Beljl Hoshizaki, student at the
Southern Baptist Theological Semi¬
nary, Louisville, Ky., will speak in
chapel Tuesday morning
1 Re¬
ligious Focus Week on "What
Christ Means to Me."
Mr. Hoshizaki was born in this
country ol Japanese parentage. He
has been a popular speaker and
counselor at Ridgecrest and at
many other student meetings.
Miss Marjorie Moore has been
'selected to lead in Religious Focus
Week, February 16-24. She will
lead the seminar — "Contemporary
Mission Needs" on Tuesday and
Thusfday nights ol that week.
Miss Moore was born in Athene,
Georgia. She received her early
education in the public schools ol
South Carolina. Later she at¬
tended Converse where she re¬
ceived her A.B. degree in 1933.
She was graduated from the
Woman's Missionary Union Train¬
ing School in 1935. Graduate work
has been done at the School ol
Journalism in Northwestern Uni¬
She has held many important
positions in the Southern Baptist
Convention. Since '1942, she has
been managing editor pi The Com¬
mission, Foreign Mission Board
the Southern Baptist Convention.
Dr. John D. Freeman will lead
the Seminar, "Southern Baptist's
Program Among Rural Churches".
Monday and Wednesday nights at
8:00 in Main 203. He wUl also
speak at Morning Watch Thursday
morning on the subject, "Draw Nigh
Unto God Through Corporate Wor¬
'Dr. Freeman was bom near Al-
lene, Arkanass. He received his
A.B. degree Irom the University ol
Arkansas where he was president
ol the senior class. His other de¬
grees include: MA, Duke Univer¬
sity; TH.M. Southern Baptist Theo¬
logical Seminary; D.D., Union Uni¬
versity and Ouachita College. He
has held pastorates in Kentucky
and Tennessee. He has also, served
as editor ol the BAPTIST AND
RECORDER and executive secre¬
tary ol the Baptist State Board ol
Tennessee. He is now supervisor or
rural work lor the Southern Bap¬
tist Home Missions Board. Dr. Free¬
man has written several books in¬
Special Music ~
For This Week
Dick Hogue, chairman ol the
music committee lor Religious Fo¬
cus Week, has announced an ex¬
tensive musical program to be pre¬
sented during the various services
ol the week. Those to take an ac¬
tive part in leading the music are:
Rex Dickey, Chorister; Sue Marion
and Mildred Hughes, organists; Iva
Nell Hurt and James Earl Pea¬
cock, pianists; and Edith Van Keu-
ren, marimba. Special music will
be given by the Cape 11a choir and
rrfale chorous directed by Mrs. Mar¬
tinson and an octet directed by Lor¬
etta Roseb rough. Numerous soloist
will also be heard.
Howard Goes
On The Air
Howard College will be featured
on 'Teens On The Air" 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, over WAPI. Teens On
The Air is sponsored by Black's de¬
partment store in Birmingham.
The program should prove to be
an interesting one. particularly to
the students ol Howard. The broad¬
cast will be divided into three main
The first par} consists ol the top
song hits among Howard students,
tabulated from cards signed by
many students last week. Between
the song hits, important announce¬
ments will be made regarding fu¬
ture activities on the campus, and
recognition will be given outstand¬
ing events on the campus during
the past.
The third part ol the program
will consist ol a transcription made
on the campus sometime during
the week. The transcription will
bd entirely unrehearaed and will
feature an Interview with several
students on the campus. Who knows
you may be the student interview -
Purpose Of
Class Visits
The class visitation program now
being carried out by visiting team
members is one ol the highlights
ol Religious Focus Week. This
program is designed to present
through lectures and discussion
periods the relationship between
Christianity and each field ol
stud/. Many ol the team members
The Seminar is a directed dis¬
cussion. The leaders ol these dis¬
cussions are men and women who
have had a great deal ol experience
in this sort ol thing and who are
authorities on the subjects over
which they preside. 4^
Monday through Thursday at
4:30, in the auditorium, Mr. Joe
Burton will lead the ever popular
discusion “Love, Marriage and the
Home." This gathering is always
attractive to young and old. single
and married, and even recluses.
Then «ach evening at 8 o’clock
there will be various seminars held
in the several class rooms ol
"Main." Interesting talks and dis¬
cussions on many topics will en¬
lighten and inspire all who attend.
Everyone is invited. Get a pro¬
gram and look it over. Select a
topic that win best be to your lik¬
ing, and be there!
Be sure and listen to “Teen Age
On The Air" 9:30 pjn. Thursday
over WAPI and hear your lavorite
song hits, and a salute to Howard
No. 16
W elcome Focus Week Leaders
appears to be the most prevalent
topic ol conversation, both pro and
con. in Birmingham and all Ala
bama this week.
One would, ol course, think that
serious consideration would be
given this project before making
public comments. The editorials in
our city newspapers the past lew
days have certainly shown very
little deep thought and very
little consideration and respect lor
the present and future status
of our educational institutions,
am speaking specifically ol the
Birmingham News and Age-Herald
editorial stall. Their comments
upon this project have constantly
displayed a tone of belligerence.
The veracity of the above state¬
ment is enhanced by the fact that
the editorial writer ol the afore¬
mentioned newspaper is presently
on the faculty of Birmingham
Southern College!!
The most absurd comment, logi¬
cally. was made last week by _
spokesman representing some sew¬
ing, garden, or knitting circle in
that L^nc Park should not be con¬
sidered as a campus site lor How¬
ard because (ol all things)— “the
hydrangeas are in bloom"!!
Likewise, was the comment ol
another kindly patron who sug
gested that the Childersburg Pow¬
der Plant would be the ideal loca¬
tion lor our campus.
With such a display of brilliant
thought and pearls of wisdom by
John Q. Public, I see that we’re
to have a golden era In education
— hydrangeas and powder plants
.1 • • •
THIS 18 A big week on our
[ions Focus Week.
i to Howard many of the mos
religious leaders avail
tble. Let's all strive to attend these
lightly sessions if possible. No
looM you'll be able to
iral of these leadei
■dividual classes during the doy,
' • • •
A NEW ADDITION to the cam-
>us was begun last week. This
lew structure, in the form of. a
ab. Is to be constructed Just be-
und the Science Hall and close by
Much as this new project is
ranted, valuable parking space Is
»ing consumed. But between a
'•hoice. the advantages ol more
lass rooms, afforded by the new
tructure. far outweigh the dis-
• • •
>d!ege goes “on the air- Thursday
«tht, February 19, at M9 over
MPI. The program entitled "Teen
ig* on the Air" is sponsored by
«arils' and will highlight features
< our campus.
you've probably noticed the bal-
>ta upon which yon indicate yonr
svorite songs. These ballots have
«n tabulated and the college’s
wt favorite tunes, Indicated by
Religious Focus Week Leaders
(Continued on Page 2)
Chapel Services
For Focus Week
Special chapel programs have
been arranged lor Focus Week.
Monday at the eleven o'clock chapel
period Mr. William Hall Preston
will speak on "Applied Christian¬
ity." Tuesday Mr. Relji Hoshizaki
will bring his, personal testimony
ol “What Christ Means to Me." Hev.
J. L. Sullivan will speak on ‘‘Christ's
One Demand" zm Wednesday.
Thursday “College Life at its Best"
will be presented by Mr. Rogers
Smith. The climax ol all the serv¬
ices will come Friday when Dr.
Robert G. Lee brings the closing
message “Yielded Bodies."
Musicians lor the week are Rex
Dickey, chorister, James Earl Pea¬
cock, orgapist, Mlldged Hughles,
pianist, and Edith Van «Keuren,
The presiding officers lor the
week are Neil Shepherd, Marjorie
Goodwin. Marjorie Perkinson, Mar¬
vin Haire, Frank Donaldson, and
Charles Martin.
All students are invited to attend
all these chapel services.
Focus Week
For those who would like to have
conferences with all Focus Week
team members during this week,
arrangements may be made by see¬
ing Louise Anderson or Charles
Granade. It is not necessary that
you have a problem to talk with
these workers.
II you would like information
about Science, arrange to see Geo¬
rge Smith. Alssoc. professor of
Chemistry, at Vanderbilt, or if you
prefer to learn more about missions
see Dr. Sadler, Sec. ol the foreign
missions to Africa, Europe and the
Bear East. Business or Economics
inquired will see Dr. Evans .
These workers are\ trained and
experienced and will be able to
offer counsel and guidance to those
seeking advice.
Morning Watch
For Focus Week
Speakers lor Morning Watch this
week will be members of the Focus
Week team. The general theme lor
the devotionals will be “Draw Nigh
Unto God". These services are held
each morning in the chapel at
The speakers scheduled to speak
Monday through Friday are: Miss
Jenny Lind Gatlin. "Draw Nigh
Unto God Through Prayer"; Rev.
J. L. Sullivan, "Draw Nigh Unto
God Through Bible Study"; Mr.
Robert Entrekin, "Draw Nigh Unto
God Through Music"; Dr. John D.
Freeman, "Draw Nigh Unto God
Through Cooperate Worship"; and
• Maorie Moore, “Draw Nigh
| Unto God Through A vision at
World Need".
Special music has been planned
lor each service.