ЯО**И> соикст
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Bulldogs Score 30-21 To
Def eat Chattanooga Quint
Howard Stages Llomebad After Many Defeats. Gilbert Is
Montgomery Ministers
To Speak In Chapel
Ijall of 3 omr
Dr. John W. Inter, pastor of llie
First Baptist church of Montgom¬
ery, is the chapel speaker for Wed-
Dr. Inter has re-
By Sarah Cabot Robison
John H. Frye, Jr„ of Birmingham,
very prominent in college activities
has been elected to "The Crimson
Hall fo Fame."
Mr. Frye was marshal of his class,
which is the highest scholastic recog-
nesday morning,
cently come to Montgomery from
Chattanooga, where he was pastor
of the First Baptist church there.
Friday’s Speaker
The Reverend F. M. Barnes, pas¬
tor of the Clayton Street Baptist
church of Montgomery, will speak
to the assembly on Friday of this
week. Mr. Barnes is president of
the State Executive Board of the
Alabama Baptist State Convention.
Maurine Slaughter Appointed
To The Office By
March 21 Named As Closing
Date For Spring
By Edwin “Te:c" Swalley
II jward’s basket et rs defeated the
Cha.tanoogi quintet 1 Friday nigt : by
the decislv i score of JO 'to *1.
Tie Bull' togs went Into action with
the first sound of tile whistle, but
seemed uni hie to score. Gilbert tal¬
lied the fir it two {mints of the i ame
on i foul. Wise, of ( lattanooga^ ank
s n-at shot from the floor while GU-
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Elects New Members
The tryout for membership in the
Chi Delta Phi is now open as an¬
nounced by the president, Mary Kath¬
erine Waters. All eophomores. Ju¬
niors and seniors are eligible to take
part in the tryout which will continue
through Friday, March 21.
is a National Honor¬
ary Literary Sorority and membership
in the local chapter Is a signal honor
that merits recognition wherever one
goes. Chi Delta Phi, In connection
with Sig&a Upsllon. sponsors ‘The
Quill," the literary beacon of How¬
ard's campils.
Only original literary works of
merit will he accepted for the tryout.
Complete freedom in subject matter
and the treatment thereof Is allowed.
Individuality of style is appreciated.
The subject matter may be woven
into short story, play, poem, essay or
any form of literary work. There is
only one restriction— make it literary.
All works must be typewritten,
signed with a nom de plume and
turned in to either Mary Katherine
Watera or Leila Byrd Beasley on or
before March 21.
“I’m expecting a good many of the
students to submit manuscripts," said
Mary Katherine Waters, president, In
a recent interview. "It Is known to
be a signal honor- to become a mem¬
ber of Chi Delta Phi and it is a cov¬
eted honor."
"Tell them if they can write now
Is their chance to show lt!f added
Maurine Slaughter has been np-
pointed to the office,
of Sec¬
retary of the 8tudei»t Body, to fill the
unexpired term made vacant when
Sarah Hoover Davis withdrew from
school at the close of the first semes¬
ter. The appointment was made, ac¬
cording to Alfred Turnlpseed, by the
President of the Student Body with
the advice and consent of the Student
"Such an appointment of Maurine.
Slaughter to the office of Secretry a A
has been made." said Turnlpseod. "I«
not provided for In the ConHtitulon
nor in keeping with its code. The ap¬
pointment is made legal through the
action of the Student Council whose
sanction I obtained before making the
"To have held an open election of
Secretary would have incurred an ad¬
ditional and unnecessary expense for
the student body. Furthermore." con-
By Mary F. Long
Six new members were elected to ,
Alpha Epsilon Delta national honorary
pre-medical fraternity, at a meeting
last Thursday morning. These new
members are A. S. Dlx, W. H. Crane,
W. F. Abercrombie, W. D. Warrick,
Jule Howell and
H. Norris.
Alpha Epsilon Delta was founded at
the University of Alabama and is a'
national fraternity for pre-medical stu¬
dents.* The members are chosen from
the best students In the pre-medical
course. The scholastic average must
be among .the highest 111 per cent of
the pre-medical students and a year
and a half of biology must have been
"We have been rather inactive dur¬
ing the past semester due to the ath¬
letic and social interests," stated Bill
McMurry, president of the Alpha Beta
Chapter, "hut It Is onr aim to make
this semester an Interesting one. A
program has been outlined to which
Varsity Debate Tryoat
To Be Held Tomorrow
Tie bants of the Bulldogs sei med
an I they fmnMed often. This
will Chatt inooga'e inability to find
the basket kept the score low ii the
finii halt.
hick end* d with a sco
15 ts 6 la loward’s Civor.
Ciattaxtoiga was finding the bi sket
in die eeoMd half.
ey kept the ball
me i lug anil scored six points ii the
thirl quarts -r, while Howard held lack
null I the Let quarter when they reg¬
istered 15 toints. Ch ittonooga sta iked
up 11 poin:a in the last quartet but
He i ard re ained her lead to wii by
Thursday, February 20, the main
auditorium will be the scene of foren¬
sic outbursts when Howard students
display their powers of argumentation
in the tryouts for men’s and women’s
varsity debating teams. Eight men
and four women will be selected to
represent Howard in the intercolle¬
giate debates for the coming season.
The women’s tryout will take place
in chapel at 3:00 p. m., the men’s Iry-
out will take place in chapel at 8:00
p. m. This debate tryout, conducted
by the Intercollegiate Debate Council.
Is open to any student who carries a
minimum of twelve semester hours.
“Resolved that Intercollegiate ath¬
letics, as presently conducted shoald
be abolished, Is the question to be ar¬
gued by the women. The men will at¬
tempt to convince their audience of
the merits or evils of the proposition.
“Resolved, that the nations should
adopt a plan of complete disarma¬
ment, excepting each forces as lire
needed for police purposes.
Five minutes wlU be allotted etch
nliton, daring his tiret, second, and
third years. In his reshman year he
won the coveted Math Medal, pre¬
sented by A. D. Smith, '05, for the
highest scholarship average la mathe¬
matics. During his sophomore year
he was elected president of the Math
Club, sad also served as treasurer of
ued Turnlpseed. ' will take minutes at
the meetings of the council* and per¬
form other regular duties of the of¬
fice. She will receive no honor poiata
for her work.
“The appointment should meet the
approval of the student, body and I see
no reason why it sboold not, because
of the council’s action on the matter."
Maurine Slaughter has assumed her
duties of office and is working with
the reorganized council at
has arranged a very heavy debating
schedule this year. Women varsity
debaters will engage several women’s
colleges In debates of current interest.
Varsity debates for men have been
scheduled with Loyola University.
Chicago, Ill., Aubnrn (Alabama Poly¬
technic Ir«Mtute), Wake Forest Col¬
lege, Wake Forest, N. C.; South west¬
ern University, Memphis. Tenn., end
Mercer University, Macon. Ga. The
annual forensic contest with ’Birming¬
ham-Southern will climax Howard’s
intercollegiate debating season.
r. John R. Si
On Theoretical
torial Chainnan of the publication
Mr. Frye is a member of Kappa Phi
Kapim, honorary educational frateru-
Uy; Pi Gamma Mn, honorary social
science fraternity, and Sigma Upsllon.
honorary literary fraternity. He is
also a member of Sigma Nn social fra¬
When he was asked about his plans
for the spring issue of “The Quill"
he stated that as ranch creative work
an possible wonld he used. “The tone
or “The Quail’ win be predominately
litenuy and intellectual. It will con¬
tain stories, poems, and articles of
literary expressions,” stated frrye.
His hobby and favorite sport, he
disclosed, in the interview, are hunting
He Is a stal-
Oratorical Contest Of
1930 Now Under Way
By Harry Bertram Cohen
Five thousand dollars in prises
await the final winners In the Sixth
National Intercollegiate Oratorical
Contest on the Constitution, recently
announced by P. Caspar Harvey. Lib¬
erty. Ho. director of the “Better
America Federation of California."
The 1S33 contest on the Constitu¬
tion Is open to any bona fide under¬
graduate in any college or university
In the United States. The purpose of
these contests is to increase Interest
and respect for the Constitution of the
The “Better Alnerica
Seniors Must Place
Invitation Order* Now
” tt present." said Dr. 8ampey. i i a
rec-ntly Interview, "I have three t tu¬
nes ts who ire making research work
the subject of their theees.
"There are three branches of ir-
RUi ic chemj «try. Th 0 three have
bet i derail ped as nu n went forwi rd
in i is stud] . The
l branch is tl at
whi:h dealt with the “Analysis of
l’ruiucts o! the Anl nal and PU nt
Kingdoms." This brunch has to do
wit i tearfn; up and teeing what Rod
*n£ plants are mac
of. This vas
man’t first endeavor In the field of
Seniors must place orders for Invi¬
tations on or before Feb. 28. according
to Eleanor Suddutb. chairman of the
Invitation committee of the senior
class. Hudson Hicks is assisting in
the taking of orders.
The amount to cover cost of the In¬
vitations must be paid when order is
placed, this will assure prompt de¬
The invitations are being made by
The Charles H. Elliott Company, and
may be secured in either the paper or
leather. Whlte-and black covers are
being used. Instead of the blue of pre¬
vious years.
"Jimmy" Yarbrough, director of the
Glee Club, announces that final plane
for a tour of North Alabama In being
made. Six towns will be visited by
the club on their trip.
Complete reorganization has been
made in the rinks of the club since
its rail tour, according to the director.
Reorganization has been made both In
personnel and program.
Definite announcement concern lm;
the tour cannot yet be made. Negotia¬
tions are going rapidly forward.
Watch the "Crimson” for further de¬
velopment of the plans.
and fishing, and tennis,
wart blonde of six feet weighing 153
pounds. Frequently he is referred to
"Lindy” because of hie resemblance
to the aviator.
It is interesting to note the honors
Frye has received during his stay at
Howard. He holds perhaps more hon¬
ors lhan any other student. It was
not until the beginning of
year that he became a fraternity man.
He was barely defeated in his Sopho¬
more year for business manager of
the JQntre Nous. He- has served on
many various committees. Was chair¬
man of the spring election last year,
and lias been, since entering Howard,
a standby on the tennis team.
United States.
Federation of California" finances and
conducts the contra a as a contribu¬
tion toward bettor bad more intelli-
No time limit will he set for the
orations this year, but the orations
must not excetd 1,500 words. Each
college must finish selecting its rep¬
resentative by April 15. The regional
contest will take place between the
dates, April 25-May 8. Th«e who win
the regional contest will go to the
Zone Contest or national
to be held sometime between May 18
and May 30. Winners In this elimi¬
nation will participate In the National
final contest at Loe Angeles June 19.
The prizes, seven In nnmbsr. will be
paid in cash at the Grand Jfrials in
Los Angeles in the following amounts:
first, 51,500; second, 51.000; third
5750; fourth 51-60 ; fifth 5400; sixth
5400, and seventh 5400.
The orations in the 19-10 contest
most be on any one of the following
The Constitution of the United
Constitutional Ideals.
Constitutional Duties.
Constitutions! Aspiration*.
The Constitution and the Supreme
Compounds" Thla brought forwa-d
nev dves, new pertimes and n< w
"The thirl and most recent devek p
met it in tie field la the "Study >f
Val -ijce Forces Within Dyes. P* r-
tunes and Medfclne. " This is a
qua Ytitativ* study.
Freshmen Commission
Gives Y. W. Program
Elizabeth Huff woe elected pretti-
dent of Sigma Slgmtf Kappa, national
educational sorority, at the first busi¬
ness meeting of the Semester la it
week. Miss Huff succeeds Sarah
Hoover Davis as president of the or¬
Miss Huff took up her duties ns
president of Sigma Sigma Kapie
Tuesday, Feb,
Variety Js the spice of life! The
Y. W. C. A. with the freshmen com¬
mission in charge, is going to furnish
ha with a spicy program. Variety Day
which is Thursday. We have been
eagerly looking forward to this day.
Journalism Classes Of
Howard-Southern Meet
At the meeting
appreciation was extended to Mr».
Davis for the splendid service ren¬
dered as president. Mrs. Davis failed
to return to school the second semei-
The Freshman Commission Is tup
niahing and decorating the Y. W. of¬
fice in the Religious Activity bulMlng.
Just watch them! They not only give
Interesting programs bnt they are do¬
ing many things to help their organi¬
zation and their college. Come out to
their program and get your share ef
Journalism students of Howard and
Birmingham-Southern met for an
evening of good fellowship and fan
Tuesday night at the Bankhead Hotel.
James J. Smith, former owner and
publisher of The Birmingham Ledger
addressed the Joint session of more
than 100 students.
In addition to Mr. Smith's reminfs-
Gottlieb Bring* Chapel
Talk On ‘Books’ Wed