Wm. Weaver To Preach At Rally
A religious rally In preparation
for the Student Revival will be
held in the Howard auditorium
Tuesday, November 23, at 7:30 p.m.
The main speaker will be Mr.
dent secretary and former di- j V' 1 ..i-J, .. ,
of religious activities .
William Weaver
Senate Group
Sells Tickets
“The purpose of the rally," said
Tuesday morning the Student
Senate voted to conduct a ticket
sales campaign for two plays to be
presented here next spring by Tour¬
ing Players, Inc.
The college administration
Jo Griffin, chairman of religious
preparations, "is. to prepare students
for a revival which will be held
on the campus from November 29
through December 3.” She stated
that another aim of the rally la to
instill in the students the realiza¬
tion of the need for Christian living
on the campus.
Lewis Drommond will give the
student testimony. Special music
will be by Doris Smith and J. S.
Thornley. Bob Norman will direct
the choir and Mildred Hughes will
be pianist. _
. . . will be leading the singing at
the religious rally Tuesday at 7:30
p.m. In the college auditorium.
e piomut.
To Be Ready Soon
"The 1948-1949 student directory
will be made available to the stu¬
dent? sometime during the first part
of Dtecember,” Frank Bledsoe, edi¬
tor, announced last week. The cover
Is being printed now and the in¬
terior portion of «the directory will
go to press in approximately 16
Retired Architect
. . . will preach at the religious
rally Tuesday night It to being
held In preparation for the etndent
Meeting Announced
For Master Masons
The Square and Compass Club,
a campus organization of Master
Masons, will ipeet Tuesday, Novem¬
ber 23, at 7:30 pjn. in the Howard
Ritz to hear a report from those
who visited the Square and Com¬
pass Club at the University of Ala-
Addresses Class
"Architecture is an advancement
of the needs of people”, stated Mrs.
Carolyn Smith, retired architect of
this city, who spoke to members Of
the Fine Arts Class Monday.
During the past summer Mrs.
Smith visited 1* countries of Europe
studying the art of Europe and Asia.
Samford l
Tom Moore !
The Howard
Attend The Ratty
Tuesday Night
Students To Lead Revival Here
Beauty Parade Is Tonight
•vn . _ lit L. Uhf!.. _
_ M _ - - ■ - 1
Who will be “Miss Entre Nous
of 1949?
Tonight the preliminaries for the
annu il beauty parade will be held
in the college auditorium, at 8:30.
J udges — Mr. Charles Logan,
from the radio station, WSGN;
Mia Lily Mae Caldwell, a Bir¬
mingham News reporter; Mr.
Fr meU Faulk en berg, manager
of the Alabama Theatre; and
Mrs. Morris Bush — and the
beiuty contestants will be
guests at
banquet at Renfroe,
at 7:00.
Tuesday Mr. Tom Moore, star of
the radio show "Ladles Be Seated,”
will select the new queen, from the
12 livorites chosen by the qther
Morris Battle, beauty editor, an¬
nounced that each organization will
be responsible for corsage not cost¬
ing more than $5.00.
.T.ident, men's honor society,
chase Linda Battle as their repre¬
sentative. A Capella Choir selected
Patricia Trent; the French Club
Kathryn • Leath; American Red
Cross-Student Branch, Norma Jean
Robinson; Sigma Nu, Marcia O’Neal;
Alpha Delta Pi, Betty Nicholson
Pi Kappa Phi, Beverly Knight
American Chemical Society-Student
Branch, Joyce Baker; Phi Mu, Peg¬
gy Baker.
Girls' Dormitory Council, Doris
Moore; Alpha Epsilon Delta, Jo
Baltzer; Mission Band, Pat Mullins;
Baptist Student Union, Martha
Anr.e Jenkins; Wesley Foundation,
Jimsey M’urphree; Library Club,
Carolyn King; Commerce Guild,
Evelyn Teel; pharmacy de¬
partment, Joyce Griffin.
(Continued on Page 2)
We would see Jesus” to the
theme of the Student Revival con¬
stituting Howard's annual Religious
Emphasis Week, beginning Novem¬
ber 29, the first Monday following
Thanksgiving, and continuing
through December 3, announced
Earl Butler, general revival chair¬
"Unlike emphasis weeks of the
past which have featured well
known guest speakers, the lead¬
ers this year are five select stu¬
dent» of the ministerial associa¬
tion at Howard who strive for
the furtherance of the Christian
bond of fellowship," Butler
Baptist Student Union president
Jo Griffin said, "We expect this re¬
vival, which is not sponsored by
any organization, to be a true one
and this is possible only through I
the active participation of each stu-
dent on the campus.”
The revival program will consist
of two services each day, 11:00 in
the morning and 7:30 in the eve¬
ning. Butler said that nothing def¬
inite had been decided about the
class schedule except that there
would be special arrangements
Speaking at the Monday morning
service is Bob Ferguson, whose top¬
ic is “We Would See Jesus." The
evening service will be conducted
by John L. Smith, "Greatest Opporr
tunity for Life."
The other services in order are
C. Bennet, "Wanted
Power," and Charles Christmas,
r - "Christ in Our Experience"; Wed-
. . . un the religious life committee In preparation fer the Student Revival are, front row, John Edwards, Jo Sir’^Fer™ "Hide
Dick wZluJ*™1*'
r°W’ W,1U““' Jemee Stlvender, Mr. Ray Atchlnson, Away"; Thursday, Jack Green, ^Al¬
ternative for Eternity," and Ben-
net, “Now I See Thee.” The final
service Friday morning will be led
by Smith whose topic is “Where
Do We Go From Here?”
1 hope that each person on the
campus will find real enrichment
for his spiritual life in this revival,’’’
said Dick Wallace, religious edu¬
cation director.
Jean Whitehead, music chairman, ,
announced that song leaders would
be Cecil Roper, Bill Buchanan and
Bob Herring. Special music will
consist of a sextet composed of
Mary Vesta Barnard, Jimsy Mur-
phree, Clara Jean Knight, Annie
Belle Counts, Mary Frances’ Bolding
and Nell Nunnelly; a quartet com¬
posed of Maude E. Jordon, Frances
Manning, Betty Sheffield, and Glo¬
ria Tucker.
Solos will be given by Ellen Hall
and Helen Johnson. Edith Van Cu-
ren will render presentations on
her mirimba.
Other committees and chairmen
are publicity, Jlggs Stivender;
speakers committee, Ottis Williams;,
spiritual preparation committee, Jo^
Griffin; and arrangements commit¬
tee, John Edwards.