Friday, February 18, 1949
Howard Leads Dixie
The Woman
El ction of officers for the
Frer ch Club will be held Thursday,
Febi jar
24, announced Mrs. Mar-
gare. D. Sizemore, faculty advisor.
Othir business will also be taken
up iit this meeting.
PI ms for a city-wide French proj¬
be carried out in March will
be discussed after the business ses-
Tl.e meeting will be held at 11
am. in Riley Hall, Room 103.
Howard’s basketball team is
now at the top of the Dixie
Conference. The Bulldogs
broke a deadlock that had ex¬
isted with Mercer when they
defeated the Georgians 67-49.
The Dogs have won six games
and lost one in conference com¬
petition. They have defeated
Millsaps and Mercer twice,
Mississippi College and Ogle¬
thorpe once. The lone defeat
was at the hands of Mississippi
College. One game with Ogle¬
thorpe is left on schedule be-
for the conference tournament
gets underway the first of
Birmingham - Southern
is next on the Howard
schedule. This game with
the Panthers is the most
important of the season.
Southern enjoys a two to
one lead at the present
time. The Howard quintet
must win tonight to carry
the series into a fifth game.
The contest starts at 8
P.M. in the Southern gym.
fThe Bulldogs played their
best games of the season by
beating Mercer 67-49 and Jack¬
sonville State Teachers 61-37.
Howard is to be proud of this
late season spurt. It is hoped
they continue their fine playing
the rest of the year. Coach
Roberson’s boys have now won
ten games of the last fifteen
after losing their first six
Red Sparks leads the Bull¬
dogs’ scoring with 235 points,
followed by Gann with 232,
Parks 188, andiAnderson 164.
Line-ups for tonight's game :
Howard Southern
Gann _ F _ Chapman
Anderson - F - Ware
Sparks _ C - Oxford
Parks _ G - Hopping
Guyton _ G - Stanford
Legion Contest
Is Held Here
Murray Alley, Woodlawn, and
Ann Powell, Fairfield, were winners
in the first elimination of the
American Legion oratorical contest
among Jefferson County and city
schools held Tuesday at the How¬
ard College auditorium. j
Alley spoke on “The Bill of
Rights"; Miss Powell’s subject was
"The Constitution Then and Now.”
Mias Antoinette Sparks, di¬
rector af Howard’s speech de¬
partment, handled the arrange-
A second elimination was con¬
ducted at Fairfield High School,
Wednesday, February 16.
The two winners from each of
these eliminations will meet for
finals at the Gen. Gorgas Post No.
1, American Legion clubhouse,
2210% First Avenue, North, at 8
p.m. Friday.
Brown To Lecture
Join Mason Brown, author, lec¬
turer critic, and associate editor of
Satui day Review of Literature, will
speal in the Phillips High School
auditorium Friday, February 18, at
8:15 >.m. .
Two of the author’s books, “See¬
ing Things” and "Accustomed as I
Am,' were bought recently to be
film'd in Hollywood.
.icrcrding to Mrs. William R.
Vin G elder, assistant professor
of English at Howard, Mr.
Brown has been hailed as
Africa's most brilliant and en¬
tertaining lecturer.
... at Howard gives rise to scenes like this one where Ellen Hall is seen being sur¬
rounded by four male students. Those around her are Jack Tucker, Ben Windham, Inos
Evans, and Max Morris.
• • • the flag each morning
one of
many service project* ef Alpha
Ph Omega on this campus.
Weeks and Charles Darts are
waung those who serve on the
Men Lead Women Students
By Attendance Ratio of 4-1
“Didn't you know? There’s, a man-power shortage.” This comment has been the scape¬
goat of many jokes following the war. The boys took the attitude that if. one romance fell on
the rocks it wouldn’t be too hard to find another sucker who would bite his “line.”
It’s different at Howard. According to recent statistics the boys outnumber the girls 928
to 225. This means there are 4.124 men for each coed.
French Movie
To Be Shown
The Howard College French Club,
in keeping with its recently inau¬
gurated program, will present a
French movie, “Francois Villon,” at
the East Lake Theater at a later
date this month.
According to Auther Walker,
president of the club, plans are to
present one movie each month
which will have cultural, educa¬
tional and entertainment values.
Foreign language and English class¬
es were dismissed in January to
see “La Cage Aux Rossignols.”
Senior Invitations
Orders for graduation invita¬
tions will be taken next week
by Lester ' Roach, invitation
committee chairman, each day
from 10 to 11 a.m. in Main.
Any senior completing grad¬
uation requirements at the end
of this quarter who wishes to
get their invitations before
leaving must make their order
by Friday, February 25.
This fact throws a different
light on the subject. Most 'stu¬
dents had not stopped to think
about the situation. Some ap¬
peared rather surprised and
filled with wonder at the
thought of a four to one ratio.
“I think it’s drastic!” Jim
Lovette exclaimed.
In a nonchalant air Preston Bar-
clift remarked, “It doesn't bother
at all.”
"Oh every girl can handle three
or four men,” laughingly joked Dot
Roberson. “After all, variety is the
spice of life."
"One is enough for me,” sighed
Dorothy Davis.
Johnny Stokes remarked, “What
a fouled-up stiuation!”
“It should be nice for the girls,”
agreed Fred Martin.
’’We might as well enjoy it while
we can,” smiled Wylodine Hester
as she dimpled prettily. “It can’t
last forever.”
“It is of no consequence or
importance to me, this dearth of
skirts about the campus,” mused
Mark Chandler, “for il am a
chronic and incontrovertible
Herbert Haynes seriously stated,
"I think it's terrible — something
ought to be done about it.”
For the boys’ sake, "1 hope most
of the girls aren’t going steady,”
v (Continued on Page 3)
New Campus
Is Surveyed
Major Harwell G. Davis, Howard
president, announced this week that
preliminary surveys are being made
on the new campus site at Edge-
wood Lake which are required be¬
fore any landscaping or construc¬
tion can be started.
“It was necessary to dig a
Urge number of pita in the area
to ascertain the type material
found under the soil which will
have to be moved to lay out
the new campus as planned,”
Major Davis said.
An analysis of this work will
have to be completed before it will
be known whether or not the tenta¬
tive campus designs can be carried
out, the president announced.
Work Available
The Howard
The Shining Hour 9
Next Week
Back the Team
at Southern