Constitutional Changes Proposed;
Vote For A Better Government
by Sktrnun
It’s Sherman time again! Time
to roll out the old typewriter and
go to work giving you “news and
views” from the top of the Oak.
■ On the mission fields this sum¬
mer you will find Edell Gargus
and Jo Strickland assigned to
Ohio. Carole Arnett and Jean
Foster will journey out West to
New Mexico. Priscilla Weeks is
excited about working with the
Indians. I don’t blame you, Pris¬
cilla; you should have a very in¬
teresting summer.
The new Pan-Hellenic was of¬
ficially installed at Dean Size¬
more’s house Monday night
Joyce Bonderant took over the
reins for the coming year. The
Dean held open house for all
sorority girls following the in¬
Around the campus . . . The
Physical Education class under
the direction of Coach Ledbetter
getting the diamond in good con¬
dition for the remaining games
... the track team preparing for
a meet in Macon, Ga., tomorrow
... the Delta Zetas giving a rush
party in their lodge for rushees
May 3 ... the Bait Casting class’
fishing trip getting rained out
Sue Curtis returned from Pen¬
sacola, Florida and the Festival
of Five Flags with a beautiful tan
and a plaque showing that she
was one of the top five beauties
at the Festival.
Now that summer Is here, the
“ole swimming hole” is really
swamped. Camp Crosby and the
coast is just teeming with How-
ardites on the weekends. Today
the Phi Mus will make their an¬
nual trek to Panama City. Just
returning are the Sigma Nus —
minus tans. Well, the rain must
be good for the crops, kids. Better
luck next time! The Alpha Delta
Pi Houseparty will also be in
Panama City this weekend. Hey,
doesn’t anyone study for finals?
Silly question!
Edell Gargus has been granted
a W. M. U. scholarship to the
seminary. Wonderful news, Edell.
Down Gadsden way this week¬
end, Charles Love, an alumnus of
old H. C., will have another open¬
ing night. Charles has done a fine
job in the drama department of
the school where he is teaching.
Perhaps you remember him for
his portrayal of “The Imaginary
The young Marion Brando on
he motorcycle is Pete Hanna of
he Bulldog 11. Pete seems to en-
oy the early morning air. Isn’t
i souped up automobile exciting
nough, Pete?
Continued on Page Four
Brindley Is
First Prexy
Of New Frat
micron. National Pro¬
fessional. Music Fraternity,
founded the Omicron Gamma
Chapter at Howard College on
May 5. Miss Joanne Brindley of
Cullman, was named the first
president of the new chapter in
the 4:00 pjn. Installation Musicale
that was presented in the audi¬
The fourteen women music
majors who are the charter mem-
bers.include: Glenda Allen, Wan¬
da Barton, Annette Bolton, Ann
Booker, Joanne Brindley, Judy
Brown, Mary Anne Cieutat, Ber-
thelle Gorham, Joan Harris, Anita
Haygood, Lena Hutto, June Ket-
chum, LaNelle Moore and Eve¬
lyn iVckery.
Mrs. Betty Sue Shepherd is the
chapter adviser. Mr. George
Koski was named chapter patron.
Mrs. Milton Petzold, . National
First Vice-president from New¬
ark Valley, New York; Mrs. Wil¬
lis Bang hm an of Tuscaloosa, Ala¬
bama Chairman of Alumni; and
Dr. Marie Marti, National Presi¬
dent from Detroit, Michigan were
present for the occasion.
A reception followed the musi¬
cale in the parlor of Renfroe Hall.
Mu Alpha Chi
Elects Garcia
’56 President
Mu Alpha Chi music fraternity
recently elected Don Garcia to be
president for the coming year.
Working with Don will be
Geraldine Nutt, vice president;
LaNelle Moore, secretary; Evelyn
Vickery, program chairman, and
Lena Hutto, publicity chairman.
On the program committee are
Berthelle Gorham and Richard
Moore. Helping with the publicity
is June Ketchum.
Deadline for ordering Senior
rings is May 17.
See or call Jerry Medlock to
place your order.
Howardites Install
Pi Delta Phi Chapter
On Judson Campus
On Tuesday May 1, Dr. Haw¬
ley, Rayihond Register and Joy
Stearnes traveled to Judson to
install a new chapter of Pi Delta
Phi, National French honorary
After initiating six new mem¬
bers, the trio was shown around
the campus which was buzzing
with activity prior to May Day
festivities. The evening closed
with dinner at Jewett Hall, Jud-
son’s new dorm
House Of Representatives
And A Publications Board
Are Proposed Amendments
by Bill Baggett
For many weeks now the Student Senate has been studying the possibilities of a better gov¬
ernment which would necessitate constitutional changes.
After a year long debating and mulling over the problem, the senators have come up with a
new form of government of which many students have voiced an approval. Next week on Thurs¬
day and Friday, Howard students will vote on these proposed amendments.
We, the students of Howard
College, in Alabama, In order to
establish an organisation of self-
government, to promote and to
maintain the high ideals of the
college, and to promote the com¬
mon interests and general wel¬
fare of our college community, do
hereby establish this constitution
for the student body of Howard
ARTICLE I. Name and
Section 3. Only duly recog¬
nized members of this organiza¬
tion shall be entitled to vote in
school and student body elections.
The purposes of this organiza¬
tion shall be to deal effectively
with -matters of concern to the
student body; to perpetuate the
traditions and ideals of Howard
College; to administer all matters
which are delegated to the stu¬
dent government by the admin¬
istration, and to seek in all cases,
as far as possible, to foster and
maintain the best possible co¬
operative spirit/ for the student-
body family.
ARTICLE IV. Duties of
Student Officers
Section 1.
b. To serve as the presiding
officer of the Student House of
c. To have the power to vote
with the Student Senate.
ARTTVLE V. General
Section 1. The Student Body
Government shall be bicameral
in form consisting of the Student
Senate and the Student House qf
Section 2.
b. House of Representatives:
The House of Representatives
shall be composed of one (1)
representative elected from each
officially recognized student or¬
ganization as provided for in
Section 3 J.
ARTICLE VL Power* and
Duties of the Senate and House
A. Powers and Duties of the
Section 2. The Student Senate
shall elect a Faculty advisor at
the first meeting of the new
Section 4. A roll call shall be
made by the Secretary at each
meeting, and an absence without
excuse from two regular meet¬
ings of the Student Senate during
the term of his qffice shall con¬
stitute an automatic resignation
on the part of the Senator so
absent A notice of dismissal
shall be sent by the Secretary.
Section 14. One Senate mem¬
ber shall serve on each of the
standing Student Government
B. Powers and Duties of the
House of Representatives.
Section 1. All representatives
powers herein granted shall be
vested in the Student House of
Section 2. The Student House
of Representatives shall elect a
Vice President and Secretary
from its membership. Their
duties shall be commissariat with
the positions they hold.
Section 3. The student House
of Representatives shall elect a
faculty advisor at the first meet¬
ing of the fall semester.
Section 4. The student House
of Representatives shall meet bi¬
monthly. The time and place of
meeting shall be decided at the
first meeting of the Fall Semester.
Section 5. A roll call shall be
made by the secretary at each
meeting, and an absence without
excuse from three regular meet¬
ings of the student House of Rep¬
resentatives during the term of
his office shall constitute an auto-
Continued on Page Two
Speech Festival—
Speaking on “Canned Ideas,” Martha Drake
at the Speech Festival last week in the
Standing behind her is Pam Dailey, winner of
In the oral 1
Ann Rotlage,” and Jerry
tattoo of “John Brawn’s Body.”