Pictured discuss In* plane for ChrUtlan Emphaela Week, which code
today, are Mr*. Owen F. Herrin* of Wake For**, North Carolina; Dr.
John A. Fincher, aealetant to PreMdent Davis; Jon Appleton, ceneral
chairman; and Jennloo Jones. Dr. Samuel K. Maddox, pastor of the Pint
Baptist Church In Dothan was speaker for both mornln* and ere nine
Howard College, February 18, 1955
Number 19
Christian Emphasis Week has
cone and gone and our campus la
better for having had Dr. Maddox
ind Mr*. Herlng come our way. We
dDcerely thank these two for what
they have meant to our campus.
Hats off to Joy Htearnoe for mak¬
ing the thermometer* for the ticket
telling contest. That took much
Molly Sue WilUame la currently
the heroine of the campus. She en¬
tered a national contest and so far
bu won a thousand dollar diamond
ilng and a two-week trip to Now
York. She has a chance at winning
even more. And seniors, she's only
I freshman 1
Junes Carr and his technician crow
rank with the professionals. Their
Job was done so smoothly that no
member of the cast in the ‘Invalid"
notice a single flow.
aJst bumsnin' around 1 ran Into
Lee Jackson, Bill Baggett, Lawanna
House, and Dennis Woodward at
Howard Johnson's last week-end.
. . . Jim Sturdivant, Gerry Claxton,
Dick Bowman, and Jimmy Duncan
taking In
Bridges to Cross." . . .
Jliftmy Glover and Culleen Meredith
everywhere on campus together . .
Jo- Alice Jones on campus for a
day or two. Glad to see you, Jo.
It means ao much to students
when professors taka a genuine In¬
to «t in their endeavors and ac¬
tivities. Mrs. Obenchaln is one who
li ever alert to the happeninga
around her.
Congrats go to . . . the new
pledges and actives In the different
fraternities and sororities . . . Jimmy
Harrison for being ahead in the
(ConUnued oaa Pago 4)
Mu Alpha Chi To Give
Popular Music Concert
For the lovers of American music, including Dixieland jaz
current pops and operetta favorites, Mu Alpha Chi is presentir
its first all-popular music concert Monday, February 28th. Tl
time is 7 :30 p.m. and the place is main' auditorium. A progra
lineup is now complete with a seven-piece combo, soloists ar
a mixed chorus. '
The versatile combo will feature
Jane Decker at the piano, Russell
Caine with trumpet, Lee ter Brown
with trombone. Tommy Jacobs with
clarinet, Fran Picker with saxo¬
phone, and Jerry Warren with
string bass and a set of trap drums.
The program will begin with Amer¬
ica's favorite and current hits in
popular music and continue with a
variety of numbers.
At popular demand. Mu Alpha
Qhl'a talented Rockerettee will per¬
form again. The personnel has been
slightly altered, but they are as
talented and entertaining as ever.
The program will bring real
Southerners a treat with several
minutes of Dixieland jazz. Then
some true Southern belles and gents
will sing hits from American oper¬
ettas. Soloists will be Dick Barrett,
Ann Priestly and Chalmers Chism.
Mu Alpha Chi seeks to promote all
musical activities for Howard. Ita
purpose in presenting the Pops Con¬
cert la to raise funds to help fi¬
nance the Fine Arte Festival to I
given by Howard In the spring,
well as providing musical enterta!
ment representative of certa
Idioms In the United States todaj
Tickets are now on sale for 21
and all members of Mu Alpha C
have them. According to preside
Mary Anne Kendrick, their pla
are enthusiastically progressing, a;
they promise you a most enjoyat
hour of American music.
Membership applications for h
Alpha Chi are now In Town Hi
at the Music Department If
are interested In music, have a 1
average, and have completed
least one semester's work "at Ho'
ard. Mu Alpha Chi lnvitas you
A viatt next meeting, Tuesday,
February 22, at 8:30 p.m. In Carnegie
Hall, la suggeoted for those who are
interested. Mu Alpha Chi la for
non-music majors as wall aa music
DeWitt Sets Dates
For Social Activities
Bob DeWitt, chairman of Student Senate social activities,
has announced dates for coming social attractions during the
On February 22 the Freshmen Class is having “Hobo Party”
in the gym. New freshmen and transfers will be invited as spe¬
cial guests. ' _
The Junior Class Is planning an
all-campus Talent Show on Friday
Howard Takes Trophy—
Bill Karrh, Bolide**' basketball ea
b»a trophy awarded Howard followtn* It
!***• The trophy la annoatly *t**o to the
ktomaUcally bias»»» the elty (hampfrm
•*Hln, president of ODK. while Cane*
Pa** 4.
Awardln* the trophy la Troy
night, February 25 In the audi¬
A stellar event on March 4 will
be the opening of Pine Lodge as a
student center for Howard students.
Headed by Jamea Carr and under
the sponsorship of the sophomoe
class. It is hoped that many stu¬
dents will avail themselves of the
opportunity to use the .facilities
which various groups on the cam¬
pus are providing. 1
The Entre Nous staff has pur¬
chased a hl-fl record player which
will be used. The Student Senate
haa appropriated twenty-five dol¬
lars to purchase games for student
use. Plans concerning the use of
the center will be published later.
Students are urged to attend the
Touring Players* Shakeeperean pro¬
duction. "Winter's Tale," on Satur¬
day. March 12 at Phillips High
School. Proceeds will benefit the
Student Activities Building on the
new campus.
Howard will assume the atmos¬
phere ot gay Mexico on March 18
when an all-campus Fiesta la stag¬
ed in the College Cafeteria. A floor
show will be presented in a cafe
setting with such events aa mull¬
fighting, etc. scheduled for the
agenda. The theme for the Fiesta
will be “South of the Border."
Prizes will be awarded to the beat
dressed couple.
An all-campus picnic honoring
graduating seniors and faculty mem¬
bers la being planned for May 14 on
the new campus alto.'
Students are urged to place the**
dans on their calendars. The Stu¬
dent Senate will appreciate support
of each of these functions.
Emphasis Week Ends Today —
For Touring Players Productions —
Ticket Sales Start — .
Competition Is Keen
The presidents of all campus organizations met last Tuesday
to discuss ways to assist the Howard Auxiliary in the sale of
tickets for the coming play, Shakespeare’s "Winter’s Tale.”
A thermometer has been placed
In Old Main for each organization
to show Its progress. Each student
Is expected to buy or sell at least
one ticket The first organization
to have 100% of their members buy
or nil a ticket will be given a party
by Mrs. Davis and given other pub¬
licity.' Competition la quickly be¬
coming very keen a* the mercury on
the thermometers, beings to climb.
In order to raise money for a
student center on the new campus,
the Auxiliary is sponsoring two
performance* by the noted Touring
Players on March 12 at Phillips High
School Auditorium. At a matinee
performance, the Touring Players
will present “Alice Ip Wonderland,”
and "Winter's Tale" at the evening
Sonny Roark, president of the Stu¬
dent Body, urges all students and
organizations to cooperate In this
ticket selling campaign.
The proceeds will be added to
the money that the students of How¬
ard have already raised for the
Junior Class
Will Present
Talent Show
The Junior Class will have a tal¬
ent ahow In the auditorium Feb¬
ruary 24 at 8:00 pjn.
All students are Invited j to enter
the talent contest. Entry deadline
Is Tuesday, February 22, 8:00 pjn.
Entries should b* given to Louie
Grimes, program cotnmitteo chair¬
man. ‘ ,
The talent acta must have not
more than five people and must not
be more than six minutes long.
First, second, and third prizes are
Molly Williams,
Howard Co-ed,
Wins Diamond
Minneapolis, Minn. — Molly Sue
Williams, a student at Howard, la
the third winner of a $1,000 Artcarv-
ed diamond ring and a chance at
the $29,000 grand prize offered In
the Gold Medal Flour Diamond
Jubilee Sweepstakes, It has been an¬
nounced by General Mills, sponsor
of the contest.
Each of the six weekly winners,
one to be drawn each Monday, auto¬
matically becomes eligible for the
big drawing which will be worth
(Centtmwd on Pag* 8)
being offered of $8 00, $3.00 and $1.0C
Admission price la 28c. For tick¬
ets, aaa Brantley Harwell. Tickets
will also be sold at the door.
Samford University