IS FOUND— Duke, Howard's venturesome mascot, is
to bis official keeper, David McNutt, (right) by Howard
Jchn Ivey.
Oh Where Has
Little Dog Gone ?
I The Duke ol Howard < sometimes
rferred to as the Bulldogs' mas-
i «as of( or. a spree Friday aft-
jion. Since fH? seldom lets two-
tgged friends in on his secrets,
nobody knows for sure just where
md with whom he was.
[ When John Aright, Duke's offi-
I 'owner ai d son of President
I Mrs. Lcs ie S. Wright came
m school lie noticed Duke was
ices or I
iLow School
Classes Pick
iNew Officers
• Students of I oward's Cumberland
School of- Law have cast their bat-
I lots for class Officers and student
|bar representatives.
The president of the Freshman
I Class is Robert Weaver, w ho came
Ihere from the University of Miami.
I «here he played football and basc-
I ball The othc officers are: John
I Hqtfinbolham, vice president: Dave
I Conrad, secretary; and Jerry Rey-
I Holds, treasurer
Bob Burnet e has been elected
I president of f
So|>homore Class.
Bob. a member of the PAD Fra-
I lenity of Los . comes from Pearl
I River. Missis ippi. Bob Brandon
ns e I e
1 e I vice president, and
Richard Leon, secretary - treasur-
Elected as President of the Sen¬
ior Class was John Capell. John is
a native of Montgomery. Alabama,
"litre he was a tennis player.
The represei ntives elected to the
Suxk-nt Bar A- .ociation are Charles
I Robinson, fres man: Bob Burnette
Bob Bran inn. sophomore: and
| paries Ball ard Jon Goodman, sen-
Ed Billing]}- President of the
«“dent Bar Association, said that
* hoped that better relationships
between all classes would be es¬
tablished this year.
Campus-Wide Convocation Takes
Place Of Usual Chapel Schedule
A required campus . wide con¬
vocation next Wednesday will re¬
place regular chapel programs for
the week.
The convocation will be held at
chapel period. 10 a.m. in Seibert
Hall. Attendance will be checked
by students' turning in registration
slips at the door.
The speaker will be Mr. Fred
Newton, vice president and gen¬
eral manager of the Southern Bell
Telephone and Telegraph Company
in Alabama, Mr. Newton is a na¬
tive of Georgia and a graduate of
Georgia Tech.
He joined Southern Bell in 1925
and has worked in Georgia, Louisi¬
ana. and Florida.
Newton is married, has two mar¬
ried daughters and three grandchil¬
dren. In addition to his telephone
activities he is a member of the
board of directors of the Birming¬
ham Chamber of Commerce, a
member of the national- board of
directors of Junior Achievement, a
member oif the Board of directors
and president of the Junior
Achievement of Jefferson County.
Inc., and a member of the Sigma
Nu Fraternity.
Mr. Newton is especially interest¬
ed in the Junior Achievement move¬
ment. which is devoted to the de¬
veloping of young people into busi¬
ness leaders of tomorrow.
Students Get
More Seats
Because of < row (led conditions in
i s,u<lent cheeking section at the
home football game Coach
*"nes Sharmnn says that another
*e?'on WBI I* opened to students.
«hen How aid meets Delta State
j*tober 27. i may sj( the
I »<st stands
ect ion “B". “D”.
Iwtoom seven rows of
Hi«h school students who will be
«campus f
nigh School Day
sit in the East stands in sec-
AA" and • EE”.
the JJdwhhii Jrimhiin
NO. 5
gone, but he thought he was with
David McNutt, who takes E-ukc to
Howard pep rallies and ball games.
Mrs. Wright hadn't noticed his
Friday was John's birthday. He
was lo have a party.
On the way to the party. John
said. “Why does* David have Duke
so early* He'll get tired, being out
with David so long.’’
“David doesn't have Duke." Mrs.
Wright said.
“Then where is he?"
Nobody knew.
Steve Wright called the police.
Later Mrs. Wright got a report
that two men were seen trying to
coax Duke into their truck.
Duke didn't get in.
Still later Mrs. W. T. Ivey. 128
Stratford Circle, saw Duke near
her house.
‘I've seen that dog somewhere be¬
fore.' she thought.
(Duke’s picture was on the front
page of the Birmingham Post-Hcr-
alu the Saturday before.)
Mrs. Ivey, whose son is a How¬
ard freshman, remembered sudden¬
ly that Duke was the mascot of
her son's college.
She retrieved Duke, and son John
(Ivey) returned him to the Wrights
Saturday night Duke and David
went to the ball game. Whatever
Duke knows, he's not telling.
FRESHMEN LEADERS— Starting out their term with a handshake are, left to right, Jerry Matthews,
senator; Pat O'Neal, treasurer; Dave Folsom, president; Leon Starr, senator and Suzanne Woodard, secre¬
Dave Foisom Heads Slate
Of Freshmen Officers
The returns are in . . . annlhcr
slate of freshman officers has been
In a balloting of 35 per cent of
the freshman class. Miami Fresh¬
man Dave Folsom was chosen to
lead the Class of '66.
Leon Starr and Gerald Matthews
were elected Freshman senators.
Elected in a runoff ballot Tues¬
day and Wednesday were: vice
president. Judy Scott; secretary.
COCCUMPM TAKE OVER BSU-Making preparations and receiving instructions for "Freshman Week
FRESHMEN TAKE OVtK poured above. From left. seated, are Kitty Halsoll,
freshman BSU sac rX' . BSU president. Standing are Joel Hitt, BSU president; Ben Connell,
^ ^ Sd“-
repreoentetivo; and Lean Starr, freshman devetronal chairman.
Suzanne Woodard: treasurer, Pat
The president's gavel must be
permanently affixed lo Dave Fol¬
som's hand. He was president of
both his junior and senior classes
in Miami Shores High School Dave
received the National Honor Society
service award, the American le¬
gion Outstanding Senior Boy award,
and voted Most Likely to Succeed
by his class. He is a new member
of the BSU choir.
His tentative pJattSTor the fresh¬
men include a talent show for up¬
perclassmen and a Homecoming
float and bonfire, according to
Dave. The class committees and
dues were set up at last night's
Senator Starr was active in Boy
Scouts. Explorers. Order of the Ar¬
row. and Key Club while in Es¬
cambia High. Pensacola. Fla. Ger¬
ald Matthews, a would - be - chem¬
istry major, was graduated from
Tarrant High in Birmingham. He is
a new member of the A Cappella
Midget Judy Scott has set her
sights on a journalistic career. A
she is a member of YWA and the
recent graduate of Foley High.
Crimson staff.
A pre-med student, secretary Su¬
zanne is a graduate of Ramsay
High School in Birmingham. She is
a member of the band and YWA.
The convocation program will
also include the dedication of the
1962 Entre Nous by the editor of
the 1963 Entr# Nou*, Marianne Bo-
Samford University Library