:*ii .sail —
Number 19
eludes preaching, directing Vaca¬
tion Bible Schools, visiting, talcing
church census, working in Good
Will Centers, study course teach¬
ing, and other activities depending
on the nature of needs on a partic¬
ular mission field.
Louie L. Wilkinson, Director of
Religious Activities at Howard, is
chairman of the Student Mission»
transferred to Howard last spring
from Auburn where he had ma¬
jored in architecture for two and a
half years. He is a ministerial stu¬
Interviews of summer mission
applicants were held by the Stu¬
dent Missions Committee in Janu¬
ary. Recommendations of the com¬
mittee were approved by the state
student Executive Committee, com¬
posed of local B.S.U. presidents and
state officers.
Other appointments announced
by the committee are Morgan
Moore, University of Alabama, to
work in the mid-west under the
Home Mission Board; and Willene
Clark of Troy State Teacher's Col¬
lege, to work in South Alabama,
under the state Sunday School de¬
partment. Alice Needham, Alabama
Polytechnic Institute, was an¬
nounced as alternate for South Ala¬
Each campus annually shares in
the expense of the missions proj¬
ect Howard's quota for 1954 is $250.
-- Mission work for students in-
auction, at which the following ar¬
ticles will be sold:
Box of candy from Alley’s Drug
3 free dinners from Andrew’s
Lady's billfold from Bagwell's
Dermetice face cleanser from Col¬
lege Beauty Shop
Debaters Place Second
In Mobile Tournament
Crawford To
Sing Recital.
Howard’s Debate Squad capped a climax to an outstanding
season in brilliant fashion last weekend when they captured the
second place sweepstakes award at the annual Azalea Debate
Tournament at Spring Hill College.
With nine victories against three defeats, Howard placed sec¬
ond to Agnes Scott College in a Geld of fifteen universities and
colleges, including Notre Dame,
Kansas State, Georgetown Uni¬
versity, Florida State University,
University of Mississippi. Univer¬
sity of Georgia, University of Flor¬
ida, Loyola of New Orleans, Au¬
burn, Alabama State College for
Negroes, Emory University. Mill-
saps College, Spring Hill College,
Agnes Scott, and Howard.
Howard’s nine victories included
wins against Notre Dame, Uni¬
versity of Mississippi. Kansas State,
Georgetown, University of Florida.
University of Georgia, Mi lisa ps,
Auburn.'and Loyola.
Final top rankings in the tourna¬
ment were as follows: first place,
Agnes Scott College; second place,
Howard College; third place, Notre
Dame University and University of
Florida (tied); fourth place. Spring
Hill College and Florida State Uni¬
versity (tied).
Mr. Winfield Crawford, baritone,
will be presented in recital by the
Faculty Series on Monday, March
8, at 8 pm. in Old Main audi¬
torium. .
He will sing “Der Winterreise
Cycle" by -Franz Schubert “Die
Winterreise" (The Winter Journey)
written hi 1827, poems by Wilhelm
Muller. They tell o. the wanderings
and growing despair of a rejected
(Continued on Page 5)
Deadline Near
On Selective
Service Test
Major General Lewis B. Hershey,
Director of Selective Service, today
reminded college students that the
deadline for submitting applications
for the April 22 Selective Service
College Qualification Test is mid¬
night Monday, March 8, and that
applications postmarked after that
time cannot be considered.
Application blanks and informa¬
tion bulletins, with sample ques¬
tions, may be obtained by students
from the nearest local board. They
do not have to write to their own
local board to secure an applica¬
tion. Students are to mail their
completed applications to Educa¬
tional Testing Service of Princeton,
New Jersey.
To be eligible to apply for the
college qualification test a student
must (1) intend to request defer-
( Continued on Page 3)
Photo Contest
The Crimson is sponsoring a
series of photo contests which will
be open to all students. A different
contest will run every two weeks.
The winning picture will be printed
in the Crimson and will be award¬
ed a five dollar prize.
Pictures must folloyr a certain
theme for
of the contests.
Theme and deadline of each con¬
test are as follows: Campus Activi¬
ties, March 5; Humor, March 19;
Sports, April 2; Landscapes and
Scenery, April 16; Animals, April
30; and Portraiture, May 14.
There is no limit on number or
size of the pictures which may be
entered. There will be a fifteen cent
entrance fee for one picture or
twenty-five cents for two.
Pictures for the contest should be
submitted to the Public Relations
Office. Winning pictures will be
published one week after the dead¬
line of each contest
Annual stunt night sponsored by
the Student Senate, will climax the
H-Day festivities Tuesday, April 27.
General theme tor the all-campus
party will be “A Howard Take-Off
on Television.”
Skits will be limited to five min¬
utes, and trophies will be presented
to two organizations whose skits
are judged best Birmingham per¬
sonalities who will serve as judges
will be announced later. Participat¬
ing organizations should hand their
*kits to Mrs. Powell by April 1, for
V&nimb on
Frank Wells Is Named
Missionary To Jamaica
Frank Wells, junior student from Tallassee, has been appointed
summer missionary to Jamaica by the 1954 Student Missions Com¬
mittee of the Alabama Baptist Student Union, Dr. R. H. Falwell,
state student secretary, announced this week.
Wells is majoring in English. He
Moats -Ark Carnival
Set For Tues. Night
Fun is in store for everyone next Tuesday night at Mu Alpha
Chi's Moats
It will begin at 6:15 with a band parade through East Lake.
At 6 :30, rides, games, sideshows, contests, prizes, cake walk, and
fortune telling will begin in the music buildings.
Also slated for the evening is an
All students, faculty and admin¬
istrators, alums, and persons inter¬
ested in Howard have an invitation
to attend the event at Causey Gym¬
nasium, beginning at 7:30 pm.
Free passes for four couples to
the College Theater
One 12:00 permission from the
Dormitory Council
Two Wearever cake pans from
East Lake Hardware
Bottle of Aquamarine Lotion
from Hightower Beauty Shop
A pound of coffee from Hill’s
Two boxes of stationery from W.
W. Mac’s
1 pair of ladies' house shoes, a
handbag, and $5.00 on a pair of
men’s shoes from Rose’s Bootery
One pair of Poll Parrot Children’s
shoes from Rose's Children's Shop
Coffee date with Mr. St
(only girls may bid)
A car wash and lubrication jo
from Standard Oil Co.
Tea date and a ride in her new
car with Miss Lumby (only boys
may bid)
One dress and one suit cleaned
and pressed, at Tillery's Cleaner
One pair of ladles' hose from
Thompson's Bootery
Free dinners for 2 couples at
9 pounds of clothes washed and
dried at the Wash Tub
A box of Cara Nome face powder
and a home permanent from Wood’s
Drug Store
One Chapel cut
A main attraction of the carnival
will be a variety show in the audi¬
torium at 8:30. Including stunts,
skits, and songs, the show will be
emceed by Tommy Dix, former
actor and Miss Entre Nous Contest
Tickets to the auction and variety
show may be purchased from mem¬
bers of Mu Alpha Chi. Proceeds
will be used to defray expenses of
the Mozart Festival in May.
seats! Faculty members are Invited
and must meet the same require¬
ments. The Senate will not assume
responsibility for consequences re¬
sulting from green-eyed wives.
The main attraction will be the
exhibition of two genuine camels
— the only ones known to be in East
Lake. Music will be provided by
the music department under the
direction of Mr. George
Louie Grimes is general chair¬
man. Committees working with
him are Finance: Brantley Harwell,
Mrs. J. H. Jones; Decoration: Ann
Bobo, June Ketch um, and Virginia
Wesley; Refreshments: Bob Owens,
Betty Benton, and Anna Rivers;
Entertainment: Henri Ann Taylor,
Louie Grimes, Bob DeWitt; Clean¬
up: Frank Taylor and Dan Driskell.
This is one of a series of week¬
end social activities which are be¬
ing sponsored by the Student
Senate and the college department
at huhama.