Mwees Howard School
Glee Club Sings Friday
At a special chapel meeting Friday
the local Y. M C. A. will hare charge
of the first part of the proceedings.
The program will be tinder the direc¬
tion of A. M. Daugherty.
Mlases Howard School Glee Club
will appear on the program as a feat¬
ure of the Y. M. C. A. program.
Impressive Ceremonies Are
Feature Of Activities
urdap afternoon. May 1, at , Rickwood Field. . The Howard nine
pusfyed across
tallies to Southern’s 3. This contest marked the
end 6f the city collegiate baseball and gave Howard the champion-
ship and Billy West’s trophy again.
Howard came to bat, play ng the
role of visitors, and In one, two, three
order were retired. O'Brien, lead off
man for Southern, hit a slant for the
first knock of the day. . Battl s got a
scratch hit with two men on to put
Kent In a hole. But Kent, with some
sweet twirling, caine out of hit trance
to retire a trio of Southerner)!.
Vic Goodwin, first man up in the
second Inning, met one of J*,ckvMc-
Collough's speed balls, and laid one
out to deep left for three lone bases.
Burns, following Goodwin, dropped a
Texas leaguer out of reach ol! every¬
one and Goodwin scampered home.
"Speed” Burns, who went wild on the
bases, stole second and third, setting
the stage for “Cheaty" oe Bettison,
who hit one sweet homer.
Watson got an extra bast bit. Good¬
win hit through the Infield as How¬
ard went on a scoring spree, rushing
across five men and sending McCol-
lough to the showers.
The redlegs of Howard immediately
got to the new pitcher, everyone hit¬
ting the lad with the glass ana. The
boys, tlrelng of the track meet; were
finally sent to the field again.
The Panthers, with the will to win,
came back with a three vim rally,
when “Old Man Kent" went on the
war path for Panthers, giving free
passes p> Blanton and Cleveland, who
and spoke were both Tilt Trrvtwtied perMs.—A'
Its work at single by Waller was good for the
[fleers who first counter for Southern, Blanton
Dix, vice- scoring. Stewart followed with a long
secretary; sacrifice fly sending Cleveland home
r; A. M. and advancing Waller, who scared on
Elh- Smith's single to cepter.
O'Neal, or- Bettison wae the "head man' at bat,
getting thre for four, Including a
lent of the homer and a triple. Goodwin got a
Re dials by Prof, dt Launay’s piano
class and Mrs. Ethel Counts’ voice
pupil i will be present. -d In chapel Fri¬
day. May *. at 8:30 p m.
Ad sieelon la free and every sne Is
cordl illy Invited to hi. present at the
joint recitals.
Thi program of Ptjf. de Launay’a
must , classes, will co islat of t ie fol¬
io wlrg numbers:
Llm Etude No. 7 (Arolcw) Miss
Whit mid*.
Ga den s Under Rail (Debues; ), Mr.
L. Gr ives.
Cai.rlce (Lyeberg),
Slight Vote Polled In Recent
Run-Off Election
election last Friday. Coben won over
Johnson by 62 votes.
The run-off was made necessary
when neither of the three candidates
in the regular election received a
majority of votes.
Cohen hae served as assistant editor
of The Crimson during this year, as
well as filling the place or news editor
during the firet semester.
As president of the debating coun¬
cil; and ae a member of the debat¬
ing team that met Southern last May.
Cohen has shown hie interest in for¬
ensics. He is one of the most in¬
tellectual students of the campus,
maintaining hie record of all A's in
addition to the extra curricula activ¬
ities. He is finishing In three years.
—A program to be of unusual In¬
terest to all student* hae been
planned for Friday morning, ac¬
cording to oollege authorities.
Definite plans for the May Day
exercises are to be announced In
addition to an Important
tfiss R. SaelL
Se<ond Mazurka (Qjdard), Kiss A.
W. Richardson.
Vase Arabesque
Mss M.
Stall- rorth.
March or the Dwarfs (Grieg), Miss
M. G itst
En Bateau (Debussy), Miss A M.
Thon peon.
Soi« Bois (Staub), Mies V. Morris.
No. turne (Chopin), ! Jias M. E Gray.
Eti de No. 12 (Chop n3, Miss 3. Mc-
Intos >.
Impromptu (Rhein told), W
LUbesfrtad (Krelsl. r), Mias
t announse-
meirt which will not be disclosed
until Friday.
««V ouicers lor the B. S. U were
formally installed at the second an¬
nual banquet at the College Cafeteria
Mondky night by Dr. John C. Dawson.
Albert S. Dix, new president of the
organisation, voiced hla appreciation
of the students In electing him to the
office and made a short Ulk, outlin¬
ing the plans of the union for the
3. Mc-
Mllla >. ■
Improvisation (McDowell). Miss O.
Pree« ott.
Fai talesie-Imprompt u (Clio j in),
Miss B. Parker*.
•M as I*arker, who la blind, s one
of tbs leading studei.ts of Prif. de
Launiy at his city studio.)
quartette: Polonaise MfUtalre
•'Chopin?, First plan 7,- Thb :*Us«r
Guesi and A. W. Rlclardeon; i econd
piano The Misses Gray and McIntosh.
All these piano atui.ents are
of Pr if. de Launay.
Mr de baonay la pr sparing a
cational Work
sixteen pianists will pi. iy simultaaeons-
ly or eight pianos. Crawford Reid
(violinist) and Prof. J. E. Dlllaid, Jr.,
(cornetlat) and E. :3uch (tyinpanl,
etc.) will assist
Mrs. Ethel Coante Instructor in
voice will present or the same pro¬
gram several of her voice puplla.
Mlia Annie Laurie McKlnlej, who
will sing: a. Sylveli i (Slndlnj); b.
St id d wie die Nacht (Hobm); c. Je ne
veux autre choae (WI lor).
Mlts Olivia Prescott will sing: a.
Faltei— lue mea aveuc (Gounol); b.
Stream so gently flowng (Brown).
Mr. Braxton B. Ca r wiU el ig: a.
The Trumpeter (Dix); b. I must go
down to the Sea (Mitchell). -
(Tie Baldwin Concert Gram used
irtesy of the Seals Plano C o.)
Howard Loses Debate
Encounter To Mercer
Twelve new members have been
elected to Alpha Iota Chapter of Kap¬
Kappa National Honorary
Educational Fraternity at Howard
College. Those glvep recognition are:
George Cary, Fred Tente, Harold Free¬
man, Fulton Abercrombie, Rlbert Dix,
Davis Woolley, Abraham Gepner,
Ward, Joseph Schwartb. William
Mercer University won an unani¬
mous debate decision from Howard
College last Wednesday evening In
Howard debaters were Abraham
Gepner and James W. Conrad, Jr.
Debaters from Mercer were George
Cain and Sam Overstreet.
"Resolved, that modern advertising
Is more detrimental than beneficial to
the best interests of the American peo¬
ple," was the question of the forensic
contest. Howard upheld the negative
elde of the proposition.
The Mercer team met Howard on Its
debating Itinerary through Alabama.
The night before It debated Howard it
engaged and defeated Blrmlngbam-
Sonthern by an unanimous decision.
Both Gepner and Conrad debated
well, according to those who heard the
verbal tilt
Judges for the debate were Mr. Os¬
car Met*, Dr. Thomas and Mr. T. O.
Smith. 11 -
O'Brien. 3b _
McCullough, p-lb
Bailie, rf -
Carter, Ib-p -
EUiaor. cf - -
Blanton, ss -
Cleveland, 2b -
the banquet are: Beatrice Newman,
presidentelect of the Y. W. C. A.;
Clayton Waddell,
Malcolm Fuller,
Carlton Ellis and Norman O'Neal.
The Charm School”
To Be Give i May 22
x Baited lor Tate in ninth.
Howard - ■ ■
"The Charm School" will be piesent-
ml by the Dramatic 31ub Thursday,
May ::2. The cast hai been selected
tftid -ehenreala have already been
The cast Includes Sylvia SIsso 1, Vir¬
ginia Bishop, Cath trine Pl.lUlps,
Gttorgj Car» Nellie Mann, Frances
H air, Winnie Mlcklet, Leonan Eth¬
eridge, Addle Belle Hcrton, Josephine
Hiinnlcut, Kd Davis, leo McCo vn, C.
ft. Jot on, Ruth EUls. Iraxton B. Carr,
Beatrice Newman.
The action of the play emters
around a young man who Inherits a
school for girls and fishes to teach
Elise BenedOtti— Catherine Phillips
—the president of the senior claes at
a school presided over by
Miss Hays— Addle Belle Horton—
who Is loved and feared by all who
knpw her. Including the secretary
Miss Curtis — Sylvia Sisson— who is
always trying to think well of the
senior clan, consisting of
Sally Boyd— Virginia BUhop— who
is George’s sister, and
Muriel Doughty— Josephine Hunni-
EThel Spelvln— Nellie Mann,
Alix Mercler — Frances Blair.
iJiiinn Stafford— Winnie Mickler,
Madge Kent— "B" Newman,
Charlotte Gray— Eloltre Bass— and
It la hardly worth while to mention a
Dotsie— Ruth EUls— who js always
In the way.
Act I.— Evening. The boys' room
on the top floor of an old-fashioned
New Yftrk housn.
Act U.— The Main Hall of the
School. Scene 1— Noon. Scene 2—
_ Browder Is Granted
Robert Sessions Awarded First Harvard Fellowship
Freshman Class Edits
Next Week’s Crimson
J. T. Browder received notice last
week that he had been granted a fel¬
lowship in the extension sctool of
theology at Harvard University.
Browder will be graduated^from
Howard with the class of 1930 finish¬
ing hie college work In thrqe years.
He hae worked hie way through
School, keeping hla scholastic record
in high standing all during his stay at
the colege.
It ie with pleasure that the students
congratulate Mr. Browder on the fel¬
lowship that he has received. He will
begin work at Harvard immediately
following his graduation front How¬
The Freshmen Cl. is will edit next
week s Issue of The Howard Crimson,
with Wilbur Blackmon, editor-in-chief,
and Braxton B. Carr, business man¬
Assisting Mr. Blackmon Is the fol¬
lowing staff: Mary Frances Long,
Miriam Solomon, Edwin "Ter" Swal-
ley, Amasa B. Windham, David Lewis,
Samuel T. Sasser and Elsie Prewitt
The business staff will consist of
the following: Robert Gwln, Amasa B.
Windham and Wilbur Blackmon.
The senior, jnnior and sophomore
classes have already edited their edi¬
tions of The Howard Crimson. The
class which produces the best edition
will have its name inscribed on the
loving cup, which Is placed above the
Index files In (he college library.
William Sher was eliminated la the
etate flals
the Sixth National Inter¬
collegiate Oratorical Contest on the
Constitution held Friday at the
bo charming. The fac: that
the yenng man la handsome prives a
hsndlcap because, If one of thi girls
should fall in love wih him a mort-
gsge cn the school will be foreclosed.
The plot, of the play is cltreriy
workel out with seme humorous
cl arac ttrs that will anuse the audi¬
ence t arougliout the pUy.
Below follows a play bill of "The
Charm School:’’
man vith
Austin Bovans — Qei r*e CaiF-an
au torn' iblle salesman with II ©AS.
Dari! MioKenxle— < - R. Joree— a
B. S. U. Holds Stele
Executive Conference
Between Scenes 1 and 2 the curtain
will be lowered about two minutes to
indicates passing time.
Scent 1— Midnight on the
Road. Scene Sr— The next morning.
The play is under the direction of
Mrs. F. Cecil Brown.
Dear Mr. Editor: "Pleas* read the
enclosed poem carefully and return
to me with your candid criticism as
noon aa possible, as I have other Irons
in the fire." •
Dear Mr. Levin*: "Remove the irons
The State Executive Council of the
Baptist Student Union met at How¬
ard College Sunday.
Mtos Eleanor Yost, of Mon levallo,
state president, presided at thn meet¬
ing. Preceding a business meeting in
the Religious Activities Building, the
delegates assembled In the college
Prof. J. A. Hendrick and approxi¬
mately 30 students of Sociology, are
to visit the.stale prisons In Montgom¬
ery and Wetumpka today.
The clues luut been studying Crimi¬
nology and Penology during tlie se¬
mester, and the visit to the prisons of I
the state la planned to acquaint tho
students with the methods of penology
Samford Univer
Funds Derived WiU Go For
Erection of New Students
Activities Buildings
Novel Features WiU Afford
Thrills, Laugh» And
Plans for tho May Day Festival.
Hay 16, are rapidly assuming shape,
with various committees working
busily on arrangements for the most
novel, spectacular and entertaining
program of activities ever presented
at Howard.
The May Day Festival or "H" Day.
Is given this year by Howard College,
supplanting the annual College Carni¬
val sponsored by the Y. W. C; A.
Funds derived from the festival will
go towards the erection of the new
Student Activities Building, ground l
which will bo broken the latter
of May.
crowning of May Queen, and a base¬
ball game In the afternoon between
Howard and Auburn on Berry Field.
Many features have been planned, but
will not be disclosed until the day of
the festival.
Boothe of various organizations will
be installed on the campus, which are
expected to furnish thrills and side¬
show extravagansa.
Activities of the celebration wU{ be-
gln at 10:30 a.m., when officer* of
the Y. W. C. A. will be publicly In¬
stalled in front of the Main Building.
The ceremony will be similar to Hy¬
patia Tap Day exercises. The girls,
dressed In white, will be arranged in
triangular form. Miss Rosa B. Strick¬
land, principal of Powell School, will
2 be a prominent figure in the instafia-
— |Uon of officers.
The main feature of the day will
come when the May Queen, chosen at
an election title week, will be crowned.
Voting for the May Queen will take
place on the front porch of the Main
Building this week. All students who
have paid their pledge for the new
building will be given votes which
they will cast for any co-ed.
ist year Margaret Hassler was
crowned Carnival Queen. In 1928,
Vivian Anderson, and in 1927, Evelyn
Caldwell were recipients of the honor.
A baseball game In the afternoon
between; (Howard and Auburn wiU
climax the festival program.
The committee In charge of organi¬
zation features is composed of Virginia
Bishop and Virginia Sahrples. Organ¬
izations wishing to have booths should
consult this committee.
Other committees are as follow*:
Committee on details, Sylvia Sisson,
and Margaret Fitzpatrick; committee
In charge of Y. W. C. A. booth, Loee
Salter and Lillian Cunningham; and
publicity committee. Lemuel Strength,
Braxton B. Carr, Bert Johnson and
Amasa Windham.
All committees are working In co¬
operation with President Dawson, and
Profs. Causey, Loehr and Barnett.
With invitations already extended
to alumni, outstanding Baptiste of
the elate, contributors to the new
building and friends of the college,
many visitors are expected to attend
the May Day Festival and add to the
holiday spirits
cafeteria where they were served
chicken dinner.
Albert S. Dix and Davis C. Woolley,
new and retiring presidents, repre¬
sented Howard at the conference.
Other delegates lncloded
tlves from Auburn, University,
tevallo, Judson College, Ji
State Teachers College, and
State Teachers College.
Plana for the coming year
lined, and the Sec
Southern Baptist
1930. waa d