The Howard-Troy State Teach¬
er* game will be broadcast over
WBRC-FM tomorrow nljht di¬
rectly from the stadium for the
Attention all men living in
the barracks area. There will be
a meeting of all men living in
the bachelor men’s quarters at
Duration Hall on Tuesday. Nov.
15, 9:00 p.m. All men are urged
to attend.
Preparation For Homecoming Nearing Completion
The Howard
rub elbows with new grads anc
Friday, November 11, 1949
No. 6
Student Directory Out Next Week
Davis . . •
Is s town congratulating Don
to loward’s new campus. Don
raised over $250.00 towards the new
check to be applied
Nu fraternity.
is sight
Alpha Phi Omega has announced
that a new, larger, and more at¬
tractive student directory will be
ready for distribution during the
first part of next week.
Contents of the latest edition
will include the names, Birmlng-
major field of
class of each
student Faculty members and
other Information will be listed at
the front of the book.
A table will be set up in the
lobby of Main for distribution of
the books. Members of A. P. O.
fraternity will be responsible for
getting the books out.
The new publication will con¬
tain 78 pages as compared with
69 pages In last year’s directory.
Editor Hank Bullard wishes to
thank the college administration
staff for their help In making the
book as accurate as possible.
Students representing . . .
By Joe McKnight
Grab your hat and get your coat but hold up a minute.
Don’t go away because the big day is just around the corner.
Plans for the long-awaited homecoming celebration are draw¬
ing to a close. ’Tis just one more week before the old grads
‘ undergrads.
Replies to the homecoming invi¬
tations are coming into the Public
Relations office in a steady stream.
Names of the contestants for Home¬
coming queen have been filed in
the office of .the Dean of Women.
Sororities, fraternities, and other
organizations who wished to com¬
pete in the outdoor display exhi¬
bitions have notified Mrs. Pugh of
their intentions.
Queens for the day will range
from the half-pint size to the
perfect 36. Applications are com¬
ing from parents of children who
wish to vie for the baby king and
baby queen contest.
The football squad will visit Troy
this week end but you can bet that
they will be ready, willing and
raring to go when Millsaps college
invades the campus next Saturday.
The early part of the day will be
taken up with registration of
alumni. Its a safe guess that the
words "Remember when . . .” will
initiate many an interesting con¬
versation during the day. A couple
of fine young cows have kindly
consented to give their all for the
occasion. They may be found at
the Bar-B-Q pit between 12:30 and
2:00 o’clock. Don’t be bashful about
stepping up for your share. Its all
on the house and off the cow.
The Bulldogs will take on the
Millsaps boys In Berry Reid, the
first college game to be played
here since 1940. Kickoff time is
2:00 pm. The day’s activities will
be topped off by the crowning
of Miss Homecoming, 1949 style,
at half-time.
Come one. Come alL Let down
your hair, relax and enjoy your¬
self. Homecoming comes but once
a year. Make the most, of it.
Cuban Tells
Of Vitamin
Miss Heddy Lopez, nutritionist at
Spies clinic in Havana, Cuba, was
guest speaker before the Howard
branch of the American Pharma¬
ceutical Association at a recent
meeting. The group met in the
Science Hall auditorium on Thurs¬
day, November 3, at 11:00
Her talk centered around experi¬
ments with vitamin B-12, a new
drug, and a comparative discussion
of American and Cuban pharma¬
cies. She revealed that Cuban
Apothecaries are controlled by the
government Their location is de¬
termined according to population.
Such stores are only allowed to
sell drugs and hospital supplies.
The pharmacies are permitted to
remain open only a certain number
of hours during the day. Educa¬
tional requirements are about the
same as they are in the U. S. How¬
ever, Cuban high schools offer -a
five year high school course lead¬
ing to pharmacy.
Vitamin B-12 is a recent discov¬
ery of the medical world. It is
used specifically for the treatment
of Addisonian anemia, commonly
known as a degeneration of the
bone marrow. It has proven effec¬
tive when given in very small
Spies clinics are scattered through
out the nation and near-by foreign
countries. Their founder is Profes¬
sor Spies, scientist professor bio¬
logical chemistry at the University
of Cincinnati.
boward College at Shocco Springs last week are pictured
tended all or part of the B. S. U. Concention. _
above. More than sixty students at-
Masquers Production of “Our Town 99 Closes Tonight
hove nnt
“rtlir Town”.
The stage manager makes believe that he Is passing 1
Sated at thTcoke counter are Julius /one* UU# George Olbb*
was put on sans prop*
the drinks aren’t real (darn It).
la In the college show “Our Town”.
Doris Moore, Emily Webb. The show
If you have not seen “Our Town
tonight will be your last chance.
This is perhaps one of the best plays
the Masquers have presented in
some time.
Lance Anderson, aa the Stage
Manager, gave a good performance
as narrator of the story of “Our
Town.” This Is an exceptionally
difficult part since there are long
monologues In whi* the Stage
Manager describes the scenes and
tells what happens In them.
Doris Moore played an outstand¬
ing role as Emily, a young girl in
Grover’s Corners, but her finest
performance came in the third act
when she goes back from her grave
to visit her home as a little girl.
Julius Jones, as George Gibbs,
put on a convincing performance.
Jean Jacks played Mrs. Gibbs ex¬
tremely well and Mary Olive Mc-
Phaul was perfectly cast in the role
of Mrs. Webb. Good performances
were given by Hugh Morris and
Buzz Busbin as Mr. Webb and Mr.
Gibbs respectively.
Professor Willard, played by
Wheeler Bonfield, gave a very good
bit performance. The other sup-
(Continued on Page Six)
Focus Week
Rally Thurs.
A rally building up to religious
focus week will be sponsored by
the student senate on Thursday,
November 17, at 7:30 p Bob
Norman, President of the /student
senate will be master of cere¬
A. A. Staples, pastor of Fairfield
Highland Baptist church will be
the principal speaker. He Is a grad¬
uate of Eastern Baptist Theological
Seminary of Philadelphia, Pa. He
is outstanding In young people’s
work In this section.
All sororities, fraternities, and
clubs are urged to attend. They
may attend in a body if they like.
Entre Nous
• • •
Beauty Parade
• • •
Saturday 8:30 P.M.
• • •