“You Know It'*
Nows When You
8m It In The
EGE. APRIL 28. 1961
Number 28
(Crlnuon Photo by Harold Holder)
... Baine Brook* and Tommy McClendon model their complete
■Civil War outfits for the H-Day celebration. Prises will be
'warded for the most original costumes. _
Scholarship Day Honors
54 Outstanding Students
The twenty- sixth annual
Scholarshi p Day program hon¬
ored fifty -four Howard students
who have excelled In one of
three scholastic categories Wed¬
nesday In chapel.
Dr. Marten ten Hoor. dean
emeritus of the University of
Alabama's College of Arts and
Sciences, was guest speaker. His
address. Rewards of Scholar¬
ship," followed presentation of
honor students by Dean John A.
Maree Elizabeth Blackwell,
Marcia Booher and James Don¬
ald Ragsdale Jr. received the
special Degree With Honors re¬
served for seniors. Candidates
lor this degree must have a
Passjig grade in all subjects at-
**m?ted at Howard, a 2.00 aver¬
age in 90 semester hours, a 230
av«age In their chosen depart¬
ment. and must be admitted to
candidacy by special vote of the
lacu.ty. The degree Is awarded
a ter the student has completed
a major research project and
nns passe i a special examination
In the area of concentration.
Twenty -Jive students In all
•our classes recelv. d High Class
Honors. This is given to all who
tave ma.ntained a 2.700-3.000
overall average throughout col-
•f?e Those recognized were:
-pnrs. Virginia Chappelle. Mar-r
cc Booher, Mary Nancy Harlan,
^ J- Wa ne Flynt; Juniors,
Carolyn Jean Whitt. Amelia
•tfl'-res 3h:rley. Charlene Maria
Sthl..eri Winona King, Patricia
Carol Ei i. Sherrill virgmia Mar-
nr.d llcbe Jo Fau kner.
«•Phc mores. William Pearson
C'-nck Dale Alison Martin, and
Howard Southerners Arise
On Confederate H-Day
Martha Rae Dobbins: and Fresh¬
man, Thomas Page McGee. Mar¬
gie Ruth Goemer. Mary Helen
Johnston. Olivia Ruth Bruner.
Judith Ann Harris, Robbie June
Whaley. Joan Frances Wallace.
Nora Hun toon, Peggy Thompson
Kimbrough. William Judson
Vaughn, and Carolyn Jane Far¬
Class honors were accorded
'twenty-eight students of various
classification who have main¬
tained a 2.500- .2699 overall aver¬
age throughout their college
work. They were: Seniors. Myra-
lyn Frlzzelle, Cherrell C. Burkett,
Ann Gaylla O'Barr Harold Doug¬
las Holder. Katherine J. Marsh.
Sallle Lackmond Dewberry, and
James Donald Ragsdale Jr.; Jun¬
iors, William A. King, Barbara
Gayle Whatley, Patricia Ann
Howard, Guy Thomas Halbrooks,
Louie Ray Watson, and Jimmie
Harold Moore.
Sophomores. Betty Ruth Stone,
Bobby Malse, Linda Faye Hudson,
Elizabeth Ann Cook, and Ann
Purdy Reese; and Freshmen.
Irene E3telle McClendon Sammy
N.ck Whitehurst, Elizabeth Bell
Brummett. Sandra Gall Martin,
Barbara Elaine Bums. Barbara
Ann Connell, Andrew Pope
Thrash. Marie Louise Hennin-
g r. Mary Katherine Hixon, and
Eve.yn Marie Slaughter.
Scholarship Day was inaugu¬
rated by the Howard faculty In
1936. Fcr twenty-five years on
a day in April or May the col¬
lege has publicly recognized
students who have earned sup¬
erior grades in fifteen or more
hours at Howard.
By John Crook
H-Dav Chairman
The shadow of beards and
frantic search for costumes are
visible signs that
will be
celebrated Tuesday, May 2.
Culminating many weeks of
preparation, H-Day will be
based cn the Civil War theme
and will feature a variety of
activities for all-campus par¬
ticipation. [
Launching the day with a
free meal from 11
to 1
pun., the celebration will con¬
tinue with an itramural track
meet, beginning at 1:30.
The track schedule is as fol-
Run, Shot Put,
dred Nelson. Sarah Mathis, Pa¬
tricia Kelso, Molly Hodges. Sara
Hayes, Anita Funderburk and
Elaine Brooks.
Mr. Howard: Raybon Will¬
ingham. Bryant Strain. Jack
Snell. Larry Richmond, James
Kelly, Wayne Holley, Jerry
Hester. Julius Head, Sanford
Colley and Buddy Bozeman.
Since the overall theme for
H-Day Is the Civil War, everyone
Is urged to dress appropriately
In competition for the best-
dressed awards. All those com¬
peting are requested to be in
the lobby of the girls’ dorm at
4 p.m. for judging.
Egg-throwing, and ple-eatlng
contests and Freshraan-Scph-
omore tugs of war will spotlight
the day.
Get those uniforms. Rebels!
Make those dresses. Belles!
Campus Elects Colley
New S.C.A. President
several rules gov¬
erning the events: 1. One man
may enter two events phis a
relay. 2. Only one represent¬
ative from each organization
in each event. 3. No track
members may enter. 4. Parti¬
cipants must be at location of
the event ten minus before It
begins. 5. List of all competi¬
tors must be turned In to
Coach Sharman by Tuesday
morning. 6. Individuals may
enter If they so desire.
The points scored In this
competition will be compiled
into the competition for the
overall Intramural competi¬
tion. and an Intramural tro-
phv will be presented after the
events. Faculty-student soft-
ball tradition will be one of the
highlights at 3:15 pjn. on the
softball field. A special sup¬
per will be served at 5:30 pm.
In the ca'eteria and a pageant
In the stadium at 7:30 pm. will
c'hnax “H" ' Day with the
crowning of Mr. and Miss How¬
This couple will be chosen
from the sefi-flnallsts who
were elected Monday and Tues¬
day. They are the following:
Miss Howard: Cecelia Smith,
Sandra Sims. 8a r a Pate, Mll-
Committee Meets
The Candlelight Dinner plan¬
ning corrrrr'.ttee met yesterday
to discuss this year’s edition of
the annual springtime event at
The dinner, to be held Fri¬
day, May 26. at 6:30 pm. on
the lawn o' the campus, will
honor 196 l’s graduating class.
Classes cf
1911. 1921. 1931.
1941, and 1951 will be recog¬
nized and spot'lghted.
The Alumni Association and
Howard College Auxiliary will
make a special citat on for out¬
standing achievement and dis¬
tinctive service as part of a
program featuring plenty of
good music, food, fellowship
and fun.
A reception In front cf the
library at 4:30 will welcome all
guests. Dr. Mvrtfs Kurz is
chairman cf the Reception
Theme fcr 1961 Is "... I love
thy glorious name!”
Dr. George V.
Is gen¬
eral chairman of the Candle¬
light Dinner.
Heated run-o'fs to decide
Student Government Associa¬
tion officers have resulted in
Sanford Colley, senior speech
major, being victorious over
Chuck Tartar, senior pre-law
student, in the presidential
The vice-presidential results
gave the office to Raybon Will¬
ingham by twelve votes. His
opponent. Larry Richmond , has
asked for a recount. Both can¬
didates are pharmacy majors.
Elaine Brooks was elected
secretary and Gary Wolfskin
was elected treasurer in the
original voting last week.
SGA prexy, Wayne Flynt,
says that a record number of
ballots, 1123, were cast In this
year’s race.
The Publications Board an¬
nounced the winners of the ed-
ditorships simutaneously with
election returns. CRIMSON ed¬
itor will be Catherine Bryant;
ENTRE NOUS editor will be
Carolyn Kendrick; and BULL
PUP editor will be Sylvia Smith.
Catherine Is a freshman
journalism major from Bir¬
mingham and was the recipient
of Howard’s first journalism
scholarship. Serving as editor
of the Woodlawn High School
newspaper fcr two years, she
has continued her journalistic
Interests at Howard by working
for the CRIMSON as a copy ed¬
itor and assistant editor. She
has also been employed as a
writer for the Pubic Relations
department this year.
Caro.yn Kendrick, ENTRE
NOUS editor for 1962, Is a jun¬
ior in journalism and has been
closely connected with all of
the Howard publications
throughout her three years
here. This year she is serving
as society editor of the CRIM¬
SON and as assistant editor for
ENTRE NOUS. Carolyn also
halls from Birmingham.
Serving as BULL PUT editor
next year is Sylvia Smith, a
junior English major from At-
more. M.lnoring In journalism,
Sylvia has bc:n an active mem¬
ber of the CRIMHON staff this
year, and has also had other
experience In editing and
Here are the results cf the
class officer race: Senior class
president— Bryant 8train: Jun¬
ior class president — Mike Brad-
lev: Scphomore class president
— Dale Corley.
The SGA senators will be:
Seniors: Sara Mathis, Junfc
Vinson Ron Dorris, Tony Coop¬
er. David McCutchen.
Juniors: Ruth Colley, Lucy
Barrcw, Pearson Clack, Art
Sophomores: Ricky White,
Greg Banes, Ann Boynton.
iCrirmon -hole by Hirs.d Bolder)
. . . Leaders of the 1961-62 Student Government join hands in
promising an outstanding year for Howard College. Pictured,
left to right, Gary Wolfskin, treasurers Sanford Colley, president;
Raybon Willingham, vice president; and Elaine Brooks, treasurer.