Above »re the six new
Jimmy Lowery, Carolyn
elected to Alpha Epsilon Delta, Pre-Med Fraternity. They are: Joe
Clarence Mills. J. W. Bolt and
C. Dormlny.— Photo by Thelma
Vol. 41
Howard College, November 11, 1955
No. 9
Alabama Baptists
Have 134th Session
by Larry Allison
Next Tuesday, November 15-17, the Alabama Baptist Con¬
vention will begin its 134th session at the First Baptist Church
here in Birmingham.
The theme of the convention will
be "On and On— For Christ," with
the main speaker toeing Dr. Hamp¬
ton C. Hopkins, pastor of the
Twelfth Street Baptist Church,
Gadsden. His alternate is Rev. J. B.
Marlow, pastor of the First Baptist,
Talladega. Dr. L. Lyon, president of
the Alabama Convention, will pre¬
Participating on the program
from Howard will be Major Davis,
Dr. Fincher, Dr. Chapman, and the
A Cupella Choir, directed by Mr.
The choir will appear on the pro¬
gram Tuesday night Wednesday
morning Dr. Chapman Will give a
report on the Baptist Historical So¬
ciety. Major Davis will report on
Howard, and immediately there¬
after there will be a tour of the
new campus. Dr. Fincher will de¬
liver a message on •‘Christian Home
Emphasis" at the Wednesday eve-
Ing service.
A Pastor's Conference Monday
afternoon will precede the Conven¬
tion session.
Heports will be given on all
Phases of the State Convention's
work, as well as the Southern Bap¬
tist Convention. It is estimated that
1500 messengers will attend the
Acton Is Elected
AATF President
At a recent meeting of the Ala¬
bama branch of American Associa¬
tion of Teachers of French in
Montgomery, Dr. Hul-cee Acton was
elected president of the association.
Dr. Acton is head of the Foreign
Language Department.
Also attending the meeting was
Or Wheeler Hawley of the Lan-
luage Department. He is also presi-
lent of the foreign section of A.ELA.
Library Club Will
Present Classical
Music Selections
The Library Club presents for
all students and faculty members
their first program of the year
"Session With the Masters."
The program, under the direction
of Mr. Pennington of the Music De¬
partment will consist primarily of
a record session. This is your op¬
portunity to become orientated to
the cream of classical music. Hear
the most famous selections of such
comjfosers as Tchallkovsky Chopin,
and many others— such master¬
pieces as Tchaikovdfy's First Coo-
ccrto. and Nut Cracker Suite.
The program will be presented in
the Periodical Room of the College
Library from 1:00 until 2:00 on
Thursday, Nov. 17. This is your
opportunity to enjoy good classical
music. All students are urgently
Invited to this session.
Enlarged Code Of
Ethics On Display
An enlargement of the Code of
Ethics of the American Pharma¬
ceutical Association is now on dis¬
play at the Division of Pharmacy.
The Student branch of the Ameri¬
can Pharmaceutical Association at
Howard financed the enlargement
of the code and donated it to the
school of pharmacy, while an
anonymous doner framed the code.
The code was enlarged by Dr
John White of White Studio and
was on display during the National
Pharmacy Week which was October
2-8 at Green’s Sundries.
fby' Sktrnun
Wheeeei! That isn’t a breese
whistling through my old dead
leaves, merely a sigh of relief now
that mid-terms are over. Now that
we can look back, things weren't so
tought this week. I did see many
of you buring the midnight oil sev¬
eral nights.
While glancing around at the
game last week. I saw Pete Hanna's
mother and father. Also "Spud"
Wallace, a former student (and
football . player) who plans to re¬
turn In January. We'll be looking
for you, Spud.
Perhaps the youngest attendant
at Dr. Lunceford's lecture is little
Gene Lunceford. I'm afraid Gene
could give some of us lessons in
how to pay attention in class.
Lynn Gross Is walking on air.
Come Saturday morning she will
head up Sewanee way to see Woody.
Have a nice time, Lynn.
Dra. Hardin and Stepp are con-
ventioning in Atlanta, Oa. Wish I
were a professor and could make
interesting trips. All I do is stay
arflund here and shed my leaves.
Congratulations to Hue Curtis,
Miss Air Reservist. 8ue sure docs a
nice Job of representing Howard in
various contests cause she always
comes through with flying colors.
Lb Richie baa had a hair out
and I sure do like it. Some people
have all the luck and have naturally
curly hair.
Congratulations are also In order
for Gaile Kniep, Sigma Nu Pledge
Sweetheart. I'm not the only one
who has noticed that long, red hair.
Things to watch for: James Chan
dler's smile during a football game
. . . Big Armistice Day parade. .
Joan Paul'* wiAed volleyball serve
Anna Margaret and Bill's growing
piggy bank account.
Who’s going to Canon Newman?
I'll see you there. I wish the whole
(Continued on page 4)
WSGA Presents
All -Campus Sing
Your organization is invited
eminent Association to enter
tion Sing.
Mlyed groups are eligible to en¬
ter this year and will be Judged
on Monday, December 5. Judging
for the boys' divisiop will be Mon¬
day, December 5 and Wednesday,
December 1. Girls' division will be
December 7. Trophies will be
awarded to first place winners in
each division.
Judging will be based on orig¬
inality, selection, and manner per¬
formed. Music for one of the se¬
lections may be borrowed from the
Music Department. Judges will bo
selocted by WSGA.
Deadline for entrance b the day
before Thanksgiving Holidays, so
be sure and get your organisation's
entry In before the deadline.
Requirements for entrance are:
1. Two songs: one of a serious
nature, the other light, (if desired,
a fraternity or sorority -song may
be used.)
2. Voicing should be in two or
more parb; none less.
3. No person .can sing in a group
If not an official member. However,
one may sing in as many groups
as he wishes, so long as he is
member of the group.
4. An accompanist can be used If
needed. That person is not requir¬
ed to be a member of the group.
8, One member of the group
should be director and conduct both
songs. A eroup will be disqualified
if any professional or outside help
b used.
by tlte YVomen’p Student Gov-
Hotvard’s third Intcr-organiza-
6. Each group should have not
less than ten and not more than
twenty-five singers.
7. (1. 00 entrance fee is required
from each group. This is to be paid
at the time of entrance. $
8. Entries should be in not later
than 11 o'clock am, November 23.
Give entries and foes to Mrs. Size¬
more or Erlalne Hester.
Pan Hellenic
To Plan Year
At Workshop
Monday night will show the re¬
sults. of some hard work put forth
by Carlene Self, president of Pan
Hellenic, and her committee.
At that time a speaker represent¬
ing each sorority will speak on
rushing, pledging and philan¬
Monday at 11:00 there will be a
faculty-student discussion. At 3:00
the girls will discuss different so¬
rority projects and plans at a buzz
The diligent committee members
are Bettye Vardeman, Pat McCarter,
Sadie Best, Joy Stearnes, Martha
Bankston, Dot Ramsey, and Sue
Home Economics Week
Observed At Howard
Forty-seven Howard home economics majors will he attend¬
ing meetings tonight and tomorrow. Saturday will bring Home
Economics Week in Alabama to a close.
Dot Ramsey b chairman of the
local arrangements for college home
economics club groups. Serving on
her committee are Claire Rollins,
Ann Williams. Doris McGuire,
Edwynna Trawick, and Sara Hutch¬
inson. This committee, In charge
of registration, will welcome girls
from every college in Alabama.
Mbs Dorothy James, head of the
Howard Home Economics Depart¬
ment, has been conferring with
hotels, the Chamber of Commerce,
d several downtown stores to
make this week a success.
of the v
Widening Our Horizons." There
will be several naUonally known
speakers including the worldwide
speaker, Dr. John Harvey Fur bay;
clothing specialist. Dr. Dorothy
Slegert Lyle; and the Chinese phil¬
osopher, Dr. T. Z. Koo, who will
speak on 'Spiritual Horizons."
Anyone interested in attending
these meetings may aecurc tlckeb
from Miss James In the Home Eco¬
nomics Building.
of the Horae Economics majors who have planned to attmd
celebrating Home Economice Week are Peggy Arnold. Jackie
Piper, Anne Williams, Sara Hutchinson, Claire Rollins, Dot Ramsey,
Margaret Hendrick, Joyce Bondurant, Doris McGuire, aol
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