Howard College putting on
Its friendliest face for some 1200
high school juniors and seniors
across Alabama who will visit
the campus for the third an¬
nual High School Day tomorrow.
Sponsored by the Student
Government Association, t h e
event is designed to acquaint
prospective Howard students
with the school and what It
Approximately 26M letters
announcing High School Day
have been sent to high school
principals and Baptist pastors
throughout the state by Art
Christmas. SGA chairman for
the project.
Registration, launching the
day's activities, begins at 11 am.
During the morning a reception
for the sponsors, campus tours,
and departmental conferences
and displays will be in progress.
Various campus organizations
will supply student guides for
the tours.
... or the title r< le n “Student F rince” is assistant
profeisor of music Virgil Hale. He is one of many
Hor. id students and faculty in th« musical comedy
whid i opens tonight at Clarke Memorial Theatre. Stu-
:enb are attending performances tonight, tomorow and
Tuealay on their s udent activity cards, but the show
rill |4ay through f ovember 21. Reh -arsing with Hale,
ieft t<> right, are Chi.rlet Lowery, Duane Sheumaker and
Kay (lalfee, who pk
supporting role» in the production.
Jonvocati oris
'lev. 20, 'll
'tj- i ampus - wide -equ: red
i voeat ons will be 1 eld the
!* ot November 20 taking
I plan of regular ch: pel pro-
in hr that week ,nd the
Garini week.
Hank giving services will -be
llNoisnlxr 20 with Dr. Eale
Coon', pastor of Suth Ave-
• Pres lyterian Churcl . sp^ik-
| The Howard Music Depsrt-
. . . fur High School Day are, left to right, President Leslie SL
Wright, Student Body Fresident Sanford Colley and Senate
committee chairman Art Christmas.
Physical Education
Students Convene Here
All Stadium
Seal s Reserved
Howard College will nlay host this week-end to the annual
conference of the student section of the Alabama State Associa¬
tion of Health. Physical Education and Recreation.
Student representatives from each Alabama college and uni¬
versity make up the conference.
Howard representatives, host and hostess for the convention,
are Jack Hare and Martha Beckett.
Activities begin with registration at 5:00 this afternoon.
This year’s conference will promote professional interest and
for an exchange of Ideas among the students who plan to teach.
Scheduled program Is:
5:00 Registration - Seibert Hall
7:00 First General Session - Speaker from Jacksonville
Stale College
8: 15 Recreation
8:30 Registration
9:80 Sfcond General Session - Discussion - University of
and a greeting from Dr. Leslie
S. Wright, Howard's president;
and Sanford Colley, SGA head.
Afternoon plans Include a pep
rally and open house In the
men and women's residence
halls from 4-4:45 pm. During
the open house, films of home¬
coming activities will be shown
in the chapel.
To climax the day’s events,
the high school guest* will
join the regular Howard Col¬
lege funs In a gigantic pep
rally, immediately followed by
dents w
be ushered to the
seats fir which they hold
tickets. This includes seats
within be student cheering
Any st (dent who has. tickets
for the west stands may ex¬
change tickets for seats in
the east starts cheering sec¬
tion by «king them to Couch
Shanuai.'s office.
High ; ehool students will be
seated h. sections AA and EE
In the «ast stands.
Exchaiges for adjoining
tickets lor dates and friends
must be handled by individual
students on their own initia¬
This eating regulation b
i avt *U provide music
tl Frd C. 8chwart :. noted
1 stalls i crusader a'galrst
ftununism. will ad< trees a
I -eral c invocation Iht follcw-
l| Wednesday, November 22.
I 1 11 rill be an event of the
jSiient Senate Cono rt snd
: L‘:;ure Series, but the required
I* tadan-e will take tie pi ice
1 > chapel for the next week.
Ibth invocations rill lie
I N h ui in the Seibe-t Halt
I n-,
Schwarz le ture, a
hniiwll be given at 0:50 for
i : eats rho have claw coa-
3 iment, but a quesllon and
U'ter period will fo low for
>' irats who wish to re naln.
the Southwestern Lynx in Sei¬
bert stadium at 8 pm.
The game will be free to all
students attending the High
School Day activities, but tickets
must be claimed on the second
floor of the cafeteria before 7
pm. that night. ;
Student Jobs
Available At
The Alabama State Employ¬
ment Service and several down¬
town stores are cooperating in
recruiting college students for
Christmas jobs.
The Employment Service says
that 60 to 100 jobs for the
Christmas vacation are available
to Howard students. Jobs as
sales clerks, wrappers and stock
clerks are open.
Application must be made
next week In order to partici¬
pate in training sessions Novem¬
ber 19 and 25. Students will be
paid while In training class.
Applications may be picked up
at the Alabama' Employment
Service, 1818-8th Avenue, North,
in Birmingham. Mrs. Waldron
or Mr. Anderson will refer stu¬
dents to the Birmingham stores
desiring Christinas workers.
Administration Gives Funds
For Student Senate Budget
inafown Party
additions to the savings fund.
Another major change is that
this year the SGA has no con¬
trol over departmental dona¬
tions. such as to the debate
team and the Music Depart¬
ment. Because of this, the ad¬
ministration now controls the
$8,000 departmental fees.
Jerry also explained that if
any area of the budget Is over¬
drawn. that sum will be docked
from next year’s complete ap¬
Jerry then answered ques¬
tions pertaining to the use of
money appropriated to certain
areas. The $200 appropriated
for the SGA convention which
the executive officers attend
covers registration and part of
(Continued on page 8)
One of the main changes In
policy is that there will be no
carry over of money to the next
year, nor any money put Into
the savings fund. Instead, all
surplus money will be sent to
the Oeneral Fund In the busi¬
ness of. ice. The finance com¬
mittee is working now to get
a percentage of the surplus.
According to Wood, this
policy is leading toward the
aUltufje that “we might as
well spend it; we can’t keep it
if we don’t.”
There is now $5.000 in the
savings fund, which can be used
for seme worthwhile project.
The Howard College radio sta¬
tion was established from this
fund. Under the present policy,
however, there will be no more
B. Marilyn Vick
Jerry Wood, student auditor
end aasi tant to the business
manager, clarified the situation
of the student government
budget In a press conference
last week.
Wood u
treasurer of the
student t ody last year and was
appointee student auditor this
year. • ., - _ ...
ibwn will set up a
in the Cafeteria to-
* Circle
.* ponsors
fderful Weekend
and tl e trin-
5s *ill be servitl from
Jriti. 6.45. Stud >nts are
i 10 '°m<? in orie ital c«-s-
Althourh the Senate has the
sole aul lorlty pver the dis¬
persing c f funds, tills year the
administ: atfcn Is handing out
the allot ance. The allowance
deesnt t terease as enrollment
increases there Is merely a flat
appropriation based on last
year’s budget.
The a< tual budget for this
year is aj proximately $30,000.
:rofh»rhood Meets.
»od via
foby night at 8:30.
are urged
the visitini speaker.