•You Know It'*
Now* When You
Sm It In Tho
Number 21
Howard Debaters Win Two Tournaments
J i Lather and her :
Jhrida 810* University Invitational
Hcfat. Haiald Holder. Dei
.w.iumu lUWMI W/ ‘■■‘VIM nW.HCtl
-winning debate team bol
Lather Wayne Flynt i
the trophy they
at the
are, left to
Wricht Announces
Changes For 1961-62 Year
The Colie ye Trustees hare just
computed i detailed analysis of
existing chirges for tuition and
tees In relation to the total cd-
Incomi and the total cost
of ope ratio i during the current
year This study has led the
Tftstees to the reluctant but In¬
escapable c r.cluslon that In
to appn ach a balanced bud-
(et In 1961 82, eertaln revisions
In charges a re mandatory. Every
effort has oeen made to keep
the increases to the absolute
Beginning on June 1. 1981, a
ration chaige of $18.50 per se¬
mester hour of credit will be
made for iH students, day or
nealng, fa 1. spring and sum¬
mer. The college fee’ will _be
•bollshed Vlth one or two ex-
eepUons thi charges for special
>erTl;c-' such as laboratory
«rases anc applied music will
•mam unenanged.
Out of sti te students will pay
ra addition il tuition Charge of
OOO per ere Ut hour. This prac¬
tice Is followed by most colleges
»nd univers ties. It Is Justified
bf the fac that residents of
i Albania ar.- already, supporting
operatic p of the college
'«rough dei ominatlonal contrl-
^tioiu an«1 community-wide
raising campaigns.
For some : tudents, the revised
ration schec ule will mean a de-
“*** in the cost of attending
| Bo*ard CoU .e. For others, the
rail be Increased slightly
For examp e, many
^ter for >nly 12 hours. The
raarge for s ich a class load will
be reduced f om $28250 to $222-
W The
A of tuition to all
«wder.ts Ukng 14 hours or less
be redu :ed under the new
“'«tule Tie average daytime
«raent enro led In the fall. 1990,
•mester reg stered for 15 hours,
«eh a stud nt’s tuition under
“«new schedule wiU b*. $15.00
Per ser tester.
Howard College's Intercollegiate Debate Squad enjoyed
the unusual distinction this past weekend of winning tw*
different intercollegiate invitational debate tournaments.
A Howard team composed of Nelda Chadwick, Georg*
Frey, and Marvin Edgeworth, all of Birmingham; and San¬
ford Colley of Russellville, swept first place school award,
first place team award, and first place individual awards hi
debate at' the University of
charges for 1981-82, the proposed
room and board charges at
Howard will total $145.00 per year
less than the University of Ala¬
bama; $135.00 per year less than
Birmingham - Southern College;
$17050 per year less Jthan St.
Bernard College; $9050 per year
less than Huntingdon College;
$15.00 per year less than Judson
and exactly the same as Aub¬
urn .JJniversity.
The Increased Income which
the College expects to receive
from the revision to charge»
listed above will be applied to
the general operating costa-of the
College. The Trustees and the
administration believe Howard
students should have the benefit
of the finest instruction avail¬
able. Ninety percent of the an¬
ticipated Increase will be used to
maintain the high quality of
Howard s academic program and
to obtain additional highly
qualified faculty members where
The Trustees and administra¬
tion also believe Howard stu¬
dents should have the benefit of
the finest possible physical facil¬
ities. Each new building com¬
pleted provides increasingly
greater advantages for the stu¬
dent body. These buildings must
be properly staffed and main¬
tained. however, in order to pro¬
vide maximum service. The
balance of the anticipated in¬
crease In revenue will be used
for these purpose*.'
With the revised tuition and
fees charges for 1981-82, the
•.yplcal student at Howard will
continue to pay In tuition and.
fees only 81% of the total cost
of his education. Thus Howard
students will continue to receive
tremendous value for each edu¬
cational dollar expended. The
percentage of the total educa¬
tional cost paid by Howard stu¬
dents will still be lower than the
average paid by students In priv¬
ate colleges across the nation.
We know that' the Increased
income derived from tuition and
Mississippi Invitational De¬
bate Tournament at Oxford,
Mississippi, in competition
against seven other colleges
and universities.
Hcward had an overall
won -fort record of nine wins
and one loss.
In second place was Missis¬
sippi State College .'or Women
with a reccrd of 7-3. Other
schools participating In the Ole
M.ss tournament were Arkan¬
sas State, University of the
South, Delta State, Mississippi
College, Hinds Junior College,
and the University of Missis¬
The Howard Affirmative
team of Sanford and Chadwick
was Judged best team In the
tournament. best debater
award went to Howard's George
Frey, and awards of Superior
to debate went to Howard’s
Colley and Edgeworth.
Q. Allan Ye emails accompan¬
ied the Howard .Squad.
A second Howard Squad
composed of Don Ragsdale.
Birmingham; Wayne Flynt,
Anniston; Paul Smith. Huey-
towh.-and Harold Holder. Shef¬
field; captured the first place
sweepstakes award at the
Florida State University Invi¬
tational Tournament, In com¬
petition aga in t
other col¬
leges and universities.
Second place went to host
echoed Florida State. Other
schools competing were Appa¬
lachian State, Berry, Davidson,
University o.* Florida,
Tech, LEU. Lenoir Rhyne, Mc-
Neese state. Mississippi State,
and Spring
Howard debater Wayne Flynt
won first place In oratory, first
place iil Impromptu, and was
Judged the outstanding debater
In the tournament.
Howard’s Don Ragsdale won
second place In impromptu and
received an award of Superior
in debate.
Howard’s Paul Smith won
third place In after dinner
Howard's Harold Holder won
third .place In oratory.
The Howard Affirmative
team of Flynt and Ragsdale
won an excellent rating In de¬
bating, and the 4-man Howard
Squad won third place with
their debate record.
In winning the sweepstake*
trdphy for the best overall
school record in all events,
Howard amassed a total of 71
points. Closest school for see-
ond place was host school FSU
with 41 points;
Miss Jo Luther eccmpanled
the Hyard squad.
This is Howard's second
time to eaptare the sweep-
stakes trophy at the Florida
They won
In 1959. placed
third in 1980, and recaptured
it this past weekend:
Howard Hosts Y.W.A.s
Carol L. Pagelsen
This weekend Howard's camp¬
us wiU serve as host to approxi¬
mately 250 Y.WA'e from *11
over the state of Alabama. They
will be staying in the Women's
Residence Hall Friday
urday night.
The services begin this eve¬
ning at 7:15 In the Chapel.
Speakers, for the evening will be
Mary Essie Stephens.
Martha Henderson. Mrs. Albert
J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Halle, and Dr. LesUe Wright.
This “wffl be followed by
"Party Time” in the Cafeteria.
Saturday morning the Assem¬
bly begins at 8:45. Some of the
morning speakers wui be Norma
Howell, Mr. James Clark, Mr.
Douglas KeUey, Mr. and Mrs.
David Richardson. Miss Vanlta
Aid win. Dr. and Mrs. Howard
Olive Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hol¬
ley and Betty Alrvin.
Saturday afternoon the activi¬
ties Include a tour of the campus
and a tea at 4 pm. In the Pa Aar
of the Women's Residence HalL
At 7:15 the evening worship
services begin. SprakerS will be
Mr. David Richardson and -Dr.
Howard Olive. This will also be
followed by a Party time at 9:30.
Sunday morning worship serv¬
ice will begin at 9 p.m. led by
Monty White and Miss Vanita
Baldwin. •
' Sunday School classes will be
taught by Mrs. Albert J. Smith,
Miss Lois Privett, Miss Mary
Hines, and Miss Cathleen Lewis.
The Houseparty's Closing
Service at 11:15 am/ will em¬
phasise the theme “I Dedicate
Myself,” and will be led by Mrs.
Howard Olive.
Attention Travelers
There will be 9 meeting of all
students Interested in foreign
travel and study for the comipg
summer in Samford
on Tues¬
day, March 14 at 12:30.