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Years of Great Tradition
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Johnny Long Judges Beauties
Entre Nous
Beauty Section
Is Completed
Mitchell Heads
Beauty Section
Monday night, January 27, was
a big night not only for the campus
as a whole, but especially for the
fifteen loveliest ladies on Howard
campus who go to make up the
Entre Nous Beauty Parade.
Negotiations were under way to
have the beauties judged by some
prominent person. and when
Johnny Long came to town and
graciously accepted the honor in
person, the Entre Nous editor.
Seymour Wilkes, was over joyed.
In years gone by. those who
judged Howard's most beautiful
girls did so by pictures only. This
year, however, the selection was
made a little differently. A recep¬
tion on the campus was planned for
Mr. Long with special requests for
the beauty contestants to be on
hand for the big occasion. Johnny
had expressed his desire to meet
the girls in person and that — he
did. Til this day we cant say
who was the most excited, Johnny
Long over the sight of so many
beauties, or the beauties, who were
thrilled at meeting a celebrity.
Mr. Long was very informal,
making himself known personally
to all who came to make his How¬
ard reception a big one. It's true
that he didn't get to stay long, but
this visit was long enough to make
his judging difficult and for him
to catch the true, friendly atmos¬
phere among the Howard students.
A large sign was placed over
the door of the sorority lodge,
flooded with spot lights, with wel¬
come greetings to Johnny Long.
Upon seeing such a turnout of
students, and such a cordial wel¬
come, he said, “You shouldn't have
gone to all this trouble."
Johnny had heard of Howard
College many times before, but this
was his first visit Students and
faculty may be sure that he will
visit the campus again on his next
trip to Birmingham.
After the festivities ceased
Johnny settled himself in his
dressing room with the fifteen pic¬
tures of the beauties spread before
him. It was no easy job, but his
selection for first place was Mary
Lee Mitchell. Mary Lod was re¬
cently elected Howard's most beau¬
tiful girl by the student body in a
Who's Who contest She is a
member of Delta Zeta Sorority, a
freshman, from Leeds, Ala, and
was sponsored in the contest by the
Chi Alpha Sigma Fraternity.
Guess well have to “sweat out"
the postman now. You see, in case
of a too- low average, the scholar¬
ship Committee will probably ad¬
vise you of the predicament and
plead with you to better conditions.
What price education!
LATEST THING, sdminisU-a-
ttvely. land this Is official) is that
a “Sarvey of Grades" will be made
***** This move, on the part of
administrative officials is a pro-
cnsslve. forward step in an effort
to evalaate Howard’s departmental
Students Have
Governor James E. Folsom. last
week, appointed Professor Oscar S.
Causey, head of the Education
Department at Howard College, to
serve on his staff in conjunction
with the highly-important "In¬
terim-Committee" on state educa¬
tion. Mr. Causey’s services as a
member of this committee will not
be limited to the educational field
alone, but will include welfare,
health, and conservation aspects of
state government as well.
This move on the part of the
recently inaugurated governor took
Mr. Causey by complete surprise.
He was called early last week by
the governor and asked to report
to his office Immediately. Gov.
Folsom, it is understood, explained
very carefully his far-reaching edu¬
cational plans for the state and the
Importance of the Interim-Commit¬
tee in this progressive step. Mr.
Causey, upon Gov. Folsom's re¬
quest consented to lend his serv¬
ices to the state and to serve on
his personal staff.
The duty of this newly ap¬
pointed committee shall be to
make a careful study of all phases
of state education. The governor
and Mr. Causey will make fre¬
quent visits to the various state
colleges and will report findings
and conclusions to the Interim-
Committee. He will likewise be
called upon to participate in legis¬
lation pertaining to the educa¬
tional field.
Monthly Meeting
The Wesley Fellowship group of
Howard College will hold its
monthly meeting on February 18.
The meeting will be a dinner
meeting, held at the East Lake
Methodist Church. All Methodist
students are invited to make res¬
ervations for this dinner meeting
Make reservations by calling Mrs.
J. E. Murphree (9-08071). Reserva¬
tions must be made on or before
Friday, February 14.
NO DOUBT MANY of us quite
frequently have heard the remark
that the administration was at-
teaptlng to "weed our a few of
the students— all in an effort to
admit those students to Howard
who could not get In because of
the overflowing crowds. This. Dean
Bums and Mrs. Kirkland pointed
*ut, is utterly absurd.
The oft-heard saying was "How-
wd wants to make more money—
by dropping students." This, eco¬
nomically. U Jikewise absurd. There
“ rtrictly no profit in enrolling a
Morning Watch
Prepares!7 or
Focus Week
student, putting him through the
•dministrative red-tape, and then
be forced to drop him because he
fell under the "automatics." The
college wants to keep a student
■ntil graduation, they assured me.
Morning Watch, s time of early
morning fellowship and devotion, is
held each moraig Monday through
Friday in the Auditorium of Main,
from 7:30 to 7.55. Come and en¬
joy fellowship with a hundred per¬
sons and God.
Ingram, sponsored by the A Ca pells
Choir. Martha Ann is a sophomore,
from Tarrant, Alabama, and la a
member of Beta Sigma Omicron
The Dream Girl of Pi Kappa
Phi. Frances Barksdale, won third
place. Alpha Delta PI la her sor¬
ority and she is a freshman from
Dothan. Ala.
Fourth place went to
Jones. Dream Girl of Lambda Chi
Alpha. Benna Jean la a Phi Mu.
bad. One report is that
members of the Bualness Law
had mid-term exam last week
“d without having read One page
** textbook! It just wasn't
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