Heady For Georgetown
"You Know It'*
Nfws When You
See It In The
Pep Rally, Party Precede Game
...The* Bulldog are all set (or tomorrow's action with the Georgetown Tigers. The linemen
>*f‘ 10 r,*ht- 'iarland Jones, Richard Findley, Jim Thompson, Carl Shepherd, Bonwell RoyaL
Beinie Storie, and Buddy Bozeman. The backs are, left to right, George Verspflle, Johmiy Shoe-
mi ker. Billy Hurst, and Bobby Jackson.
Bulldog Bark Is Broadcast
•Hotdogs. picnic, pep r^lly,
show— all leading up to How¬
ard's first heme game of the
season against Georgetown to¬
morrow at 2 p.m.
The cheerleaders headed by
June Vinson have planned a
combination picnic supper and
pep rally honoring the football
team beginning at 5:30 tonight.
Meal tickets will get your pic¬
nic suppers In the cafeteria.
Atfer eating, students will
asemble in front of the cafe¬
teria frr a giant pep session
with the Bulldog Band and
majorettes lending support
and entertainment.
The event Is the second in
the Wonderful Weekend Series.
In this first home game, the
Bulldogs are favored to trounce
the Tigers, following the pat¬
Ftr the first Urns since the
ion ard bulldog took to the grtd-
ros his growl will tx heard over
i due- wide radio network.
M\ G H. Smith, Director of
*nalc Relations, sa.s that the
hibiic Relations office and
' uni office have felt for many
rraii that Howard's football ac¬
id! .es should be broadcast to
tents, friennds, ind alumni
m ss the state.
I taudr Rainey wi I be giving
Ui play-by-play descriptions
of the games. WI RC-FM is
in charge of feeding out the
games across the state. The
stations that will be carrying
the Howard College football
games are: WAPY of Mont¬
gomery; WULA of Eufala;
WARF of Jasper. WAAX of
Gadsden; WDNG of Anniston;
WAVU-FM of Albertville;
WHBB of Selma; WMLS of
Sylacauga; WEPA of Fort
Payne; and WKCL of Cullman.
Other cities which may carry
the broadcasts but are undecided
as yet are: Alexander City;
Phoenix City; Demopolis; Talla¬
dega: Opelika; and Athens.
ive Pharmacy Majors
deceive Scholarships
Scholarships tota ing $1.000
awarded to five pharmacy
tutents at Howard College last
Tie students, recipients of the
lic^ard S Warren Pharmacy
Harship. receive; $200 each
roe l the scholarship fund estab-
ish d by John R. Wa rren, alum-
lus of Howard College and ex-
“Jive vice-preslde »t of the
Va: ren-Teed Product s Company,
aibus. Ohio. Mr Warren
sUallshed the funei to honor
us father. Richard 3. ‘Warren.
founder of the pharmaceutical
Recipients of the awards were;
Jerry Purser Harper. Jackson,
Miss.. Junior; James Vincent
Jackson, Monroeville. Ala-
Junior; Jerome C. James. Jr„
Blrmlngham. Senior; Douglas
Odfll Sharp, Columbia, Term.,
Junior: and Joseph Lamar
Vaughn, Dothan. Ala.. Sopho¬
The recipient* of the scholar¬
ships were honored on Friday
evening with a dinner at The
Club, with Mr. Warren as host.
tern set last year when the
■Dogs racked up 41 points over
their opponents' 0. However,
the Tigers Should be stronger
this season than last year, with
20 lettermen returning to a six-
game schedule.
Both teams are entering the
game with one victory behind
them for this season. Howard
crushed Memphis Navy last
week 60-0. while using the sec¬
ond and third teams. George¬
town took Hanover College of
Indiana last week with a closer
score of 18-12.
The Memphis game proved
that the Bulldogs are ready for
action. Bobby Jackson was
leader in rushing yardage with
72 yards in nine carries. John¬
ny Shoemaker's arm completed
4 of 6 passes for 50 yards, and
Buddy Bozeman was the top
pass receiver with two catches
for 28 yards.
Richard Cruce. who scored 16
points against Navy, and
George Versprllle and Harry
Hitchcock with 8 points each
from last week, will be back in
The credit for holding Mem-»
phis Navy to 66 yards on the
ground goes to To mi Barksdale,
Wayne Ho. ley. Buddy Bozeman,
Richard Findley. Bennie 8torie,
James Hallman, James Estes,
Jim Thompson, Bonwell Royal,
Jim Hannah, Bobby Short,
James Elliott. Carl Shepherd,
Billy Hurst, Jackson, Versprille,
Shoemaker, Cruce, Huelan Hill
and many others — all of whom
will be back on the field
against the Tigers.
The game promises to be one
not to miss, with some of the
finest small college players in
the nation In the line. Tickets
may be obtained from Coach
Shanmn's of ice with Student
Activity Cards.
. . . Cheerleader Margie Geemer covers Johnny Shoemaker with
encouragement In preparation for the “Victory Supper” which
will be held tonight In honor of the football players. The supper
and pep rally, to which all Howard students are cordially invited
will begin at 5:30 in the cafeteria.
Chapel Speaker
Sept. 20: Dean Fincher.
Oct. 2, 4, C: Dr. Edgar A r-
endall, pastor, Dawson Me¬
morial Baptist Church.
Fraternities Name Pledges
Photo by Cbarfin Sftb.tt
annacy Majors Who recently received $200 grants are pic-
,fd ‘heir do tor and professor. Lert to right are Odell
lrP. Umar Vaughn, Jerome James. Mr. John R. Warren, Dr.
°«lrow Byron, J< rry Harper and James Jackson.
The four social fraternities
with chapters on the Howard
campus have Increased their
ranks with a total of 82 pledges.
The Sigma Nu roster heads
the list with 34 pledges. Pt
Kappa Alpha has 26. Delta Sig¬
ma Phi has 9 and Lambda Chi
has 13. ,
1961 pledges are:
Pi Kappa Alpha
Bill Cain, Lewis Cantor. Fred
Crabbe, ^anley Daughtery,
Jack Deavours, Bob Embry. Joe
Flemming, John Freeze. Tom¬
my Griffin. Tony Harkins. Hu¬
bert H. (Bud) Henry. Lester
Howell, Jim Jackson. Mike
James. Olin Kelso, Jerry Law-
son. Roy Ledbetter, John Oehl-
chieger, Walker Peerson. James
Redd. Wiliam Reynolds. Mike
Romeo. Bonwell Royal. Murry
Smith. Don Southerland. Jim¬
my Waller.
Sigma Nu
Terry Bennett. Davis Bently,
Billy Bishop. James Bradley.
Marvin Blumentritt. Thomas
Brett III. Larry Campbell. Her¬
man Cobb. Sherrill Crowe, Tony
Dollar, Pat Flanagln, John
Fowler, David G'azner, Jerry
M. Green. Paul Nicholas Green.
Tom Green. Jimeny Griffith,
John Scott Griffin. Ronnie
Guy. Johnny Jones. Gary Mor¬
ris, Ken Nealy, Walter A. Park¬
er. John Payne. John William
Russell, Frank Sessions Jr.,'
James Simpson. Jeff Townsend,
Darryl L. Webb, Johnny Whit¬
Lambda Chi A'pha
George Banker. Bill Buckley,
Charles Burtcn, Tommy Bur¬
ton, Jack Compton, Bill Dim-
bar. C. A. Holcomb. David Hall,
Doug KUlough. Don Mathis,
Raymond Rowell. Wayne 8had-
dix. Warren Simpson.
Delta Sigma Phi
Billy Graham. Wicker Hutto,
Mike Hynds, Hugh N. Keel,
Frank Morrison, Earl Saunders.
Harold M
с С
1 u n g, Bernard
Moore, Chris Vaughn.
Samford University Library.,