Volame 47~ HOWARD COLLEGE, BIRMINGHAM, ALA~ APRIL 27,~1962 Number '28
Campus Goes Western
For H
Unarmed folks had better beware
Tuesday, 'cause all Howardites will
be toting shooting irons and ;>icks
and shovels as they move West.
It will be "H" Day. when any¬
thing is likely to happen, especial¬
ly if some old Westerner has al¬
ready made it tradition.
The ladies and gents will come
decked out as '49'ers. cowpokes,
school marms, Indians or parsons
to participa’e in a full day and
night of activities.
Things officially get into swing,
according to "H" Day chairman
Mike Bradley, at li:45 when a free
chuck wagon lunch will be served
all the campus population. The
lunch will be in the mock frontier
town in front of the Student Union
Soon as the citizens have had a
brief siesta, a rodeo style track
meet will start in Seibert Stadium
Sports events will continue at 3:15
with a student-faculty softball game
on the intramural field.
The westerners can cool their
heels at 4 30 when the Howard band
plays a concert of ditties on the
Student Union lawn.
By 5:15 they'll be needing some
supper, which will be served as
usual in the cafeteria.
The traditional Mr. and Miss
Howard pageant will be in the sta¬
dium at 7:30. Sanford Colley and
Mike Bradley will emcee the talent
program, which will include acts
by the Male Chorus, the Vinson sis¬
ters. the Hearn sisters and other
student groups.
The campus spirit monarchs will
be crowned from a group of final-
Kappa Phi Gets Nod From
Authorities To Reactivate Chapter
A plan to reactivate the Alpha
Ifca chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fra-
Iternity on campus has been ap-
I proved by the college Board of
I Trustees, the Adm list ration and
I '-he Faculty Activities Committee.
PrcMdint Leslie S. Wright said
I «her the Board of Tr istees meeting
Ja, «eel: It is t demonstrated
I to that (ratemities and sororities
|fia make a valuable contribution
1 1'1 an academic co imunity. This
|b$ been true at loward in the
|I»1 and is true tocay.
, T'e arc convince»! that our stu-
bo»ly is large enough to sup-
an additional fraternity and
i he loyal alumni of Pi
lfjppa pi,j «in rentier every pos-
Isile assistance in r< activating this
endorsements, added to
of the Interfrati-mity Council,
**an that the fraternity can pro-
|*«l with plans to colonize.
According to Dr. William Pratt
II. Dean of Students, the ac-
l chapter charter will not be reac¬
hed until the college and Pi
agree on certain stipu-
charter will be granted, he
and when approximately 25
men are found for mem-
and the fraternity guaran-
construction of a lodge by
that Pi Kappa Phi
the campus in good
in 1951, with the under-
than an att mpt to reac-
the future: would be con¬
sidered with favor by the college.
Negotiations for the reactivation
opened in 1959 between the college.
Pi Kappa Phi's national headquar¬
ters and Pi Kappa Phi alumni.
Dean Dale said. "In 1941. when
I carric to Howard. Pi Kappa Phi
was a flourishing fraternity with
the finest fraternity house on the
old campus. They had very high
academic standards, and were
consistently at or near the top of
fraternities grade-wise.
(Continued on Page 7)
. . . Ono of those spirited young ladies will be crowned Miss Howard
next Tuesday night. Left to right are (seated) Martha Mathis, Flo
Taylor and Genie Tumor. Standing are Anno Boynton and Alice
Herring. . . ....... ■
Day Festivites
. . . Becky Thomas gets a Texas-size grin from Howard cowpoke Don
Beardyn. These two westerners from the South will be seen on Tuesday,
May 1, along with a crowd of other Howard students who will "go
Wertem" this "H" Day. A contest, with prizes, Will be held to choose
the best costumes of the day.
Noted Legal Educator
To Speak At Law Day
Howard's Cumberland School of
Law is opening its doors to alumni,
other Howard students, faculty and
friends for Law Day next weekend.
Law Day. a tradition with Cum-
liand. will feature two interna¬
tionally known speakers, as well as
local students and faculty.
The kick-off banquet at 6:30 May
4 in the Cafeteria will feature
Chancellor Harwell G. Davis as
toastmaster. President Leslie S.
Wright, and Judge Sam B. Gil-
reath. Professor of Law, who will
be the main speaker.
The banquet guests, joined by
Howard people who do not attend
the meal, will adjourn to a recep¬
tion for Gail Patrick Jackson. How¬
ard alumna who is producer of the
Perry Mason television show.
The reception will last until 10
p.m., giving students who attend
the water show a chance to drop by
to meet Mrs. Jackson, according to
Law School Dean Arthur A. Weeks.
Activities will continue Saturday
when law students hold a moot
court in the Law School court
room at 10 am. which is also open
to undergrads.
Dr. John G. Hervey, Dean of the
Law School of Oklahoma City Uni¬
versity. will speak at a luncheon
at noon.
"Dr. Hervey is one of the most
outstanding legal educators in the
nation," says Dean Weeks.
Hervey has been director of legal
education of the American Bar As¬
sociation for 13 years. He has been
dean of law at Temple University
in Philadelphia and at the Uni¬
versity of Oklahoma.
He holds B.A. and Ll.B. degrees
from the University of Oklahoma
and the Ph.D. in International Law
from the University of Penn¬
sylvania. He also holds five honor¬
ary doctorates.
President Wright will welcome
guests to the luncheon.
Mrs. Jackson, wno was a Delta
Zeta and an honors graduate in
French, will address the assembly
Dean Weeks stressed that all un¬
dergraduate students and Howard
fa»mlty are invited to any of the
Law Day activities. He said that
deadline for making dinner and
luncheon reservations is 4 P-tn.
Wednesday. V '
... . A crown of i 'chid* comes from Ronnie Simms fo Nita Andress,
itars of the Willojghwefs' "Return
Willoughwets Show
Premiers Thursday
The Howard Wib ughwets will
iplash into a produc on of the “Re-
I bra To Paradise." lext Thursday.
[Friday and Saturdjy. in Seibert
beginning at 8 p.m., the cast will
b synchronized swimming to rou¬
st such as Song of the Islands."
Drifting and Dreaming." "On the
Beach at Waikiki.” and "The Ha¬
itian Wedding Song."
The music and sw imming will be
to a backdrop of au hentic scenery
sad decorations, and the cast mem¬
bers will be in floral costumes.
A ukelele chorus will accompany
the numbers
All persons holding student activi¬
ty cards can secure tickets to the
performance by presenting their
cards at the Physical Education
Department office between 8 a m.
and 4:30 pm. today and Monday.
People not affiliated with the col¬
lege must pay $1.00 admission.
The Willoughwets have been in¬
vited to perform "Return To Para¬
dise” at Elgin Air Force Base in
Fort Walton Beach. Florida May 11
(Continued on Page 7)
ists elected by popular vote. Possi¬
ble Miss Howards are Anne Boyn¬
ton. Flo Taylor. Genie Turner.
Alice Herring, and Martha Mathis.
Mr. Howard finalists are Greg
Eanes. Doug Olive. Joel Hitt. Ricky
Harvey and Jack Snell.
Prizes will be given for best cos¬
tumes. Students who have worked
on Bradley's committee planning
“H” Day are David McCutcheon,
track meet: Howell Glenn, Greg
Eanes and Hal Bennett, set con¬
struction. and Anne Boynton, lunch.