105 Years of Great Tradition
HowardCojlfge, Birmingham, Alabama. May 20. 1947
rve* hi* party best who
s country best”
—Rutherford B. Hayes.
Jecton is over! It's really
Is pity 0 »t the school spirit can t
| remain it the height that It has
been dui ng the past few weeks,
ll can tru i fully say that the morale
of the sh lent body has never been
|higher— a least during the past
. But I suppose life is
Politics always brings
bulent, spirited gust of
Group Presents
Variety Revue
May 23. at 7:30. Fellowship Hall
of Ruhama Baptist Church will be
turned over to the college depart¬
ment of the Sunday school for a
night of excitement and gaiety. The
party is to be in the form of a
variety revue with Bob (Hope)
Raffield as master of ceremonies.
Stanley Howell in an Ernest Tubbs
act, Jimmy (A1 Jolson) Pickins
with the renowned “Manny.” the
famous Andrews Sisters, a "Little
Nell” act by Nancy Smith and Sue
McGraw. black face acts and other
entertainments by local talent
Committees for the organization
and planning of the party have
been chosen and are as follows:
Program: Myra Gravlee. Robert
Weaver, James Earl Peacock, Millie
Hughes, Jeannette Counts; pub¬
licity: Dick Courtney. Edna Phifer.
Margie Godwin. Niel Shepherd.
Stanley Howell: stage managers:
Tob Beal. Bill Heard; floor engi¬
neers: Odell Grady. Julius Jones.
Mickey Hughes, Richard Clem.
lias; decoration: Maude
Ellen Jordan, Earline Minyard;
reservation and finance: Charles
Martin. Gerry Mitchell. Ottls Wil¬
liams. Anna belle Counts; refresh¬
ment room supervisory: Roy Liles.
Wllda Goes. Jack Gibson, France*
Bell; refreshments: Porter Landrum.
Peggy Baker. Viola f.jrgeon's class
will act a* waitresses.
Choir Presents
Concert Tonight
For Graduate
Plans have been made for you to
assemble in Fellowship Hall of
Ruhama Baptist Church at 10:30 in
the morning. Sunday. June 1, 1947,
for the academic procession into
the church auditorium.
The graduation exercises will be
held in Ruhama Baptist Church
Monday, June 3. 1947, at 10:30 In
the morning. Seniors will form a
line in front of Renfroe Hall on
the college campus to Ruhama Bap¬
tist Church. The head marshal
will be present to answer any
questions and to give instructions.
You may have your cap and
gown fitted in the treasurer's of¬
fice Thursday and Friday. May 28
and 29 from 9:00 a Jn. until 4:00
pjn. and on Saturday, May 31, from
9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Your
diploma fee is $10.00 and the rental
fee on your cap and gown is $2.90.
You are urged to arrive promptly
at the designated time for both oc¬
casions so that the marshals will
The Howard College A Capella
Choir will present its annual spring
concert tonight. May 20. at 8:00
pm. in the college auditorium, un¬
der the direction of Mrs. R. A.
The program to be presented is
as follows: Bill DeWitt featured as
soloist will sing “Let Thy Blessed
Spirit," and “Love Divine" Fol¬
lowing these selections the entire
chofr will ging German and Davi¬
sons “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy
Miss H-Day, Martha Ann Ingram,
C. Bennett will then sing
Friml-Rleggen' “Giannina Mia."
and Romberg's "Serenade." Ac¬
companying them will be a violin
trio composed of Florence Kirby,
Dempsey Pennington and John
Next, the Girls Ensemble will ap¬
pear to sing “So's I Can Write
My Name"' by Cain, followed by a
trumpet duet featuring Bob Nor¬
man and George Coaker.
The choir will then sing the fol¬
lowing selections with John Moore
as soloist: “Nina,” "Yank 'N
"Tanka,” “Luh Luh” and “One
An organ selection will then be
rendered by Loretta Rosebrough.
The Boys' Ensemble will step into
the spotlight and will sing the
following selections: "Remember
Me." “Jesus, the Light of the
World* and The Lost Chord."
These selections will be followed
by selections on the marimba by
Edith Van Keuren.
The choir will return to make Its
final appearance for the evening
singing Mallna “Revival Song.”
“Were You There," "X W^t to be
Ready." by Cain. Sullivans “On¬
ward Christian Soldiers." and The
Lord Bless You and Keep You."
8:00 ajn. - 8:00 ajn., Wednesday. May 28
9:00 ajn. - fcOO am., Friday, May 30
- 8:00 am.,. Thursday. May 29
12:00 noon - , -
a.m., Wednesday, May 28
1:00 pjn - - 11:00 am., Friday, May 30
2:00 pjn - - 2:00 pm, Wednesday, May 28
3:00 pm - ! — 2:00 p.m, Friday, May 30
4:00 pjn - 2.00 pm. Thursday, May 29
All examination* will be two hours in length: 8:00-10:00 am;
pm; and 2:00-4
All section» of English la and English lb will be examined at
8Л0 аж,
Saturday. May 84.
From 8:00 am until 4:00 pm
Forrester Elected Student President
Finials On
Student Elections
‘New Wheels’ Forrester,
Merit, Slocum, Jones
Student body elections ended last
Thursday afternoon with the run¬
off between Calvin Forrester and
Wade Schultz, candidates Jor pres¬
The Student Senate certainly
deserves a round of applause for
the efficient way with which they
conducted the voting system for the
election. Many moons have passed
since such a tremendous amount of
school spirit has been displayed, as
was in this recent student election.
There were so many qualified
candidates, accompanied by hard
working politicians, that the cam¬
paign continued to strengthen in
tenseness until the final counting
of the ballots.
Final returns from the elections
are as follows: Tuesday's count for
president: Calvin Forrester 338,
Wade Schultz 320. and Charles
Tinney 233. James Merk defeated
his opponent, Dennis Dodd, with
952-328 votes. Genie Rae Slocum
polled 520 votes over Helen Har¬
rell's 352 making her secretary for
the coming year. _
Benna Jean Jones, newly elected
treasurer, won over her opponent,
John Newell, with a count of 479-
397. Boyce Albright waa elected
editor-in-chief of the Howard
Crimson with 502 votes to L. T.
Robertson's 382. E. M. Ford waa
elected editor of “The Entre Nous”
with 528 votes to Robert Weaver**
348. The unopposed candidate. Mar¬
gie Sue Barclift, wtU serve as
editor of the Bull Pup.
In Thursday's run-off, Calvin
Forrester was elected president of
the student body with 448 votes to
Wade Schultz' 428.
Yea have elected these students
to guide your student government
during the coming year. They will
take the following oath: "I do sol¬
emnly affirm that 1 wUl faithfully
execute the dutl^ of My office and
will to the best of my1 ability sup¬
port the constitution of the Student
Your officers, Calvin Forrester,
James Merk, Genie Rae Slocum,
Benna Jean Jones, Boyce Albright
E. M. Ford and Marjorie Barcllft,
will pledge you their best so In or¬
der that we may be recorded as
the most unified and spirited stu¬
dent body ever to attend Howard
give them your support!!
have ample time to assign places
without last minute haste and con¬
9:00 ajn. -
10-00 a.m.
12:00 noon
1 -oft pm
p m
_ 2:00 1
4:00 pjn. _