well as classroom achievements. “
“On the permanent college rec¬
ords, each student will be graded
on this part of his college life each
semester. It will appear as Cooper-
Uon in College Life as foUows: A—
excellent; C— satisfactory; F— un¬
satisfactory. This will be Included
in every official recommendation
which goes out from the college.
"Students who have duties which
make chapel attendance a hard¬
ship may be excused at the dis¬
cretion of the faculty committee.
Excessive absences will be handled
by the same committee."
In commenting on the new plans,
Dean P. P. Borns said, “The ad-
The grades on the permanent rec¬
ords will carry neither credit nor
quality points. Prof. LeRoy Reaves,
registrar, said, “The records will
have influence the rest of the stu¬
dents’ lives. For example, the FBI,
the Army Intelligence, the Retail
Credit Bureau and many other
agencies contact my office every
semester, for information about
students. I am compelled to report
honestly what the reCbrds show. I
am always happy when the rec¬
ommendations are good!!
The faculty chapel committee Is
m. and Louis Wilkinson, director of religious activities, are
Tom Donnelly, chairman of ushers; Betty Claire Shannon, co¬
in of informal discussions; Charles Davis, music chairman;
ae Hester, committee member; Arthur Dennis, co-chairman of
1 discussions; and Nell Turner, publicity chairman are standing.
Tatum, Riis
Head Cast Of
Coming Play
Ethel Tatum and Erling Riis, as
Kate Hardcastle and Marlow, head
a cast of nineteen in "She Stoops
to Conquer,” Masquer’s third pro¬
duction this year.
The play opens February 21st in
the college auditorium, and will
run through February 24th.
Mary Olive R&Phaul and L D.
Crane play the English mother and
father, Mr. and Mrs. Hardcastle,
and Jesse Lovett is cast as Mrs.
Hard castle’s spoiled son, Tony
Tickets Available
A limited number of student
tickets are available for the
matinee performance of Shake-
spear's "Comedy of Errors” to
be given by the’ Barter Theater.
Tickets are 90 cents and may
be bought Monday and Tuesday
in the lobby of Main. The play
will be presented Tuesday, Feb¬
ruary 14th.
Reserved seats for the .night
performance are also availabe,
at $1.80 a seat
Chapel will be held only on
Monday and Wednesday of each
week. The hour is 11:40 o’clock. Ex¬
cept for the w6ek of February 5th,
a different program will be pre¬
sented each day.
Reorganized Staff
To Meet At 11:40
A re-organization of the report¬
ing staff of the CRIMSON has gone
Marguerite Rutledge is the charm¬
ing Constance Neville, and Julius
Jones will portray Hastings, her
Others in the cast are: Mary
Nell Williams, the maid; Raymond
Padgett, Sir Charles Marlow; Carl
Hurtton. Diggory; Joe Giles, Rog¬
er; Jim Russell, Dick; Russell Wil¬
liams. Stingo; Robert Youngblood,
Slany; Charles Dorris, Amlnadab;
Winston Hardegree, Jeremy; and
Jack Bridges, Marlow's servant.
Howard Orms will direct the
play, with Paul Talmadge as stu¬
dent assistant. •
Any students interested in work¬
ing on the CRIMSON are invited to
attend the meeting of the stuff this
morning at 11:40 in the CRIMSON
office, student activity bn...lng
Nell Turner, associate editor, will
be in charge of features and of re¬
ligion news. New Circulation Man¬
ager is Gordan Joiner.
Louis Isaacson, sports editor has
complete charge of the sports news
In the paper, and will be aided by
Joanne Cunningham and Lewis Mc¬
New society editor is Marilyn
Pryor, for sororities, and Rachel
Knight is in charge of fraternity
Blood Needed
A young hemophilic, nephew of
a Howard student, is in desperate
need of blood. He requires a trans¬
fusion every week, and this blood
must be replaced in the blood bank.
Nephew of Morris Johnston, a
Howard freshman, the boy's supply
of blood has ran out, and the family
needa contributions. Any type of
Handling news from the drama,
English, art, and music depart-
IR Club Sponsors
Supper, Discussion
As a special feature of Religious
Emphasis Week, the International
Relations Club is sponsoring a sup¬
per club meeting at the College
Cafeteria with Dr. James A. Stew¬
art as guest speaker.
Procedure for the supper wiirbe
for each student to get his supper
from the regular line, then sit at
reserved tables where Dr. Stewart
will -Informally discuss pertinent
ChangedChapel Regulations
Include 'Cooperation' Grade
Revised regulations and plans for the college chapel pro¬
grams, voted by the faculty and announced by the administr-
tion, are now in effect, according to Major Harwell G. Davis,
college president.
cMh student is assigned a day for
will held
a part of the
one of the two
•The student Is expected to at¬
tend regularly. The administration
regards this as a significant meas¬
ure of his willingness to accept
the spirit and practice of a Chris¬
tian College that is not founded
upon a narrow creed, and one that
makes no doctrinal requirements,
but recognizes the rightful place
of morality and worshipdn college
“Each student is allowed
unexcused absences each
ter. All beyond two will be exces¬
sive. The college administration
feels that this is a minimum pro¬
gram for the students.
Beginning with this semester,
each student will receive a grade
for participating and it will be on
the permanent records under the
title, “Cooperation In CoUege Life.”
Excellent will be A, satisfactory
«ill be C, and unsatisfactory will
be F.
In making the announcement.
President Davis said, “Chapel is a
permanent and vital part of our
college program. Because of our
limited facilities, we are forced to
divide the student body between
the two days. The fact that each
student is required to attend only
one thirty minute period each week
does not mean that this is an unim¬
portant matter. The administration
expects every student to adjust his
classes and his work so that he can
attend one day each week .This is
the least to require in a Christian
The complete regulations as
voted by the faculty are as follows:
“Chapel programs In which the
predominant mood Is meditation
with the help of musle and a brief
talk are conducted Monday and
Wednesday under the planning and
directing of a faculty
“CheerAl and since
tlon U expected. Students who fall
to cooperate here will forfeit all
scholarships which
granted and will
Religious Emphasis Week'
Features Irishman Stewart
FTER HIS SPEECH In chapel Monday morning, the newly elected
uperintendent of education. Mr. W. J. Terry, pooes with Major Harwell
1. Davis and Mr. Luther Little, Howard alumnus from Clanton. Mr.
erry’s speech emphasised the problems of education In today’s “stonn-
«sed ’ world, ami gave some thoughts *• how to pewseslly solve the
Western Authority
To Speak Monday
Slide pictures of national parks
and other points of interest in the
West will be featured at 8:55
Monday in the auditorium, when
Colonel H. C. Anderson lectures
on that area of. the' country.
Mr. Anderson, lecturer for the
Union Pacific Railroad, is. a nation¬
ally known speaker and authority
on the scenic points of the West
This meeting is open to all stu-
Monday morning at 10:50, serv¬
ices begin for Religious Emphasis
Week. Classes will be excused and
rearranged so that all students may
attend the services. A schedule is
printed below, showing the rear¬
Dr. James Alexander Stewart,
Church In Jacksonville, Florid», Is
the speaker of the week.
He was borrfr in Northern Ire¬
land, and received his elementary
education in Belfast He was in
school in London for three years,
followed by three years in Dublin
where he received his theological
diploma from the Irish Baptist Coi¬
ning to America in 1927, he
1 two years at the New Orleans
nary doing work in the field
of religious education.
From 1929 to 1939, he was profes¬
sor of religion at the International
College in Cuba. He went to Jack¬
sonville three years ago from the
Broadway Baptist Church in Louis¬
ville, Kentucky.
In addition to his pastorate duties
in Jacksonville, he also teaches
philosophy at the local college. He
holds the graduate degrees M. R. E.
and Ph. D.
During the week he will speak
at a number of informal dlsous-
They include Alpha Delta Pi
International Relation*
Club, H and PE Clubs, Barracks
ten, fraternities, and
An Informal reception Is planned
for Monday night after the first
service, given by the Pan-Hellenic
Tom Donnelly is in charge of get¬
ting ushers for the week, and they
will come from the fraternities.
will be held Monday.
Tuesday and Thursday night at
Wednesday night Dr. Stewart
will speak at Ruhama at 7:30.
"Christ— Today’s Imperative” is
the general theme for the week.
Jesse Blankenship is general chair¬
man. with Betty Claire Shannon,
Wylodine Hester. Tom Donnelly,
Charles Davis, Arthur Dennis, and
Nell Turner as chairmen of the
various committees.
Bo that the same classes will not
be interrupted every day, the 10:4S
and 10:50 classes will alternate with
according to
Monday— follow regular schedule;
10:45 classes will be dismissed.
Tuesday— follow regular schedule;
10:50 classes will ije dismissed.
Wednesday— 10:45 classes will
meet at 8:00, and 8:00 classes will
be cut
Thursday— 10:50 classes will meet
at 8:00, and 8:00 classes will be cut
Friday— 10:45 classes will meet
at 8:55, and 8:55 classes will be cut
Student Directory
The Student Directory is still
available, announced editor Rob¬
ert Youngblood this week.
H you have not yet received
your copy, pick it up in the Pub-
lice Relations Office from Mrs.
Charles Cleveland.
All students, including those
who started here this semester,
are entitled to one copy of the