See Masquer Play
“Night Must Fall, 91
The Howard
Crimson Deadline
Is 12:00 Noon
Each Monday
No. IS
Play Makes Big Hit
tvop imiNcnni
_ _ . ^
Excellent acting ability,
combined with good staging
and a lively plot, made the
opening performance Tuesday
night of “Night Must Fall’' a
tremendous hit The enthusi¬
astic audience brought the cast
back for five curtain calls and
then shouted for the director.
Tonight and tomorrow
night, the curtain comes down
for the last time on the action-
packed dramatic production of
“Night Must Fall."
In the two remaining pres¬
entations the audiences wi 1 1
Charles Flurry, a murderer
characterized aa "Dan,” portray
his homicidal instiritta, hie vary¬
ing personality, and occasional
humorous remarks and actions.
Co-starring with Flurry are Emily
Evans, playing the part of Mrs.
Bramson and Billye Walker, acting
as Olivia Grayne.
Very Convincing
The ability of Dan, as portrayed
in the first act, to convince Mrs.
Bramson of his integrity and good
intentions is a feat he accomplishes
that surprises the entire household,
since other members are unable to
gain such attentions. Earlier in the
act he ventures to lay a wager
with Olivia that he will be success¬
ful in this attempt
In past performances the audi¬
ences have been especially amused
with the humorous acting of Floyd
Thompson enacting the role of
Hurbert Lourie, Genie Rae Slocum
playing the part of Mrs. Terence,
Martha Martin as Dora Parkoe, and
Fal Curenton portraying Nurse
Libby. Inspector Belsize drama¬
tized by Kenneth Brown represents
the serious "No monkey business”
type. ,
Set In England
• The scene of the play, written by
the English playwrite Emlyn Wil-
Is Offered
Hospital Pharmacy, a new course
designed to relieve the present
shortage at hospital pharmacists,
wiB be at Howard
ge neat c Le*
by two
Howard, la the brother at Hugh Y.
McChnky. who is a Junior here.
Begun in the fall quarter of
1M7, the class has 40 students who
we all seniors.
Mr. Vance teaches the three-lec-
ture-per-week course and a series
of lectures by authorities are of¬
fered. Last quarter specialists in
the field of drugs, the laboratory,
Parenteral therapy, purchasing and
nursing were presented.
(Continued on page 8)
liams^ takes place in the living room . two weeks later
of Mrs. Bramaons bungalow in The lighting effects, showing the
Emex. England. The time of year is darkness as it gradually doses in,
mid-Fail, beginning one October were made possible through the
morning and ending after nightfall | new switchboard recently installed.
Handcuffed ....
r). Kenneth Brown, left, playing the role of b-
loes the handcuffing. Billye Walker, right, aa Olivia,
Howard Student Coaches Two
Boys Cage Teams — And Wins
How would you like to take care
of a barrel of monkeys?
You wouldn't? Well, here is a
fellow who has an even harder Job.
He handles forty curious, inquisi¬
tive, and energetic boys, and what
do you think? He enjoys it
The lion tamer is a Howard stu¬
dent a former coach, and a leader
for the youth of America. His
name is Marion T. Payne, better
known on the campus as "Bud.”
Bud is a social studies major but
he plans to enter the coaching field
upon his graduation this summer.
Aid Coaches
Through the Park and Recreation
Board and the Chamber of Com¬
merce. he has obtained a position
coaching youngsters. These two
organizations have originated a plan
Marine Officer
To Visit Campus
The U. S. Marine Corps has an¬
nounced that Marine Major H. G.
Gunter will visit the campus on
March 8 and 9 in order to acquaint
students at Howard College with
the Platoon Leaders Class.
The Platoon Leaders Class is an
officer candidate program which
offers freshmen, sophomores and
Juniors the opportunity to earn re-
serve commiieione by attending
training during the summer vaca¬
tion months.
Terms of training are held at the
Marine Corps School. Quantico,
Virginia, thirty miles south of
Washington, D. C.
to aid future coaches of Howard
and Birmingham-Southern. Each
college selects eight students to
coach teams in their vicinity. There
are two leagues, the eastern and
the western, made up of teams with
three different weights, 115, 130,
and 150 pounds. The ages of the
boys range from 12 to 18. The
teams of each league compete In
inter-league games and the cham¬
pions of each weight group play
championship game with the re¬
spective teams of the other division.
This past season, the eastern divi¬
sion won all three of the champion¬
ship games. Payne's ,115 and 130
pound teams won the champion¬
ship and each member of the teams
and Coach Payne received
(Continued on page 2)
Mrs. Martinson
Chosen To Sing
4The Messiah’
Mrs. Kathleen Martinson, director
of the music department at How¬
ard. has been engaged by the Col¬
lege of Emporia, Emporia. Kansas,
to sing the soprano solos in two
performances of THE MESSIAH
The first performance will be
given on Palm Sunday. March 21,
followed by another on Monday
evening, March 22. The Messiah is
(Continued an page 2)
Pre-Registration Is
Scheduled Mar. 8-10
Same Procedure As Used Last Quarter
To Be Followed Again Says Mrs. Kirkland
Pre-registration for the Spring quarter will be held next
Monday through Wednesday, March 8, 9, and 10, with the
deadline for final registration set for Monday, March 22, Mrs.
Helen Kirkland, registrar, annonuced this week.
Class schedules were made available last Monday and
are still on hand in the regis- - - —
Green Plan
Is Pending
Faculty Committee
To Vote This Week
trar’s office.
Beginning Monday, the 8th,
through Wednesday,' the 10th,
registration books will be in the
office and students may fill them
out and turn them in as before.
The same procedure as used last
quarter will be employed again,
with the students registering re¬
quested to pick up their books,
consult their instructors, fill out
the books, and turn them in as
soon as possible
Final registration will be held in
the gym on Monday, March 22.
Students will register according to
their classification. The seniora will
register first followed by the other
classes In order. Classification lists
will be posted on the walls in the
office to enable students to find
out the hour when they will regis¬
ter. Students are asked to refer to
these sheets to avoid confusion.
All students wiU come to the
gym at the time designated for
them. The Seniors and Juniors will
be registered from 8:00 to 10:00
followed by the Sophomores and
The Green proposal for an all
campus congress composed of rep¬
resentatives from all officially rec¬
ognized student organizations Is
pending approval by the faculty
committee on student organiza¬
The proposal was presented to
the board at their last meeting.
They^are to meet sometime this
week for final agreement. “It Is
believed that the proposal will be
accepted unanimously with a few
changes," Professor Oscar S. Caus¬
ey said.
Action By Dean
Green hopes that the anticipated
approval of the faculty boaijl will
(Continued on page 8)
Neatest Pharmacy Shelves