Howard College, apbil u. jsei
Number 27
A Candidates Give V iews
John Crook — "Before decid¬
ing positions of service in SGA
work each candidate must de- ''fcs
termine what he can offer to
the students if elected as their
representative. In particular I
would like to offer in ail the
four major projects of SGA
«Freshman retreat. Homecom¬
ing, High School Day and H-
Day), these two things. First,
all the profits of two years ex¬
perience in the Senate and sec¬
ond, above all a sincere desire
and willingness to work with
and for all students.”
Chuck Tartar — “My aim is
to bring about legislation that
will benefit the greatest num- _
ber of students. The Placement
Service will get our students
better jobs. The disciplinary
committee made up of students
will give more self-government.
Reappropriation of funds, al-
lmving the various departments -
to get more funds. Also a plan
to aid the students in the meal
ticket situation in which there
will be more flexibility.”
Jerry Hester — “I will gladly '
co-operate with the other of¬
ficers elected by you for your
student government. I will be
wilhng to promote: a tradition¬
al freshman bonfire, new ruling
on campus parade decorations,
and a more workable Home¬
coming events schedule.”
Larry Richmond — “I feel
that I am qualified to see the
needs and problems of most of -
the students on this campus.
As vice-president, I promise to
do my best to represent all of
the students of Howard.”
Raybon Willingham — “I would
like to be your new Vice-Presi¬
dent, because I have the desire
to represent you. the students
of' Howard, as you wish to be
Serving as Senator of the
Junior Class for the present
year and working closely with
the Vice-President, I sincerely
feel that I am qualified for "the
Johnny Woodall—' “I feel that
I am qualified to see the needs
and problems of most .of the
students on this campus, having
lived both on and off the camp¬
us and attending tyo stale uni¬
versities. As Vice-President, I
promise to do my best to repre¬
sent ALL of the students oL^
Howard.” JH
Elaine Brooks — “When
go to the polls I would ap¬
preciate your vote for "Brooks”
for secretary of the student
body. After having served a? a
junior senator this year, I un¬
derstand how the SGA operates
and hope to do the best Job
Charlene Shcilleci — "In cam¬
paigns many promises are
made and are too soon forgot¬
ten after the votes are counted.
In asking for your support as
secretary of SGA. I can only
promise my cooperation with
other officers and keeping an
accurate record of their meet¬
ing?. As secretary of the Ameri¬
can Pharmaceutical Association
and Lambda Kappa Sigma. I
feel that I can serve you and
will do so to the best of my
ability should you see fit to
jf V|\ AOMW*
« РФ
Elections for the Student
Government Association will be
Thursday and Friday. April 20
and 21,;from 9 am. to 2 p m. in
front of the library.
The political rally for all
candidates will be Monday,
April 17. from 6:30 to 8 pm. in
the cafeteria. Only candidates
for major etudent Government
Offices will be allowed to speak.
The candidates and their cam¬
paign managers will be given
a total of four minutes. Those
running for dais offices will be
presented during the rally.
The CRIMSON has collected
limited statements from the
major candidates for the stu¬
dents to consider the Individual
qualifications and platforms.
Sanford Colley —“Having
served a year in the House of
Representatives, while under a
bi-cameral system of govern¬
Having served in positions
which demand organizational
and leadership ability parallel
to that of SGA predident;
Having served as vice-presi¬
dent of my class in 1958-59;
And having served a year as
SGA social committee chair-
Chuck Tartar
John Crook
Sanford Colley
Greeks Head Activities
Week Begins Monday
Students Nominated
Two Howard students have
been nominated tor State BSU
offices for 1961-62. To be voted
on at the Spring Retreat Apr.l
28-30 at Shccco Springs will be
Mbs Joanie Seever, candidate
for Vice-Fresident, and Miss
Mary Ann Hood, candidate for
Devotional Chairmen, ft will be
a great Credit to Howard to
have two such outstanding stu¬
dents representing us on the
state BSU Council.
nities and faculty members are tinve necessary for the
invited. of president;
Finishing out ttie week will be I will do my best to se
a Stunt Night program on Fri- students and all groups:
day evening at 8; 00 pm. In the i will strive for studei
Library Auditorium. All Greek tsfaction and student c
organizations will participate among and for all stu<
with a stunt. resident as well as
All members of sororities and I will begin my wor
fraternities are asked to coope- next year, but imme
rate by attending as many of after the election,
the planned activities as possible. In light of these qu:
This is your week! YOU will tions. I solicit your vc
make it a success or a failure- president. _
Library Lectures On Civil
War To Be Given
Dr. Henry Stroupe, director of
Graduate Studies a! Wake For¬
es-, .vj'ii or. topi-v. I
with the Civil War April 17 and
ifi as part of the Library Lecture
series. m
Dr. Stroupe who Ls listed in
I- ■ 1
CAN SCHOLARS, received his ■ .
B. S. and M A. degrees from
Wake Forest and his Pit. D. from ■
Duke. * ' IP-
These lectures will be pre- . fUL
settled in the small auditorium
• H.«r»e:. G - !
•>:.«:>■ ./Ш
at 8 o'clock both evenings. -
In conjunction with the Lib- V. .
Lecture Series currently to
be presented, an organization ls
being set up on the campus. •'
This organisation. The Howard
College Library Associates, will y
consist of persons who are
lerested in books and in the
library as a part com- ,
mur.ity as well as the center of ■
the academic life at the college. ■
These associates look upon
themselves as the special friends-
of the library, having It’s in- . Dr. Stroupe
terest in nn*id and lending sup-
nort to its activities. Anyone in- member of the library p>
f . _ _ _ t infm niufiim m-ry i