Dignitaries Gather f
Alumni of the Cumberland
of Uw and members of
Mai profession from this area
^ all parts nf (h<? s,ate and
JJtlon will gather on the How-
^ College campus this week-
-d (April 17-18' for annual Law
nay at the Cumberland School of
u, of Howard College
Highlight of the two-day meet-
i- will be dedication o' Memory
Laake Robinson Hall. Cumberland's
5700.000 home.
Scheduled for Saturday morning
,, 10 in Howard's Reid Chapel,
the ceremonies w ill feature an ad-
*ess by Dr I-ewis F. Powell. Jr..
gf Richmond. Va.. president-elect
t( the American Bar Association,
ad conferring of honorary degrees
by Howard on five outstanding
Southern citizens.
Howard President, Dr. Leslie S.
Wright, announced that the fol¬
ding would be honored at that
April 17, 1964
Cumberland Freshman Corley Wins
SGA Presidency In Campus Voting
Dale Corley, freshman in the
Cumberland School of Law, was
elected president of the Howard
Student Government Association
in primary elections Monday and
Scoring a 17-vote margin over
his opponent. Corley won the right
to succeed to the executive offic
by a tally of 454-437. The presi¬
dential race cropped a total of 891
student votes, the largest number
of votes cast in the election. Ap¬
proximately 40 per cent of the
student body voted in the primary.
Taking other SGA jobs were
Teddy Jackson, vice-president; Re-
ba Sloan, secretary; and Bob Em¬
bry. tresaurer.
Also elected in the primary and
run-off were sixteen class posi-
Mrs. Hattie Mae Noland Sam-
lord of Birminghamrformer mem-
. . . are being displayed by Howard's newly elected Student Govern¬
ment Association officers. Voted into office by Monday and Tuesday's
primaries are Reba Sloan, secretary; Bob Embry, treasurer; Teddy
Jackson, vice-president; Dale Corley, president.
29th Scholarship Day
To Honor Top Students
Lewis F. Powell
Howard will honor 68 students at
the 29th Annual Scholarship Day
held Wednesday. April 22, at 9; 55
a m. in Seibert Hall.
A campus-wide convocation will
recognize Howard's honor students
who have earned superior grades
in fifteen or more hours of work.
Scholarship Day was inaugurated
by the Howard College faculty in
1936 for the purpose of public rec¬
ognition of outstanding students.
A Degree with Honors will be
awarded to Judson Vaughn, a sen¬
ior majoring in religion. This award
is presented after a student has
written a thesis on a major re¬
search project and has passed a
special examination in this area of
Scholarship Day speaker will be
Dr. John E. Brewton. Chairman of
the Department of English, George
Peabody College in Nashville. Ten¬
nessee. A native of Brewton, Ala¬
bama, Dr. Brewton received his
A.B. degree from Howard in 1922.
ber of the Howard Board of Trus¬
tees and wife of current Board
Chairman Frank P. ,4am ford.
Mr Leo
Bashinsky of Bir¬
mingham another trustee who also
serves as Chairman of the Cum¬
berland School of Law Advisory
Dr. John G. Hervcy of Okla¬
homa City. Okla.. Dean of Okla¬
homa City University School of
To Be Here
For Donation
The bloodmobile unit of the
American Red Cross will be on the
Howard College campus , Thursday.
May 14. from 10 a m. to 4 p m. to
take donations from the Howard
Each person who donates blood
will be furnished free of charge
any blood that he or his family
may need during the next year. If
35 per cent of a group donates
blood, the entire group will be
A trophy will be presented to
the class, fraternity and sorority
with the highest percentage of
Named for the late Bi-mingham
attorney who served Howard as
an alumnus, a trustee for 23 years.
Chairman of the Law School Ad¬
visory Board, and Attorney for
the college Memory Leake Robin¬
son Hall was opened this Spring,
Cumberland's third year on the
Howard campus. The building is
of Georgian-Colonial architecture.
Justice N. B. Johnson, also of
Oklahoma City, a member of the
Oklahoma Supreme Court and
alumnus of Cumberland.
Dr. Wright said the Birmingham
Ino would be honored "for their
services to the c<llege and
u community," while the Okla-
Activity Cards Add
Photos Next Year
John E. Brewton
He received both his A.M. and his
Ph.D. degrees from George Peabody
Dr. Brewton is the author of 20
books and 23 articles and has di¬
rected more than 40 educational
surveys. Listed in Who's Who in
America, he has served as Acting
President of George Peabody on
two occasions.
The Howard College Concert
Band under the direction of Mr.
Floyd McCoy will perform adapted
arrangements for the convocation.
A reception will be given by
Hypatia honor society for the hono-
rees and faculty at 11:00 a.m. in
the lounge of Seibert Hall.
Pi Delta Phi
Initiates 6
Pi Delta Phi. honorary French
fraternity, held its annual initia¬
tion ceremony Tuesday, April 14.
The initiates were Joanna Foun-
ain, Jane Gardner. Jack Purser.
Joy Staples, Ruth Wells, and Peggy
Following the ceremony the fra¬
ternity elected Ruth Wells, presi¬
dent; Jack Purser, vice-president;
and Peggy White, secretary-
The highlight of the evening was
the banquet at the Guest House.
Special guests included Dr. and
Mrs. Wheeler Hawley. Dr. Lee Al¬
len. and Dr. Hul-Cee Acton, spon-
The blood donations will make
blood available for patients in V.A.
hospitals and military installation
hospitals. It will also further in¬
crease the amount which is being
used in the form of blood deriva¬
tives and increase the reserve sup¬
ply to be used for disasters and
special types of emergencies.
in action for a new card dis¬
ing both a photograph of the
ent and a photostatic copy of
student's IBM master card. This
ige to a laminated card has
I under consideration for two
Tke Off.ce of Student Personnel
Services has announced plans for
distribution of laminated photo
‘dentification cards for Howard Stu¬
lls for the fall and spring se¬
tters of 1964-65.
Due to the many requests of stu-
dentx for a change in the type of
identification-activity cards, plans
The cards will be issued for a
period extending from September 1.
1964 to August 31. 1965. The in¬
creased cost of the cards will re¬
quire an increase in charge for re¬
placement of lost identification
The Howard Baptist Student
Union has announced its recently
elected Executive Council for next
The future change affects only
the card and not the program cov¬
ered by the card. As presently, the
possession of an activity card will
permit admission to all athleUc
events, all Concert and Lecture per¬
formances. and ail dramatic
productions. The card also covers
The new officers include: Mike
Fink, president: Dave Fo'.som, vice
chairman; Clarissa Durrett. com-
Heanb'soclal chairman:' Don R ob-
ison, devotional chairman; and
Bingham Graves, church represen-
Election Totals
sPort>. Schedule
Richmond Flowers
Other members attending were
Geneal Muckleroy. Catherine Al¬
len. Margie Goemer, Diane Sey¬
mour, Elaine Burns, and Brenda