’ andidaies Campaign
)t lop Campus Posts
Volum* *7 HOWARD COLLEGE. BIRMINGHAM. ALA- APRIL 6. 1962 Number 25
First Workshop Plays
By Mi.rianne Bohorfoiuh
With sUte-wid. elections filtering the air, Howard
jjents have drafted t ie political spirit and activated their
I? campus election.
I Ballots f°r thrf2 ot’ the SGA post a will be contested,
lilh the vice presid me
alone carrying only one name.
! Leading the clas ies, three prospective seniors will vie for ^
Iflff and Soplion ore hetfn-seats. qualified for bo'h Student DlrCCtOrS
Ministers Clasl for Presidency
f Junior Class pr:sicent MIKE BRADLEY of Madison,
jibama, a member of Kappa Phi Kappa, Sigma Delta Pi|
т!е К
and ODK, takes the alphabetical lead for the top
I A post. In the Si nate for two years, Bradley is a minis-
: OPPOSED by a fellow preacher bey, JACK SNELL is
racing for the j res dency.
Hailing from Panama City, Florida, Snell an ODK,
kids a list of form er presidencies Included in his presi-
jitial positions an APO, the Sophonore Class, and the
Unopposed Veep
Running in a fce-c eared field, GREG EANES, a phar-
i.cy major, has signet up for vice president.
A member of Pi Kappa Alpha, Eanes is a Sophomore
*iator from Birmii gh.im.
Ixnpeting Secretaries
Junior, RUTH COLLEY of Russellville, has thrown her
|*pa in the ring.”
Alternate head cheerleader, Miss Colley is a Senator
ii active in Junicr C ass activities. Che is -a Elementary
'nation major a; id s member of YWA and is on the
shman Advisory Committee.
ANN BOYNTON is also vote-seek ng. From Birming-
t:i, she is an Alpl a Eelta Pi and Pi Kappa Alpha Dream
il. Secretary of h >r Freshman Class, she also kept minutes
i the Dormitory Council.
| W no’ll Keep Bx>lcs Black?
Business major BILL COCHRAN is bidding for SGA
A Pike, Cocl rar is a Junior from Birmingham. He
liti the program c< miaittee of the nev.ly formed Associa- ^ ■
|toi for Business Majors. The prospective treasurer will ^(211010(116$
r oaten with the sltgan, “I’m not a politician, just a
Ini her.”
In the treasurer s rate also is Sophomore CAROL
|PAUELSEN. From J ickson, Alabama, she is a human rela-
ii major Treasurer of the Press Chib, she also belongs
Ito 1 elta Omicron, A Cappella Choir, ESU, Masquers, Old
lilaiisClub, and the Bull Pup Staff.
Seniors V/;int to Be Skipper
TOMMY BURTON of Camp Hill begun his campaign fog
lior Class prexy. An engineering major, Burton is a
rbda Chi.
Marketing major EOB FLOWERS of Butler' is also in
‘three-man race. President of his Sophomore, Junior and
nr class in high school, Flowers is a member of the
IRE NOUS staff anc the Association lor Bysiness Majors.
'ontending with Flowers and Burton, ART CHRIST-
is a Junior serai or and president of ATO. From
iiville, Kentucky, Art is an English major.
Linda Harris
Junior Prexy to
music for a coup!
tfK ippa Kappa Psi,
Ministerial stude:
. ite for the Junior
|Able ; service on the
w cf Ministerial As.
Be Chosen From Two
jsician from Scottsboro, has put aside
; of weeks of campaigning. A member
Foss is a music major,
it ED ABLES of Fart Payne is a can-
Clase’ head chair. An APO member,
3.S.U.' Greater Council, and is a mem-
o nation and Broth i-rhood.
Talk At Rally
The SGA political rally for all
students seeking a position on the
Student Government will be held
next week in the Pharmacy Amphi¬
theater, Thursday the 12 of April
at 12:30.
All candidates for class offices
will be introduced and all persons
seeking one of the general SGA
offices will speak. , The candidates
for secretary, treasurer, and vice-
president will be allowed three min¬
utes each and the candidates for
president will have five minutes.
These times include the speeches
of the campaign managers. Follow¬
ing the general speaking there will
be a period of questions from the
floor directed to the Presidential
All students are urged to attend
the rally to see what the issues are
and which candidate they will sup¬
All candidates are required to at¬
tend and those who do not do so
and who do pot present a written
excuse to Mike Bradley. Chairman
of the Elections Committee by
noon. Friday, April 13 will be dis¬
By Bill Nunnelley
Howard students will have a
chance to see budding young di¬
rectors conduct plays as the sixth
Workshop Drama Series gets un¬
der way next week.
Two productions-THE APOLLO
OF BELLAC. directed by Linda
Harris, and THIRD TIME'S THE
CHARM, directed by Martha Green
are scheduled for next Thursday
Sara Dean Blake's production of
and Jack Haley's VISIT TO A
SMALL PLANET will be the fol¬
lowing Thursday night. April 19.
All four plays will be staged in
the Tack Room of the Religious-
Education Building. The first pro¬
duction each night will start at
A "season" ticket, admitting stu¬
dents to all four plays is avail¬
able at Jie Speech Department of¬
"Even though the plays are con¬
ducted in a clossroom manner, the
quality of the productions will not
be lowered." speech instructor Bob
Mashburn said.
"The students will get a chance
to try out some of the new direct¬
ing techniques they've studied in
class," he said.
The four student directors are
membership of Mr. Mashbum's
play directing class. The work¬
shop series is their major semester
Awards, a number of “oscups"
for best play and top individual
performances, will be given out
after the last production April 9.
The series will provide an oppor¬
tunity for about 30 students to par¬
ticipate in dramatics this year,
Mr. Mashburn said. The cast mem¬
bers are chosen by tryout.
Members of the APOLLO cast are
Martha Green
Sylvia Cochran. Dean Fadcly. Jim
Chavis, Lynn Whatley. Charlotte
McGuire. Guy Keeton and Marcia
CHARM'S cast includes Reba
Sloan. Marilyn McWhorter, Stanley
Daughtery, Vic Fichtner, Tommie
Griffin. Don Sutherland and Mary
Scientist-Chemist Is
Lecture Series Speaker
Sop iomores Lot
Over Male Candidates
l ebatcr DICK CONVILLE of Enslty has declared his
teal intentions.
soeech major Conville is in APO and
"irer of the Swimming Club. Conville ran for Freshman
HNK LOVE, with “Love is the answer” as a vote ■ f*
*)• is a biology m; jer from Gadsden. Active in Freshman vJl*OUD
'Ties, Love serve i on the Homecomi ng float committee. ” ■
(Now that you’\e been introduced to the candidates,
WCtiysON will giv? you a resume o: platforms in next
:ietk sedition.)
Helmbold Is On TV Panel
hofesor F. Wilbur Helmbold. Li-
!sq?n at -Howard, will aipar on
na f-hour television pro trams
*, *?*linR week in connec icn with
J ««nance of National Library
^S««lay. Mr. Helmbold will ap-
moderator of a panel
3'miingham librarims rep-
the four major y>es of
This telecast wil be on
* and will bbe boodcast
An informal staged “situation-
type" progr itn will be featured on
Tuesday nigiit at 7:00 on the "Head¬
liner" progr am on Educational Tele
vision. With Mr. Helmbold will be
Mrs. Sarah Brown, Librarian of the
University cl Alabama Medical Col¬
lege, and M is Margaret Miller, for¬
mer Assista t Librarian of Birming¬
ham Public Library, and probably
several students from the college.
Sings Thurs.
The Ladies Chorus will perform
the "Stabat Mater" by Pergolesi
next Thursday at 12:30 in the Li¬
brary Lecture Room.
Soloists for the performance will
be Evelyn Collier. Pal Best. Peggy
Browder, Barbara Barker and
Carol Pagelsen.
Director of the Ladies Chorus is
Mrs. Kathleen Martinson. Accom¬
paniment will be played by Mr.
Jerry Lowder, piano. Dr. Newton
Strandberg and Mr. Robert Dean,
By Mary Lane Holland
"The Conversion of a Confederate
Soldier” will be the chapel subject
of library lecturer Dr. William W.
Hassler, Monday, April 9. at 10
Monday night, Hassler will begin
the Howard 1962 Library Lecture
Series with a discussion of the
characteristics and feats of John
Pelham, a Civil War hero of Ala¬
bama. Described by General Robert
E. Lee as gallant and courageous,
young Pelham was known as the
"beau ideal" of the Confederacy.
At his death at Kelley's Ford in
1863. three girls went into mourn¬
“The Opportunities in Technical
Writing” will be Hasslcr's Tuesday
night tecture topic.
Both lectures will begin at 8 p.m.
in the Harwell G. Davis Library
Lecture room with no admission
A chemistry professor at Eastern
Baptist College. St. Davids. Pa., Dr.
Hassler occupies his spare time
with study and writings on Civil
War history.
A nre v Pennsylvania. Hassler
reen.<*l h», M S and Ph D. degrees
in chemist rv tram the University
of Pennsylvania.
A frequent lecturer at Civil War
Round Tables and scientific gathers ,
ings. Hassler will speak to How-
Dr. William W. Hassler
ard's chemistry students Tuesday
on “Activated Carbons — the Mod¬
ern Purifier."
Prior to his position at Eastern
Baptist College. Hassler served as
chairman of the department of
Chemistry and Physics at Beaver
College, Jenkintown. Pp. A member