¬
day. Speaking on the program will
be Chancellor of the college, Har¬
well G. Davis; U S. Rep. John H.
Buchanan, an honorary trustee of
Howard; A. Hamilton Reid,
utive secretary. Alabama I
State Convention from 1944 to
and Dr. Leslie S. Wright,
dent of Howard.
Presentations will be made by
Dale Corley, president of the Stu¬
dent Government Association;
Judge H. H. Grooms, chairman,
trustee executive committee; and
Dr. Harold Seever, vice chairman
of the board of trustees.
Dr. J. R. White, president of
Alabama Baptist State Convention,
will offer the benediction.
A luncheon will be held In the
college dining room at noon fol¬
lowing the morning convocation.
Frank P. Samford
г «4
ly with Manhattan Life of New
York and then became first
Deputy Insurance Commissioner
of the newly created Insurance
Department of Alab^pa for the
period 1915-1919.
In 1921 he was elected Secre¬
tary-Treasurer fit the Heralds of
Liberty, a fraternal benefit soci¬
ety incorporated during the ten¬
ure of Governor William J. Sam¬
The company moved to Ala¬
bama and the name was
fo Liberty National Life
ance Company in 1929. . Mr.
ford was elected vice-president in
and president in 1934. He
as president of this com-
until 1960 when he became
chairman of the Board of Direc¬
He addition to serving as a trus¬
tee of Howard College he is a
trustee of Auburn University and
of Southern Research Institute.
He has been district governor of
Rotary International: president
the Alabama Chamber of Conf**
merce; director of the U.S. Cham¬
ber of Commerce; director of As¬
sociated Industries of Alabama.
Samford also has been a board
member for both Y.M.C.A. and
Y.W.C.A., headed the Jefferson
County Community Chest and the
Birmingham Christmas Seal Cam-
The Samfords have been mem¬
bers of Southside Baptist Church.
Birmingham, since 1927. He now
serves as a deacon of his church
and has served as Chairman of
the Board of Deacons
Mr. and Mrs. Samford have two
and seven grandchildren,
son, Frank, Jr., succeeded
his father as president of Liberty
National. Their daughter. Ann. is
the wife of Dr. Samuel Upchurch.
Thefr so
TOO Howard Students
Will Tour New York
Carol Burnett, Squibb Laborator¬
ies and the New York Stock Ex¬
change have drawn approximately
100 Howard students and faculty
members away from the tradition¬
al mid-semester holiday trip in sun¬
ny Florida to a week of touring
New York, land of the ice and
Howard's future drama critics,
pharmacists and financiers are
leaving Birmingham Saturday and
Sunday for three special tours of
New York City and surrounding
areas in each of their specialized
Howard’s future drama critics,
pharmacists and financiers are
leaving Birmingham Saturday and
Sunday for three special tours of
New York City and surrounding
areas in each of their specialized
Being industrious members of the
world, the members of the
group will complete trans¬
action of their business within three
days, while drama and pharmacy
tourists will extend their visit
throughout the week.
(Continued On
5) ,