"You Know It'«
News When You
See It In The
folume 47
Number 3
onderful Week-Ends Begin
Wonder fu Week-ends will
ominate the canupus scene at
toward this semester, giving
(very student a special enter-
ainnient activity every Friday
Under the direction of the
Itudent Senate and Student
Affairs Office, there will be 20
ctacular all-campus parties
onsored ty leading campus
Kicking of f the season will be
In old farm party sponsored by
^embers of the Senate tonight.
)ther parties slated for the
emester arc: Friday, Septem-
er 29. C.ieerleaders’ party
honoring football team; Satur¬
day. September 30. Georgetown
football game; Friday, October
Alpha Phi Omega; Friday Oc-
er 13. Baptist Student Un-
on; October 20-21, Homecom-
Friday October 27. Civi¬
lian Friday, November 3,
Panhellenic and Inter-Frater-
pity Council: Friday. November
0. Circle
Saturday. Novem-
11. Soithwestern football
|ame: Friday, November 17.
enate: Saturday, November 18,
Troy football game (there);
rtday. December 1, Cheerlead¬
ers honoring basketball team;
aturday. December 2, Beiha-
|en basketball game; Friday,
cember 8 B. S. U. Christmas
. . . And so will Howard .tomorrow ... in the cafeteria! Shown
getting ready for the first “Wonderful Weekend" are Bryant
Strain. Anne Boynton, Sanford Colley and June Vinson.
party; Saturday. December 9.
basketball game. Shorter Col¬
lege; Friday. January 5,- Sen¬
ate; Saturday, January 6, bas¬
ketball game. Arkansas State;
Friday January 12, basketball
game. Bethel.
:ntre Nous Dedicated
Coach Sharman
Problem Is
Jvas formally dedicated to
oach Jarr es E. Sharman in
aiapel ceremonies Wednes¬
1961 assistant editor Caro¬
lyn Kendrick, said in an¬
nouncing the dedication,
■The person to whom the
Entre Not's has been dedi¬
cated has traditionally ex-
fcmplitied he spirit of How¬
Sharman was
elected by unanimous vote of
Jhe Entre Nous staff last
Head of the Department of
Health ami Physical Educa¬
tion and Athletic Director,
sharman lias been at How¬
ard since 1951, during which
he athle ic facilities and
rogram have been modern-
'•ed and streamlined.
He graduated from How¬
ard with a B.S. in biology in
|1943 and holds an M.A. in
Physical education from Pea¬
body Colbge. He has also
®ttei,ded the University of
lawaii. de has served as
president and editor of the
^Newsletter” of the Alabama
»tate Association for Health,
hysical Education and Rec¬
Inscription in the Entre
li'oui dedicating the booH. to
James E. Sharman
Coach Sharman says: “He is
loved and appreciated by the
students and faculty and has
helped bring Howard ath¬
letics to a respectable posi¬
tion in college circles. This
past 1960-61 year saw the
best year in Howard’s his¬
tory for all intercollegiate
sp rts combined.,;
“It is for this' and what
Coach Sharman has meant
to his students and associates
that we, the staff of 1960-61,
dedicate the Entre Nous.”
Ole Farm House Is
First Party Scene
Adjustments are being made
to alleviate the long lines and
slow service in the cafeteria
which has resulted from the in¬
creased number of students us¬
ing meal tickets.
The Student Senate, College
administration and Southern
Cafeteria officials are working
jointly investigating ways and
means of giving the most effi¬
cient service.
Dean W. P. Dale II. said last
Wednesday. “The college is aware
of the problem and is doing
everything it is possible to do.”
Mrs. Erin Cox. Southern Caf¬
eteria S-rvice’s assistant man¬
ager, says that an: efficiency ex¬
pert is studying the situation
this week and plans are under¬
way to give quicker service.
These steps have already been
A center “quickie" line has
been opened for breakfast
which will allow students de¬
siring coffee, pancakes, cer¬
eals and juices to get faster
Weekday and Sunday lunch¬
es will be served through an
additional line in the snack
Mr. Martin and Dr. Allan are
keeping a close check on the
cafeteria and are there every
meal. (Dr. Allan was previously
in charge of the cafeteria at
Eastern Baptist College).
Mrs. Cox said, "We invite sug¬
gestions and comments from
students concerning the hand¬
ling of the serving situation or
the preparation of lood."
Students are requested to
cooperate in streamlining the
process by making quick de-
The Howard College cafe¬
teria will be transformed
into the, “Ole Farm House”
tonight is the series of
Senate-inspired “Wonderful
Weekends” begin.
Starting at 6 p.m., the
country-style meal will in¬
clude singing waiters and
waitresses, compliments of
the A Cappella Choir, along
with the fried chicken and
hot biscuits. Glenn Chand¬
ler, student director of the
choir, is the music master for
the evening.
Completing the evening in
good country style will be an
old-fashion singing bee, fea¬
turing some of the most ac¬
tive musical and comedy
groups on campus.
Dress for the occasion is
strictly hayseed." "Come
dressed as if you were the
farmer or the farmer's wife/'
stated June Vinson, chair¬
man of the Wonderful Week¬
end activities
Boys should wear blue
jeans and plaid shirts, and
girls should wear their nicest
farm dress. All e bare¬
cisions in
moving thrt
footed. Prizes will be given
to the boy and girl with the
best costumes.
The “Ole Farm House” is
only the first of a series of
weekend events which will
be planned and carried out
by various organizations for
the benefit of all Howard
Ya’ll Come!
From reports which have
come to Dean Fincher’s of¬
fice there has evidently been
a misunderstanding regarding
the Physical Education re¬
quirement in swimming.
Despite a statement errone¬
ously included in the current
catalogue, no student is re¬
quired to take swimming. Any
student now enrolled in swim¬
ming who for any reason
whatsoever does not desire to
take swimming as one of the
four required Physical Edu¬
cation activity courses may
arrange for a substitute ac¬
tivity course.
This may be done by con¬
tacting Coach Sharman or
Dean Fincher. Such requests
must be made immediately.
EAI! —
. . . Carolyn Kendrick is ready for the rush to get the 1960-61
ENTRE NOUS which arrived last Wednesday. Bring your student
activity card to Public Relations in Sanford Hall to get your
copy. Your name must have been listed in last year’s BUILPUP
and you must have paid two semester’s activity fee to be eligible
for a copy.
Samford University Library