IOWAuj cJ.
Birmingham. Ala. Jan. 13, 1922
Twelve Week Summer School Is Planned
♦ ♦ ♦
Howard Plans For
Summer Session
Man Who Gave fiewanec Southern
Championship Team Will Have
Full Charge of Athletic* At
College Next Year — Served on
Rule* Comittee
N. R, Baler and
C. Moseley
Named Aialatant Directors. .
Howard colege will hold a 12-
welks aommer session this year with
Dr. N. R. Barer, superintendent of
With Camp.
By Marvin McCarthy.
education of Jefferson county, and
C. Moseley, principal of Bessemer
Hli(h School, as assistant directors,
according to announcement Saturday
b ''William E. Bohannon, director of
tb< Howard simmer school and head
of the educctional department of
Howard college,
states that tin session this summer
will be larger and better than ever
belore, with a great increase in the
student body anticipated, past year
the attendant'} was 326, a 60 per
cent increase over the Dest previous
year. Preparations will be made and
a larger faculty employed to care
toi another arge Increase at the
cculng sessio i.
The appointment of Dr. Baker and
Mi. Moseley is regarded as a step
toward in tie management of the
«tamer sc bod. Both are well known
is Alabama educational . centers and
were Instructors at Howard during
ths past t eas ion. Dr. Baker will be
assistant director of the school dur-
in | the fi-st six weeks session and
Mr. Moseley during the second six
wieke. Beth will be instructors in
ecu cation and as assistant directors
will have charge of the classific».
tbm and urringemeut of students at
the summor tession.
Two Sessions Planned.
The coning session will be the
first Which Howard college has con¬
tinued for 1J weeks, and will con¬
sist of two distinct sessions of six
weeks each. Students who wish to at¬
tend summer school for only six
seeks will nave completed a sep-
a ate unit
work and may either
have school, go eleewhere or con-
Jenke Gillem. the greatest all-
around kicker the South has ever
Tolley, back; Pep
Wcrtham, back, and Ruban Parker,
fullback, were some of the great
stars Harris G. Cope developed while
at Seyranee. With the class of ma¬
terial Howard draws, the newly ap-
pc'nted coach should be able to turn
r ut a number of grid stars.
academy’s athletic
Dr, Dillard Addresses
At the regular chapel hour on
Wednesday, Jan. 4, Dr. J. F. Dillard
addressed the student body and
faculty of Howard College. Many '
friends were present for Dr. Dillard
is an universal favorite.
‘Be Prepared," the topic of Dr.
Dillard’s address was very timely as
his addresses always are. He urged
upon the students four points of
preparation: Be prepared when op-
portunity comes; Be prepared when
riehes come; Be prepared when mis¬
fortune and failure come; Be pre¬
pared when sickness comes.
As a forceful example of prepara¬
tion for opportunity Dr. Dillard
told the story of Gen. Petain, who,
when a lad, read the hietory of the
Franco-Prusslan War. Said he, "The
Germans will come again.” He re¬
solved to be ready when they should
come, and for forty years he d&rrled
a map of Verdun and the surround¬
ing territory in his pocket. Every
conceivable method of attack, re¬
treat, and reinforcement was care¬
fully studied and planned and, when
the Germans came again, Petain was
Ipre^red. He said in his heart “They
f shall not pass." JOT'S German
hordes were stayed.
The virtue of bearing misfortune
and failure bravely and wisely is al¬
ways emphasized, but the virtue of
bearing riches wisely and humbly
is just as important. The man who
knows how to use wealth, who is
prepared for riches, is after all the
wealthy man for hie riches are
doubly powerful In his hands.
To bear misfortune and failure
storcally and bravely is only the
beginning of virtue. Misfortune and
failure should not only be borne
bravely, but they should be con¬
verted into the tools for obtaining
future success.
Health Is essential to success,
therefore we should be prepared
when sickness comes. Every year
we should take an inventory of our¬
selves and determine what needs
repairing and building np.
The Y. M. C. A. as a college organ¬
ization at Howard is demonstrating Its
vitality by drawing large numbers of
young men. The meeting on January
5 was attended by an unusually large
number of students, though it was only
hree days after the doee of the Christ¬
mas holidays. Such a report as that
shonld be received as most encourag¬
The “Y" is one of the most vigor¬
ous organiaztions in the world. It has
proved its value and its strength long
ago, and in the heart of every ex-
service man It holds a place of warm
appreciation. At Howard It has an
excellent opportunity. The Howard
men have demonstrated their inter
est, their loyalty, and thetr willing
nesa, by attendance on its meetings.
The president. Mr. Roswell Owens, of
Enterprise, Is greatly pleased apd en¬
couraged. The "Y” just has to grbw.
The “Y” doesn’t know how to. stand
Last Week To Get Pictures Made For Entre Nous!
* Samford University Librar