Number 31
VfairM on
Large Enrollment For 1st Session
Summer Enrollment
Increases By 10%
Enrollment lor the Summer
session made a ten per cent in¬
crease over last Summer.
The crowded gymnasium at¬
tested to the increase in number.
At Thursday noon registration
had reached 726 in the day school,
while last year it was only 666.
The linal count reached 730.
The evening session increased
its enrollment by thirty per cent
with a total of 98.
These figures are just another
reason why we so desperately
need to finish our new campus.
With all the classrooms full, all
the dormitories full and the
houses surrounding the campus
likewise occupied, we have only
the alternative of moving.
People, people and
registration than
more people. This
Shiu Fong Yeung smiles happily as he registers for his fifth
semester at Howard. *
Hurry, hurry, hurry—
"Oh, please hurry. The cashier’s Une gets longer by the
Nine Receive Recognition
In “ Who’s Who” Listings
Nine members of the Howard College faculty and admin¬
istration have been listed in the 1955-56 edition of W ho’s Who
in American Education.
Major Harwell G. Davis, presi¬
dent of the institution since 1939,
received the honor once again
during his career in education.
Dr. John Albert Fincher won
recognition for his service as
head of the Department of Biol¬
ogy aad assistant to the Presi¬
dent For her outstanding leader¬
ship and ability as Dean of Wom¬
en and professor of French, Mrt.
Margaret Davidson Sizemore re¬
peatedly has been named to edu¬
cation’s Who’s Who.
Dr. Hul-Cee M. Acton was
recognized for his work as pro¬
fessor of Romance Languages and
Head of Foreign Language. De¬
Former Howard student, Dr.
Hugh C. Bailey, professor of His¬
tory, was among the honored. Also
in the field of History, Chair¬
man' of the department, Dr.
George Vernon Irons, was recog¬
Dr. Ruric D. Wheeler and Dr.
William D. Peeples, Jr., Asso¬
ciate Professors of Mathematics,
were recognized for their contri¬
bution to American education.
Dr. Peeples returned to Howard
in January from duty in the U. §.
Dr. A. L. Gamer was honored
for his work in the education field.
fay SUtnmn
Say, but It’s hot! My branches
have been alternately scorched
and drenched so much this sum¬
mer that I think I will almost
be glad to see winter come.
Even though I miss all the hus¬
tle and bustle of the regular ses¬
sions, it is nice to welcome back
former students who return in
the summers for refresher courses.
Things seem to slow down to a
relaxing steady pace for three
months. A rest is always wel¬
Cupid hasn't taken a vacation.
I see. Polly Prosch is wearing
Bud Corey’s class ring now. A
new sparkle has come to the third
finger, left hand of Joann Brind¬
ley — congratulations Brantley.
Annette Calhoun has also reached
the “going steady" stage.
Three fraternity pins have been
moved from shirts to blouses. Sue
Curtis has accepted Buddy Mor¬
rison's Sigma Nu pin. Jimmy
Lackey has given Babs Bryant
his recently acquired "Pike” pin.
Jan Eagles is pinned to Ed Bea¬
con, a Phi Delta Theta from Van¬
Mr. and Mrs. Witold Turlde-
wicx, nee Marie Rose, are touring
Europe this summer.
Mrs. Wilder is attending the
six - week International Design
Workshop in Aspen, Colorado.
From there, she will go to the
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Cen¬
ter to paint.
Colleen Meredith and Frances
Mask have recently announced
their marriages.
The BSC started summer school
out right with a party the first
week. Bearing the title, "Proverb
Promenade," the games and fel¬
lowship were presented by Jack
Wilson. The organization also
staged an impressive Candlelight
(Coat on page S)
Student Assembly
Will Be July 20-22
At Shocco Springs
Howard has set one hundred students as its goal for the
Student Assembly that will be held July 20-22 at Shocco Springs
in Talladega.
All young people entering col¬
lege this fall, all summer school
students, and all students already
enrolled but not attending sum¬
mer school are invited to attend.
The purpose of the meeting is to
give practical assistance and spir¬
itual orientation to those enter¬
ing college for the first time this
year and to encourage and in¬
spire those already in college to
attain new spiritual goals.
Program highlights include:
Dr. George Redding, Professor of
Bible, Georgetown College: Rev.
J. R. White, Jr.; Rev. James
Yates; Mr. Charles Roselle, State
Student Secretary of Tennessee;
Mr. Dennis Coniff, Sunday School
Department, Montgomery; Mr.
George Ricker, Training Union
Department, Montgomery; Miss
Lucy Hoskins, Promotional Di¬
rector, First Baptist Church,
Montgomery; Miss Eugenia Grif¬
fin, Judson College; Dr. T. M.
Hamby, and Mr. Frank Boggs,
Minister of Music, First Baptist
Church, Tallahassee.
Prices range from Hotel 400 and
500 (linen included) $3.75; Pine
Lodge (linen included) $4.00;
Crestview (linen included) $4.50;
Cottages (linen not included)
$3.00; Cabins and Bunkhouse
(linen not included) $2.75. Linen
will be furnished, if leslred, for
an additional $.25 per day. All
rates are per person per day and
include room and meals.
A registration fee of $1.30 must
accompany every reservation.
campus should mail their name
and the accommodations they pre¬
fer to: State Student Department,
Box 870, Montgomery, Alabama.
Register now for a week-end
of spiritual unlifting.
This fee includes health and ac¬
cident insurance on you from the
time you leave home until you
For those in school, register at
Pine Lodge now. Students not on
Mr. J. B. Stephens
Is Named President
“Wives of Pharmacy” is the
name of the club recently organ¬
ized by the wives of the phar¬
macy students.
The aims, according to Mrs. J.
B. Stephens, president, are to
promote a closer relationship
among pharmacy students and
their wives and to plan social
events for them.
Officers include: Mrs. Bill Tay¬
lor, vice-president; Mrs. Henry
Wilson, secretary; Mrs. Tom
Dean, treasurer; Mrs. Bob Mal¬
colm, solicitation chairman; Mrs.
James Scarborough, social chair¬
man; Mrs. Alvin Leraox, pro¬
gram; Mrs. James Mincey, fi¬
nance; Mrs. John Ashley, parlia¬
mentarian, and Mrs. William
Smith, historian.
A welcome party for all mem¬
bers and prospective members
was given at Roebuck Commun¬
ity Center on July 6. The club
had a picnic at Pearl Lake on
the Fourth of July.
Mrs. W. W. Walker, member
of the Birmingham Wholesale
Druggists Auxiliary, is club
Samford University Librar