amatic Club to
Howard College will not quit thd
I. A. A. — not until there is revers¬
al of opinion ia the faculty and stu¬
dent body. That much was estab¬
lished last week with the suggestion
from the Faculty Chairman of Ath¬
letics thgt Howard possibly would
be bettered by withdrawing from the
Association and acting independently.
The student body found its major¬
ity opposed to Howard’s forsaking
the Association, and the faculty,
meeting in informal session for a
discussion of the question, was prac¬
tically a unit in favor of staying with
the organisation.
Prof. T. R. Eagles, who is the Fac¬
ulty Chairman of Athletics, proposed
the change with what ho said was a
view to shouldering responsibility
upon authorities of tba college. It
was his opinion that t'ie college was
too prone to look upon athletics as
wholly In the hands of officers of the
S. I. A. A. He believed the faculty
of Monh»yn,M by Miss
urnise. and a "Proposal Under
mltiee."s by John Kendricks
-s, will be presented to the pub-
,y the member» of the William
ter Dramatic
of Howard
ige one night cf the week prior
is Christmas holidays. .
iese plays will be the flret pre-
sd by the Dranatic Club since
organization, lit is tba purpose
ho members of the club Ur give
ral other public performances be-
each part, with one substitute for
The Glee Club will be composed of
twenty members, with four substi¬
tutes, selected from the Chorus.
On all trips made outside of Birm¬
ingham twenty-four membefs will be
carried; but on tripe to the suburbs
of Birmingham Mr. Lawrence ex¬
pects to use thirty-two members of
the Chorus.
The parts assigned are as follows:
First Tenor — W. W. Adams, C. W.
Phillips and W. R. Nettles.
Second Tenor — Lee Biackwelder,
Gladstone Jackson and Roney Hill¬
First Bass — Dean Biackwelder,
Riff Simmons and Allison Bell.
Second Bass— E. M. Strickland. T.
L. Bond and W. T. Tenant
old men on the team. Davidson is a
first-year man from Sumter County,
where he won his' spurs in track
work. Hughes ran for Bessemer High
8ch0ol last year and is known to be
a good, steady man. Plttard and
Jackson have been training hard this
fall and are expected to show: well in
the race.
The road race is an annual meet,
held under the auspices of the Birm¬
ingham Athletic Club. The winning
team Is awarded The Birmingham
News trophy.
Howard’s return to the meet will
put her back in the road race for the
first time since 1913. Howard won
the race one year, took second place
another year, and carried eff first In¬
dividual honors the first year and
second Individual honors the second
Robert Yardalej ," by Riffe 81m-
is; "Jack Barlow,’* by J. L Free-
t; "Dorothy AiidreWB,” by Miss
Swlndall; and "Jennie,” by
s Cecilia Cain.
Prof. T. R. Eagles, Faculty Chair¬
man of Athletics, probably will rep¬
resent Howard College at the annual
meeting of the Southern Inter-Col-;
leglato Athletic Association, at New
Orleans, next Friday.
Howard’s representative must
leave Birmingham Thursday night in
order to reach New Orleans In time
for the meeting.
The question of summer baseball
and that of first year men playing
football probably will be among the
most important to be brought before
the Association. There is a strong
sentiment in favor of permitting col-
| lege men to play summer baseball
: provided they dre not attached to a
tei.m in a league rated as Class D or
Certain schools in the S.I. A. A.
1 are said to favor a fiat rule against
playing first year men on football
- tom». This matter probably will be
r vigorously opposed by the smaller
1 colleges of the a I. A. A.
Five teamB other than Howard’s
will go into the race- They will rep¬
resent the University of Alabama,
the Birmingham Athletic Club. Cen¬
tral Y. M.
the Atlanta Athletic
Club and. the Aeipco Y. M. C. A.
Saturday’s race will begin at 2:00
o’clock with the start and finish- at
Capitol Park.
“Who’ll be next year’s football
will be settled at a
meeting tonight of the fourteen
letter men of Howard College.
The new leader will succeed Lee
Edward Ralstor,” by Roney HU-
d; "Chancey Og ethrope," by Clay
w; “Mrs. Onde*o Jones,” by Mias
Miss Lois Scandrett; and “Lady
ndrope,” by Mies Frances Martin.
“Faith And An Ideal Are Elements In
Development,’’ He Says
Football in Arkansas College.
Roney Hilliard, a Sophomore, was
elected Business Manager of the How¬
ard College Glee Club last week. Mr.
Hilliard sings second tenor In the
Glee Cltt.
Dean Biackwelder, a Senior, is
President of the Club.
udent From Lineville is Chosen
Members cf the Psl Delta Fratern¬
ity will give their opening reception
in their chapter house on the Howard
College campus Friday night. This
will be the flret reception given in
their new hall. .
One hundred guests have been in¬
faculty to fret mohday
tembers Tangle Oates of Regular
Monthly^ C oaforewe
Tangio dates brought about a mta-
ndersutnding as ta the ttaae for the
«Pilar December meeting of the
toward faculty. Next Monday night
‘ the t me for the monthly «mtor-
’Vareity football men of Woward
College will be the guests of Eugene
L. Caton, Director of Athletics, at a
theatre party Friday night. Four¬
teen men have been asked to loin the
f 1
. ■