Number 4
Cheerleaders Plan
First Card Section
For Homecoming Tilt
By Pat Pettty
Homecoming is here. It’s time to get out that old voice
box and yell the CRIMSON and BLUE.
You can be one of those lucky 420 who are backing up the
team through sitting in the Card
Section. Each person will be
given three cards — red, black, and
Other schools have card sec¬
tions and this year the Bulldogs
will be in with the best of them!
For such a section to be success¬
ful, the entire student body must
be in unison. Plan to be at
Shades Valley High stadium 30
minutes before game time to get
your shakeroos and cards.
Go! See you in the Card Sec¬
tion! Yell! with the Bulldogs.
The time has come when you can
do your part toward showing
that old Howard spirit
APO Pledges
Ten New Men
Ten new pledges were formally
pledged by the Alpha Phi Omega
National Service Fraternity, Mon¬
day night
President BUI Wilhite and sev¬
eral officers conducted the serv¬
ice by telling the purposes of the
organization, a brief history, and
the requirements for becoming a
member. All pledges were then
led in the pledge oath.
The pledge period wUl last a
semester, after which the group
will be officially initiated into A.
Pledge class officers and mem¬
bers are John Estes, president;
Albert Lipscomb, vice president;
Bill Lee, secretary; Harold Hold¬
er, treasurer; and Leslie Macon,
Steve Kujan, Reed Polk, William
D. Jones, Don Ragsdale, and Bill
Last Chance For
Annual Photos
By Wimpy
Next Tuesday and Wednes¬
day will be the last day for
you to have your picture made
for the 1957-58 Entre Nous.
So far, only some 500 stu¬
dents have been photographed
leaving about 1000 with no
photos for the annual.
If you want your picture in
the first annual to be pub¬
lished on the New Campus,
come to the ground floor of
the Student Ac Building be¬
tween the hours of 9:00 am.
and 4:00 p.m. next Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Dress requirements are ties
and dark suits for boys and
white blouses for girls. Light
pastels will show up as white.
The photographer can make
50-60 photos a minute so don’t
worry about standing in line.
Colorful Decorations Go
Up Saturday For Judging
By Judith Dean
The muddy campus will suddenly blossom into festive
colors this week-end as the various organizations decorate for
Homecoming. The sororities, fraternities, and other men’s and
women's groups have been a
beehive of activity these past few
weeks as plans wtere made for
the occasion.
The organizations are com¬
bing for four trophies — one to
ie best women's organization
ecoration, one to the best men’s
nd a runner-up in each class.
The judging will take place to-
lorrow at 1:00 p.m. on the li-
rary steps. Prizes will be
warded soon afterwards. .
Also tonight a dash of gaiety
dll be added to the football
ame. A parade of beautifully
ecorated cars will leave the
ampus for Shades Valley in a
>ng procession. They should ar-
lve about thirty minutes before
the game. The homecoming
queen will be crowned at half¬
NOVEMBER 4, 1957
S O’Ciock
$1,540 British
Award Open
Any American student, married
or single may apply for next
year’s Marshall Scholarship
awards enabling them to study at
a British university for two years.
Each award is worth $1,540.
Passage is paid to and from the
United Kingdom. Married .men
get an extra allowance.
Character as well as scholastic
attainments of candidates are con¬
sidered. Those interested should
apply to the British Consul-
General in New Orleans.
Ten Queens — One Crown
“Oh, sunny skies and flowers of
June and clouds of June together,
YE cannot rival for one hour
WEATHER. . . .” Taint it the
most wonderful sight ever — pale
heavens, leaves of flame, crisp
brisk breezes, colored sweaters,
hot coffee and new classrooms.
Thought we wuz a busting out
with bunny rabbits last Monday
when all those white jackets came
on the campus. But, when I tried
to catch one, I was instantly told
by a squealing young lady that it
is *National Pharmacy Week’-
I apologized!
Got invited down to the M. R.
R. (Men’s RECREATION Room)
by one of those nice Auxiliary
ladies. And what should I
my goodness, television sets and
new lamps and comfortably ar¬
ranged furniture and new mags
and— why I could go on and on
and Ooooo — yes, if it hadn't been
for Brother James Butler, the
Kopper Kettle and Loveman’s
combined I would havfe missed
out on them world series and
what do you think the Braves
would have said to that?
Got out my bottle— of brass
polish — and sort of dudded up
myself a little so I would look
real handsome for Dr. Hawley’s
daughter’s weddin’ tomorrow
night — hope you got invited too.
I just love all of this activity
under my nose and ole Doc Clock,
the nosey thing, just couldn't keep
from looking in on the Delta Omi-
cron’s football fashions — and if
that is a preview of tonight's line¬
up I wouldn’t miss homecoming
for nothing.
Don't none of you fret about-
being scared having to toil til
dawn on your outside decoration
tonight — me and the clock have
been catching up on our sleep all
week so we could help wrestle
wire and tear tissue to make this
the homiest homecoming the
BULLDOGS will ever have.
Buttttt — before all this, i'll be
seeing all you in that pracing pa¬
rade that is to go through all the
valley. Yes. ole vivacious Vi (the
queenliest queen I’ve ever seen),
Jovial June, Admirable Anne,
Merry Mary Catherine, Vital Vir¬
ginia, Joking Jeanne, My, My
Moore, Tantalizing Toni, Bubbling
Barbara, Sweet, Sisterly Sue, and
Jumping Jean and me, ole Slick
Steeple, will lead a parade to end
all parades and this probably will
as far as
Rumor has it that the girls on
first floor of the Women’s Dormi¬
tory have caught themselves a
songbird. From where I stand,
it appears to be a nightingale.
Till tonight, Howardites.
Miss Homecoming To
Be Crowned Tonight
It's Homecoming Day and ten lovely girls eagerly await
the moment when one of them will receive the coveted title of
“Miss Homecoming of 1958.”
The finalists are: June Auch-
muty, Ann Booker, Mary Cath¬
erine Faircloth, Virginia Hayes.
Jeanne Lamb, Anne Moore, Toni
Moore, Barbara Thompkins, Sue
Townsend, and Jean Wallace.
These girls compose the offi¬
cial Homecoming Court. They
were introduced to the student
body at the pep rally last night.
Clad in evening wear, atop new
convertibles they will lead the-
big parade Friday, and will be
presented to the Homecoming
fans before game-time.
Except for the three senate
members who tabulate the votes,
no one will know who the new
queen is until half-time of the
Howard-Millsaps game at Shades
Valley High School stadium.
As the band plays "Stairway
to the Stars," the lucky girl will
ascend a •‘make-believe" stair¬
way to a “make-believe" throne
to receive her crown from Viola
Beard, the current Miss Home¬
coming, and begin her reign as
Howard’s most popular.
Again the Homecoming cqn-
test proved to be the most popu¬
lar of Howard’s many elections.
Large numbers of students rush¬
ed to the polls Thursday and Fri¬
day of last week to vote for their
favorites, which wasn’t an easy
job since forty names appeared
on the ballot. Wednesday and
Thursday voters were again
handed a ballot and asked to se¬
lect “the one.”
Each of these girls is truly a
queen; we regret that there is
only one crown instead of ten.
Kappa Psi Sponsors
Campus Flu Shots
The Gamma Zeta Chapter of
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Frater¬
nity is now sponsoring a drive to
immunize all students against the
dread Asiatic flu.
Flu shots were sold to 100 stu¬
dents Sept. 30 in the Pharmacy
Building for $.50. The cost was at
the very minimum as this is a
non-profit drive.
The vaccine was administered
by Mrs. Ben Connell, student
nurse, aided by Kappa Psi men.
Reported cases of flu here on
campus caused the drive to be
rushed up but only a very limited
amount of vaccine is available at
one time.
The shots were given again
Oct. 7 with some 200 students re¬
sponding and more are expected
in the near future. This is a spo¬
radic drive due to the scarcity of
flu serum and also the good turn¬
out of students for the shots.
They are given for the benefit
of students and everyone is rec¬
ommended to receive a dose.
Students win be informed of
the date of future shots, so watch
for further announcements.
Samford. University Librar